You tell me how determined you are to win in your online business…

You tell me that this time is the time when you will not back down…

You pay mentor upon mentor…

You get all excited for about ten seconds…

And then some event happens…

And there is always some event…

This is not a new occurence…

The details of the event change…


And each time the ‘event happens, you fall off the narrow path…

You go AWOL!

No one can find you for days on end…

And then like clockwork, back you come…

All full of apologies and frustration with yourself…

All ready again to step back onto the narrow path…

All ready to ‘DO THE WORK’ or so you say…

Until the next event happens and then we go through all this craziness again!

I mean, seriously!

Do you want to win or not?

Do you want to impact and make millions or not?

Be honest with yourself because this up down, in-out, rollercoaster ride you keep putting yourself through is frustrating to watch and it is not getting you anywhere…

Why do you act all surprised when some event happens?

It has been happening, in one form or the other, since you lived on this planet!

And why on earth do you think that you are the only one that has to deal with ‘events’?

You almost sound as though I am supposed to be more sympathetic and more understanding because, OMG, can I not see that this ‘event’ happened and of course, you had to take time off to recover from it?

And OMG, how callous am I to expect you to keep moving despite this ‘event’?

And ‘OH Rosemary, you just don’t understand’

“Your life is just too perfect so you don’t understand’

And then you get all sulky and angry with me…

And though I get frustrated, I also find your whole performance pretty funny because it is as though I am supposed to convince you to get off your backside and do what it takes consistently so that you can get YOUR OWN DREAM!!

And once upon a time, I may have done that…

But now, honey, I am done with that!

Either you are the leader I think you are…

Or you are not!

Which is it?

Are you going to be the ‘norm’ that reacts to every single event by quitting on yourself, dropping everything to be there for everyone else except yourself, so petrified that people might think you are selfish for not being the rock in their tragedy…

And honey, your ‘event’ is almost always someone else’s tragedy…

Someone else’s drama that you drop all your own ‘dream life creation stuff’ for.

Or sometimes, it is your own internal drama gone crazy…

And you react in exactly the same way time and time and time again…

And then you come back with tail between legs, complaining about the fact that you cannot make the progress you want to make…

And honey, the question remains and will always remain…




Because ‘events’ happen to us all…

They are a certainty!


No one escapes ‘events’

And you can choose to keep reacting the same way to ‘events’ telling yourself that this one is just the worst and you do have to drop everything to support everyone or take care of yourself…

Or you can choose to be powerful in the face of these CERTAIN ‘EVENTS’?

You can choose to stay on the narrow path even though every single part of you wants to curl up and quit.

You can actually make sure that you have a mentor/coach in place who will call you on your nonsense!


There is so much more for you to be living into and you keep dropping off the path!

You keep going back into the broad road thinking there really is no other way and I, for one, am tired of being drawn into your crazy drama.

I feel for you but until you find the courage to stay in the narrow path, instead of reverting to type every single time an ‘event’ happens, you will continue to get the life of a ‘norm’!

You will continue to be frustrated…

You will continue with this unsatisfying existence with all those mini-program debts(you know the ones I am talking about – Where you are too scared to actually pay the big bucks and work with mentor/coach who will call you out so you pay to stay in their world but then keep dipping and diving, never fully committing)…

All those debts getting bigger and bigger as you jumpon and off the narrow path,  from mentor/coach to mentor/coach hoping to find the one that will allow you to keep reacting to your ‘events’ and someone who will tell you that it is OKAY to just be normal and react.

Good luck to you with that one!

There will always be someone to take your money and promise you that you can remain the same and get a different result.

And you can buy into that nonsense if you like!

Or you can WAKE THE HECK UP!

Do you really think that any successful entrepreneur created their success in a world with no ‘events’?


Do you really think that any of those leaders you admire have some kind of charmed existence where everything goes right all the time?


Do you really think that you are the only one that goes through depression and frustrations and ‘everything going wrong’ events?


Get over yourself and start leading, leader!

Do you want this fulfilling life or not?!

You cannot keep playing this small game and expect to live a big life?

It will not happen.

Honey I love you but it is frustrating to watch you play this game with your life.

It is time to wake up.

Or accept the fact that what you want will never happen because YOU never CHOSE to make it happen.

Your need to ‘react’ was more important to you than your vision…

Your need to save everyone else was more important to you than your dream…

Your need to give in to the pain, depression, hurt, whatever… was more important…

And so you get what you get…


Not much…


You can choose to stop reacting and beome a deliberate designer of your own life experience…

You can stop being a victim to ‘events’…

You can choose to work closely enough with someone that they are able to call you out on your nonsense!

And you can choose to BE CALLED OUT!

And stop looking for pity and sympathy, it does you no good…

You are not a victim…


Will you please step up and live like it?!

Fight for, deliberately design the life you are born to live…

Because you want to!

PS – One of the Cs in The 5C Power Strategy For accelerated Online Business Success is Consistency.  Leader, jump on board and lets get you continually acting rather than start-stopping.

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Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online