Most of us exist in a self imposed dream state. Never awakened to the possibilities of life. Yet possibilities abound all around us and we don't even see them. Let Yoga and Meditation guide you towards solutions to even your most challenging problems.

Do we choose not to see or are our eyes simply closed shut? It's a bit of both I'm afraid. Through the use of Yoga and Meditation you will find the answer.

You choose to close your eyes when circumstances are pleasant. When you have a nice job, a beautiful home, a cool car, good heath, a wonderful supporting family, etc. It's only when conflict arises that you're even aware that you're alive. Until conflict and controversy arise, most of us take a very nonchalant and uninvolved attitude towards life. Everything fine, it's not broken so why fix it.

Things only begin to get interesting when conflict and controversy arise. When you lose your job, can't pay the mortgage, your spouse leaves you or becomes ill, etc. Then stress, fear and anxiety take over and you become inundated with your problems. You fear loss of what you have or you actually suffer from a real loss. It doesn't matter. To your mind they are almost the same thing. Both cause you similar levels of stress and anxiety. The first in anticipation of some future event. The latter, from the culmination of the past, as it moves through the present and into the future.

Now what do you do? Run away. Hide. Sink into depression.

Instead try facing your problems and dealing with them head on and in the present moment. Look at them and accept them. When things change and you are challenged, understand that things have changed, and accept this change.

Focus all of your energy and attention on your problem and find a resolution. Accept what is and either choose to stay with it (not change and accept the status quo), or to change it. But the key is that you look at it closely and understand it. Most people don't even take this first step. As a consequence they find themselves truly lost. Tossed aimlessly without purpose or intention by their own circumstances and life's random challenges.

Take charge. Take control of your life now, before these inevitable conflicts arise. Face your existence and accept yourself and life for what it truly is. Don't shade it with your opinions, prejudice, comparison, and beliefs. Then decide with eyes wide open, if this is the life that you really want, or if you need to change it.

Look at your reality. See and be totally honest with yourself. Is this what you need and want? Or is there more for you? Then decide what to do and live................... You always have the final choice. All you have to do is accept what is and then choose.

When you see, and accept what is, all of your stress, fear and anxiety will fade away! Yoga and Meditation can help you live in the present moment and see what is in your life and take advantage of the numerous possibilities that exist out there for you.

Author's Bio: 

For over 35 years I have researched and practiced both the physical and mental aspects of Yoga and Meditation. I am committed to helping people find relief from common psychological disorders like fear, stress and anxiety through the use of Yoga and Meditation. Enjoy a FREE Gift: a guided meditation tour down the "Lazy River" the mystical land of deep relaxation and tranquility. Simply click here now: