In this moment, I am writing from a deep humble, grateful and peaceful space within me. As I just told a dear friend of mine: “It never stops to amaze me the way in which God brings you the exact message you need when you are opened and receptive to hear it”. Let me explain…
I am going ... Views: 1069
Have you ever contemplated the reasons for which you eat? Is it for survival? Is it for pleasure? Is it to achieve a certain look? Is it to fill up an emotional void? Or is it just plan routine? No matter the reason, you can always choose to look at your food from a life-generating perspective, ... Views: 886
In today’s post, I’d like to talk about some reflections that came after having a conversation with a dear relative of mine… It seems that sometimes we really want to change those habits and addictions that are not working, but at the same time, there is an invisible force behind us that is ... Views: 1054
In today’s post, I want to talk about something I get asked about very often, which is how to deal with sugar cravings. As you know, my approach around this subject is based on spirituality, consciousness and evolution, and therefore, is very different from what other experts suggest. So let us ... Views: 941
I celebrated my birthday this past weekend, so in today’s post, I want to share with you my perspective around this event…
It is funny, because I always feel anxious around my birthday for some strange reason. This time, I could feel it more intensely. It is as if I have a massive amount of ... Views: 1068
Today, I want to share with you three amazing eating rituals that you can incorporate into your daily life. When practiced with love, consciousness and intent, they will surely change your relationship to food and your overall outlook towards yourself and all that surrounds you.
In order to ... Views: 1161
In today’s post, I’m going to discuss the root cause behind the self-sabotaging habits that keep you away from implementing dietary improvements into your life. You’ll be surprised, because it has nothing to do with food…
Have you noticed that calories, fat grams, portion sizes, and endless ... Views: 1444
In today’s post, I will talk about a topic that seems to come up very frequently to most of my clients, which is how to achieve their ideal shape and weigh. I hope you enjoy it, connect the dots, and let yourself thrive...
In today’s world, we are obsessed with achieving a certain body shape ... Views: 1054
Today I want to share with you a conversation I had with a friend over the weekend…
My friend wanted my advice in regards to some new trendy diets that came up this year, and she was curious to know my opinion about them. Several years ago, I would definitely have had the same questions, as I ... Views: 1136
Today, we are digging deeply into one of the most common concerns that we face on a daily basis: our addiction to food. I ask that you open your mind and heart while reflecting on the following words….
In order to understand food addictions, you have to sink into this concept ... Views: 1122
Today, I will share with you some fascinating insights about our bodies, our joints and our infinite capacity to embody all of creation while also being able to anchor deeply in experience. I hope you enjoy this post!
Your body is much more than you can ever imagine. Through it, you may ... Views: 903
In today’s post, I am going to talk about the relationship between our self-presence, body healing and our increasing power at co-creating a life in harmony with Divine Intent.
The first step to attain greater presence is the recognition that life is orchestrated by deeper levels of ... Views: 1028
This past month has had one of the most expansive, yet challenging days for me. When you start questioning and observing your past illusions, it seems that fear knocks the door wanting to get in. I have observed that whenever we fully commit to embrace the unknown, doubt and fear show up almost ... Views: 920
Today, I want to share with you what I have learned after having spent more than 15 years with all sorts of obsessions and fears around food. It is my biggest wish that you can reflect upon these words and embrace the freedom that you truly deserve. Let me explain...
In the past, in order to ... Views: 1054
I really wanted to write this post to share with you that I am thrilled to now be a Belvaspata Level 1&2 practitioner!
After years of looking for a healing modality that would resonate deeply with what I knew was TRUE (specially after reading ACIM), the Force of Life landed me exactly where I ... Views: 997
Today I want to share with you a post that is very dear to my heart. It is said that challenge can either destroy us or make us grow, and the choice is ours. Dealing with an eating disorder has been one of the most difficult, yet most beautiful things I’ve gone through in my life.
And the same ... Views: 1042
In last week’s post I talked about the importance of acknowledging and appreciating your inherent perfection in order to enter the evolutionary impulse of our time. And today, I will be sharing with you a deeper understanding in regards to this topic.
The evolutionary impulse of our time is the ... Views: 898
Have you ever heard comments such as: “There is no such thing as perfection”. Or how about: “Stop trying to be perfect because you’ll never get there”. Well, I DISAGREE…. And here’s why…
In A Course in Miracles it is said that any split in mind must involve a rejection of part of it, and ... Views: 1882
Today I want to talk about a very important topic, which is constantly mentioned, but never deeply understood….
How many of us have not been in a situation in which we crave certain foods, certain feelings, emotions and relationships? How many of us have not developed certain addictions in ... Views: 1174
“Body and mind are one.… The body is the actual outward manifestation, in physical space, of the mind.” ~Candance B. Perth
Today, I want to share with you some reflections that came up after a short trip this past weekend. As many of you know, my “formal professional” studies revolved around ... Views: 1170
Today I have a surprise for you….
On my last week’s post, I talked about the ascension attitudes and the way in which they hold the key in our evolutionary ascension. As a quick reminder, Love, Praise, and Gratitude are called ascension attitudes, because they alter the cellular structure in a ... Views: 843
In today’s post, I will be sharing with you an introduction to the Ascension Attitudes (AA) that I mentioned last week. These are of great value to your personal, emotional and spiritual evolution. Once you get a clear sense of the vastness of your being through practicing them, you will become ... Views: 1071
I’ve always been a person that loves to figure out how to do things and how to get what I want. But I’ve learned that when I try to control the steps, I am actually blocking myself from receiving what is truly mine, which will always lead me to the best possible outcome.
There are infinite ... Views: 1078
“The gift of individuation is the discovery of the Infinite within us, and the continual revelations daily when we live from that place of self-discovery.” ~Anita Briggs
We all have attended social events, and there comes a time in which we can choose to change our perception and expect ... Views: 955
“It takes far greater power to sustain illusion and density than it does to be in purity, which is the natural state of being to which every part of your body resonates.” ~Anita Briggs
In today’s post, I want to share with you a new perspective around aging and decay. As a society, we hold ... Views: 1001