"In order to change the print out of the body, we must learn to rewrite the software of the mind." - Deepak Chopra, M.D.

No matter what you've been told, you are not required to decline. Physical and emotional decline are caused by resistance to your natural state of Well-Being. The cells of your body are constantly in the process of regenerating and each new cell has unlimited potential to thrive. Disease and decline are the cumulative effects of restricting your Life Force Energy. So what's the answer? The answer is to allow the unimpeded flow of Source Energy and Well-Being.

Aren't you simply amazed at what a magnificent machine your body is? While you read this sentence, 50,000 cells are being replaced with new cells. During your lifetime, your heart beats three billion times and pumps 48 million gallons of blood. Your brain generates more electrical impulses in one day than all the telephones in the world combined. Your body is a pharmaceutical plant capable of creating any chemical compound it needs. Because your body is constantly recreating itself, if you keep the channel to Source Energy and Well-Being open, there is no need for disease or decline.

As a Reiki Master, I know that pain, discomfort, illness of any kind is blocked Energy. When you feel an unpleasant physical or emotional sensation, it is your guidance system alerting you to a blockage of Energy. You can release that blocked Energy by relaxing. Remember disease is DIS-EASE - lack of ease, lack of free flowing Energy, a block in the Energy stream. Let it flow! Let it flow! Let it flow!

When you feel physical discomfort, your body is asking for healing Energy. As I hike with my dog, Madeleine, I occasionally sense stiffness in my knee or pain in my back. Knowing that pain or stiffness is my body's way of requesting more Life Force Energy, I simply allow more Energy to flow to that area and it becomes a non-issue. A good response to any unwanted feeling is to breathe deeply and allow the healing Energy to flow smoothly and freely.

Your body is remarkably resilient and comes with a self-healing mechanism. The more Energy you allow to flow into your body, the better you will feel and the healthier you will be. Appreciate your magnificent body. Appreciate that the healing process is continually taking place. Appreciate that you are not required to decline.

Author's Bio: 

Kate Corbin is a Law of Attraction Life Coach and the creator of Gold Star Coaching. Both her coaching practice and her two ebooks - Dining at the Cosmic Cafe, How to Be and Do and Have Whatever You Desire as well as Think and Grow Thin with the Law of Attraction - are designed to empower you to truly live the life of your dreams. To contact Coach Kate, check out her books, and subscribe to her free ezine, Magical Musings, visit Gold Star Coaching.