We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Abundance". If you have expertise in Abundance and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
I learned something when I was a small child that literally changed my life. My mom used to tell me that my feelings were wrong, and I ended up feeling badly about myself because of that. What I learned from another adult was that feelings aren’t right or wrong, they just are. What I have come ... Views: 6827
Your Outer Reality is A Direct Reflection of How You Feel About Yourself
Your entire outer reality reflects how you feel about yourself. This is based on the Law of Attraction and the Law of Reflection. You have everything in your world for a reason and that reason is there to serve you. Do you ... Views: 7412
Everything Happens for A Reason!
Do you believe that everything happens for a reason? Most people do, but struggle to find out the meaning behind it all. We observe what is happening and have a hard time understanding the big picture. Haven’t you had the experience where you are going through ... Views: 6923
With the recent popularity of articles about manifestation and the law of attraction, more and more people learn and apply the science of manifestation in their everyday lives to achieve success.
At the same time there are many people who think that when they learn about the law of attraction ... Views: 1016
Many people are being drawn to the ideas behind the Law of Attraction, having seen The Secret and maybe read books on the subject.
There has been some controversy regarding the fact that The Secret is a little simplistic. I agree, it is simplistic, but then it has also popularized the subject ... Views: 1788
Here's a basic starting point for getting into the mindset for building wealth.
Now of course you can win the Lottery or sign up for Man UTD or the New York Knicks, but this is for folks determined to build their wealth solidly from the ground up with one dollar and a good attitude! Or indeed ... Views: 869
Abundance The dictionary defines abundance in two ways, as affluence; a lifestyle with more then adequate material possessions, and as a fullness of spirit that overflows. When I speak of abundance most people think of an affluent lifestyle but I am actually referring to both meanings. I believe ... Views: 1498
We are each manifesting all the time. Everything we have in our lives was created by us. The question is how have we been creating? Has it been from a place of conscious intention or out of reaction? From a state of ease and trust or resistance and fear? Have we been creating for ourselves ... Views: 958
A sneak peek into The Abundance Course:
My name is Larry Crane. I am a self-made millionaire businessman, author and teacher. I have been featured in hundreds of articles in newspapers and magazines (including Time and TV Guide), and on T.V. throughout the world. I’ve had the ... Views: 4650
Some seven years ago I penned the article “Manifesting – The Basics”, since then I’ve been researching by way of the experiment that is my life and offer this follow up article as a further look at the subject of manifesting what you want and by implication, living more ... Views: 784
If you are like me, you must be perplexed about the “Law of Attraction” concepts presented in the acclaimed movie “The Secret”. I know I was, so I decided to look a bit deeper into the whole “attraction” craze that most everybody is talking about these ... Views: 827
Like a crystal full of light and reflecting all the colors of the rainbow, we are each filled with a brilliance that manifests into our lives whatever colors we choose. When we disconnect from this inner source of abundance we experience a lack of light and color in the form of scarcity, worry ... Views: 1010
Do you want a happier, easier life? Surf the Love Vibration!
Is life a bit of a struggle? Do you find yourself thwarted at work, unhappy at home, yearning for romance, feeling unappreciated? Then love is your answer. Not romantic love, but Universal love -- the kind that opens the doors of ... Views: 936
The Bible does it ALL
Why spend your money buying countless books of human personal opinions searching for the answer to the question. How can I have an abundant healthy life?
Operating our own business Abundant Healthy Living.com has pre-occupied my mind with that question. Define – Abundant ... Views: 883
Loving money with awareness is knowing that money is a form of energy that represents well being and abundance. Well being and abundance is rightfully belonging to all nature and creation, and you can have as much of it as you want. As long as every part of nature works in harmony with each ... Views: 1705
In my line of work, I have no lack of clients and students seeking to manifest more abundance in their lives. Better finances, better health, better relationships. Everyone wants something, and the universe encourages people to ask and receive. From The Prayer of Jabez to the Abraham-Hicks ... Views: 1275
Balance is often a word tossed around without thought of what is actually means in relation to our lives. If we were to stop and look deeply within ourselves, we may discover that we are actually very much out of balance. In today's world, people tend to say one thing when thinking or feeling ... Views: 1595
In a very distant country in a forgotten town, lived a very poor family. They were so poor that they had the sky as the roof of the house.
One night, the owner of the small house, was watching the stars and saw a shining one and thought:
" Oh, how much, I would like to have one wish granted ... Views: 1052
Let's put to rest the argument concerning giving, especially with regards to giving money. Many ponder and even go as far as to criticize themselves for not giving money. This argument is an extremely heated one. Is there a middle ground? Can one not give money, if one doesn't have any? How ... Views: 880
We have been consciously or unconsciously seeking to feel good – ever since we were kids. As adults, however, we find that it can be something other than a bar of chocolate that can make us feel good: lying on the beach with the wind caressing our body, a promotion, being involved in an ... Views: 2559
· Be happy with who you are and what you currently have in your life.
· Be grateful and appreciate everything.
· See the good in everything you can, and look for something you can learn from things that have not gone as well as you would like.
· Focus on what you want ... Views: 1542
How to feel like a billionaire – without a dime in your pocket!
To illustrate a point, here's an article reported in the French newspaper ... Views: 3844
Every time I have given money to someone coming from the FEELING GOOD space inside of me, it has come back to me, in a short period of time, from sources unexpected, multiplied a minimum of 10 times and as much as a 100 times....
All I have to do is wait for the FEEL GOOD feeling to come over ... Views: 1082
Can I ask you a question? If one day you need to hire a programmer to work for you to program all the software in your company, what kind of software programs would you want this programmer to create and put in for you?
Do you think it will vastly affect your company’s business if he is ... Views: 1195
Cut through the confusion of the Law of Attraction. These clear, basic steps are what you need to propel you to prosperity fast.
It’s 7:30 in the evening, and I’m sitting down with a cup of tea. Earl Grey, my favorite. I pull out a magazine and immediately the phone rings. ... Views: 1204
Have you heard of these statements often? “See it in your Mind”, “You are what you think”, “As a man thinketh so is he”, “If you can conceive it, you can have it”, “If your eyes is full of light, your whole body will be full of ... Views: 1142
Unless you’ve been living in a cave somewhere, you’ve probably heard many times that when you focus on something, you are calling that experience towards yourself. It is the main principle presented in “The Secret” and most of us have come to understand its truth.
Our ... Views: 9487
Humans today are either conscious, unconscious or Consciousness Crusaders. If conscious, then you're at least vaguely aware of your ability to Consciously Create a reality through your deeds, emotions and thoughts. Those that are unconscious know not their impact and are unaware of the negative ... Views: 939
Using the Law of Attraction for Prosperity
You may have seen The Secret. Maybe you’re a fan of Wayne Dyer, Abraham Hicks or Bob Proctor. Or you may just be into positive thinking. But have you noticed that no one tells you HOW to use the Law of Attraction?
That’s right. They ... Views: 1001
By Bill Cottringer
In spite of the fact that far too many people are just surviving un-plentiful lives of quiet desperation, a thriving ride to the Land of Plenty does exist for us all. However, long ago when we decided to come to this life, we hid away the ... Views: 958
Hi and welcome to the first in a weekly series of ATTRACT! newsletters. Our intention is for ATTRACT! to be more
than just useful information, but also a powerful healing tool
in its own right.
Each week we will discuss one or more human energy. For ... Views: 997
I recently received a chain letter. You know the one -- send out to 7 friends right now and in 4 days your wishes will come true. The consequence of not forwarding is usually some terrible unforeseen event. They’re usually sent by some well-meaning hopeful person on your email list. Sometimes I ... Views: 1214
Is winning the lottery pure chance or is it destined?
Seasoned predictive numerologists and astrologers
will tell you that no circumstance in anyone's life is
completely random.
Auspicious times in people's lives are easily seen in
numerology and astrology charts. The far less prosperous ... Views: 5463
“Shallow men believe in luck, believe in circumstances: it was somebody’s name, or he happened to be there at the time, or it was so then, and another day it would have been otherwise. Strong men/women believe in cause and effect”. -Ralph Waldo Emerson
What was he saying ... Views: 1333
The way we think regarding our abilities, our business, our job,
and our wealth is nothing more than a habit -- a habitual way
of thinking, our programming.
This programming is buried deep within our unconscious mind,
and it drives our behavior on a daily basis.
We were born with a wealth ... Views: 1626
Are there effortless means to attract abundance? Most of us may have experienced lack or scarcity at one point or another in our lives. For some, this may even be a daily reality. But what if I tell you that you have the power to change that right now, that there are easy means to attract ... Views: 1238
People have always perceived money, wealth, abundance or prosperity to be scarce. By default, we have come to accept that and live like that in our everyday reality. We have been raised with our parents arguing about money or the lack of resources, we had to scrimp because there is little money, ... Views: 2024
Faith and Abundance Is All There Is
By Chuck Danes
Do you often wonder why it is that the daily events, conditions, and circumstances which happen in life turn out as they do?
Have you ever looked deeply into why those things that you perceive to be negative, those small annoyances as well as ... Views: 1832
How much happiness is there in a piece of paper with the word "happiness" printed upon it?It depends on the person who holds that piece of paper...
How much value is there in a 100 dollar bill?
Same thing...
If you think you're poor and have just enough to make ends meet, an unexpected 100 ... Views: 1758
Money Magazine said that “A coach may be the guardian angel you need to rev up your career.” In fact, if you pick up any major newspaper or magazine, you are bound to come across a glowing article on coaching. It is one of the fastest growing careers, with an estimated 100,000 coaches in the ... Views: 2162
Forget Dreams...Have Visions!
(c) Copyright S. Kumar 2003
Do you still keep that all important 'Inner Spark Alive'? ...even 15 yrs later from college!
To me 4 steps lead to 'true arriving'. Our success domain can be ... Views: 1700