You are who you are at this very moment. Even though you have grown and continue to grow, you will notice that your circle has changed. Some people only see the old you, that’s the only person they have known. But instead of wasting all of your energy trying to change their perception of you, ... Views: 1331
We all have days when we miss someone so terribly that our heart just aches. We never truly get over someone nor are we supposed to. Their loving soul still moves about, all around us. You can feel their presence everywhere.
Life was bearable when you were here, now there is an empty void. ... Views: 1131
At some point in our lives we seek answers to various questions. Rest assured in the knowledge of who you are and what you are made of which lies in your soul. Here are some questions, to name a few: What is my purpose in life? What was I born to do? Where am I supposed to be in this vast ... Views: 1518
With our busy lifestyles we sometimes tend to rush things just to squeeze everything into our busy day. I dropped off the kids at school and made it to work for our important meeting. When I returned home I proceeded to get dinner started, throw laundry in, helped with homework and was finally ... Views: 1119
You often hear, “what you feel on the inside translates to the outside.” The beauty that flows throughout you relates to how you carry yourself. If you are feeling fabulous, it shows through your smile and carries through to your posture.
I never used to wear makeup before, but I do now. When I ... Views: 1114
Everything in life is meant to awaken our sense of being. Every situation that we bear witness to is meant to awaken our true meaning. We are not to pass judgement on these circumstances but to absorb the true meaning of it. Judgment clouds our openness and attaches us to the situation.
When ... Views: 1452
I am writing about this subject matter because it affects all of us on a daily basis. Each day we transform ourselves through our thoughts, actions or a life event. The people around us may be a strong influence on the types of changes we wish to make.
The transformation process affects any ... Views: 1035
Sometimes our busy schedule does not allow us to sit and think about how life works because we are too busy living it. There is a natural flow to life; it is about our energy, the energy that surrounds us and that which we choose to absorb.
I refer to everything in life as yin and yang. ... Views: 1375
Occasionally I watch various TV shows where people display their talents. Inside each person was a level of nervousness. Sadly, I felt that some were judged by the way they looked before they even displayed their talent. Not every show displayed this, but there were some.
It is sad that some ... Views: 1061
We all hold others in high regard. When we give all of our love and devotion, we expect others to live up to the same expectations. When we call others to catch up or to show our concern, we expect the same when we are going through things as well.
When we reach out, you shouldn’t have any ... Views: 1198
The human body is so unique. It is amazing how each cell and organ work together to make us function. I wish to point out three things which strike me the most; the voice, the brain and the hands.
Your voice lets the world know your most inner thoughts and emotions. Your voice speaks of ... Views: 1247
We live our lives grabbing every moment of happiness that we can. We cling to the fabulous moments and pray to get through the tough times. We enjoy the company of those who surround us in good times and bad. We treasure those relationships that are far away and strive to keep the ... Views: 1216
You are different than I am, or should I say that I am different than you are. This is the one thing that we are so far from seeing and accepting, everyone’s differences.
Sure, we have gotten better at showing off our own individuality by coloring our hair, sporting more tattoos and wearing ... Views: 1120
This article focuses on women and the strong, nourishing love which we have within us. We share all of our unique qualities with others while on our amazing journey through life.
Throughout time men have been the providers and women have been the nurturers. It was when women joined the ... Views: 1135
Contentment-a state of happiness and satisfaction.
Comfort-a state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint.
Life is a continuous state of being in any particular moment. The moments flee with the blink of an eye. When the world around us seems like it has gone crazy, yet you ... Views: 1307
You can have an abundance of love just as you might have an abundance of hard times. “My cup runneth over,” means that I have abundance in my life. We can look at how someone has abundance in; joy, love, friendship, wealth, status, spirituality, compassion, a state of being, knowledge, etc. ... Views: 1197
Sometimes we self-sabotage ourselves by placing obstacles in our path, and we do this out of fear. What is fear? Fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat. Fear starts in the brain and sends messages throughout ... Views: 1195
One cannot look at the future without remembering their past. As the New Year approaches, you think about the future and you measure how far you’ve come by looking back on the past.
The past is much more than a mile marker of your life. When you sit and think of the past you will piece ... Views: 1167
As our New Year approaches, we reflect back on 2015. It was a year full of good and bad, one will outweigh the other depending upon who you ask. Some of us have attained our goals while others dare to dream. May the New Year give you the courage and strength to pursue all of your dreams and ... Views: 1271
Somewhere, lost in the shuffle, is a person who has no part in anything other than just trying to exist is this world. This is a person who knows the true meaning of the word struggle. Their main goal in life is just to survive one more day on this earth. This person has no internet, the food ... Views: 1172
I have so many wonderful people and things in my life which I am so grateful for. Every moment of every day is a treasure waiting to be found. Sometimes the craziness of life gets in the way of feeling appreciative for every moment.
When I was younger I used to say my thanks at bedtime. I ... Views: 1127
During our most intense moments in life we reach for a hand to hold. As we sit and wait for the doctor to come and speak to us, as we wait for results, as we watch someone attain their goals, we reach for another soul.
Through the joys and pains, the excitement and tears we hold on to another ... Views: 1200
There is an easy flow that life follows. All in life has a balance. When you are in harmony with your mind, soul and spirit, you can feel it. When you walk in nature your cares seem to disappear, your worries dissipate, this is the flow of life, and this is life in complete harmony. Just a ... Views: 1157
You are just a pebble that washed up on the beach. You glisten in the sunshine and it reveals your sparkle and uniqueness. You are just one on a beach filled with millions. You can be found in streams, rivers, lakes and oceans. Wherever you are someone is always drawn to you. You are a ... Views: 1056
A simple phrase, but sometimes it is very hard to maintain. Peace is a state of mind, of simply being. Somedays it is hard to reach that harmony with mind, body and spirit to simply be at peace. Think about it for a moment. For the mind not to worry or be stressed, the soul to be in ... Views: 1241
When you are in the middle of a crisis, your mind rushes in with all different scenarios on how to handle the situation. Besides praying, meditating and worrying, it all boils down to you having faith in yourself. Just believing in yourself and knowing that you are capable of doing the very ... Views: 1278
What is it that is stressing you? What do you do to reduce your stress level?
There are two types of levels that can stress you, world issues and personal issues. The world issues are things that happen all over the world, they can be war, devastation brought on by Mother Nature or economic ... Views: 1368
A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Some people take that step with a strong sense of enthusiasm and adventure. Some people remain idle out of fear of the unknown.
Life is about time and with whom you spend your time with. Life entails the births, vacations, celebrations, the ... Views: 1596
It took a lot of people to stand up and make sacrifices in order for you to have your freedom. As they say, freedom is not free.
Here are some examples of the types of freedom: Economic Freedom, Religious Freedom, Freedom of Movement, Self Defense, Political Freedom and Personal Freedom.
This ... Views: 1144
Every living thing has a spirit. The spirit never dies; it lives on through the actions and memories of others. A spirit can pass from generation to generation.
The spirit is a part of your heart and soul. It is everything that you love and hold so dear in your heart. It is everything that ... Views: 1010
The mind is so complex that I will only touch upon a few things. Our mind is used for consciousness, perception, thinking, judgement, and memory.
Our consciousness is an awareness of ourselves and others. Our consciousness enables us to experience and feel things. Consciousness is our ... Views: 1052
You were born with this body, it is up to you to feed, cleanse and maintain it. Through the years your body has gone through changes; pregnancies, operations, and countless scrapes and cuts, acknowledge what your body has gone through and let your body heal from those changes.
For people with ... Views: 1075
I’m not broken; I don’t have any issues, I don’t need to be healed. I had a wonderful childhood and my teenage and college years were filled with great friends and wonderful experiences. I don’t have any middle child issues or relationship issues. My parents were always there for me and ... Views: 1016
This series is to reminisce about times gone by as well as future events for you to ponder. Life is so amazing! We learn and grow from each new experience.
When you look at life it is more than going from point A to point B, it is about the journey in between; the ups and downs and the people ... Views: 1062
This one simple, little question might leave you thinking about the answers for days. It might leave you questioning what your life has been about. For some, this question will lead you down a new path. The question is, “What Was I Born to Do?”
There are many levels to this question.
1. ... Views: 1521
Once you quit something you awareness of it increases and your senses become heightened. That’s why when you quit smoking or are dieting; you crave it more because your senses are heightened. You smell a cigarette nearby; it seems like everywhere you look you see the foods that you are trying ... Views: 1129
As Easter approaches, family and friends will be gathered at the table for Easter dinner. Mom’s prized turkey and Aunt Linda’s delicious casserole will be served. The Easter bunny is there and the Easter Egg Hunt is underway. Laughter and shouts of, “I found one,” can be echoed throughout the ... Views: 1419
I commend you for your courage and strength to stay when leaving would have been so easy.
I commend you for knowing just what to say when I am at a loss for words.
I commend you for being so smart and never making anyone feel inadequate.
I commend you for your passion for making ... Views: 1633
We remember as kids grabbing blankets, pillows and sheets and throwing them on any piece of furniture that we could and we made a fort. We would bring toys in the fort and play in there for hours. Oh, what fun that was!
We also made tree forts. We took our time and picked out the perfect ... Views: 1772
To be open is to receive all things with all your mind, soul and spirit. But, it is much more than that. It is about believing that you are worthy of having such wonderful things. It is about you believing in yourself, that you are worthy. Everyone is worthy of great things.
We continually ... Views: 1087
We are living, breathing souls; some of us are troubled souls. Some of us feel like we have lost our soul or have made a deal with the devil to try and save it.
Whatever your case may be, offer love and compassion as an extension of one’s self. If you are in a dark place, there is light. ... Views: 1114
You take two steps forward and then something happened leaving you feeling like you have taken a giant step backwards, don’t give up. If you have tried something numerous times and have gained no ground, don’t give up hope. On some days it might feel like you are spinning your wheels, like ... Views: 1197
Some of us are more sensitive than others. What bothers one may have a profound effect on another. I am speaking about someone who is sensitive to others’ needs. I am speaking of humanitarians, volunteers or someone who generally feels the pain or needs of others. I am speaking of scientist ... Views: 1189
Embrace who you are as there is only one you.
Embrace all of the endless possibilities that each new day brings.
Embrace chance meetings and other unexplainable events.
Embrace change and all of the events that take place because of that change.
Embrace love, regardless if it is for ... Views: 1353
You can let your inner light shine by not succumbing to fear. Fear can paralyze you. Fear can also make you do some crazy things. Never let fear consume you. Fear to take a step forward, stay where you are or take a step backwards is unhealthy. I wrote this because there are so many who are ... Views: 1290
Let’s start out with the definition of euphoric before I start talking about it. Euphoric: characterized by or feeling intense excitement and happiness. Great, now that we have that out of the way we can jump into it.
A feeling of intense excitement or happiness, I can think of a ton of ... Views: 1178
Our inner spirit can be damaged by outside forces. Even though our spirit is very strong, it is also susceptible to taking a blow when we get hurt mentally or physically.
Some people are fine tuned to their inner spirit. They know all of the great qualities that define who they are and they ... Views: 1763
Each year we get one step closer to the world we envision. I am the dreamer, the visionary. My dream for 2015 is to live in a peaceful world. Is it possible? I believe it is.
We have three things in life; drama which is senseless chatter, we have cause which is desire and action and then ... Views: 1578
Whatever you have gone through or are currently going through, it is very important for you to know that you are not alone. No matter how devastated you feel, you will get through it. When you feel that you can’t take it anymore, you have to realize that you do have options. You have to talk ... Views: 1386
This article is about Christmas. You can fondly remember your favorite Christmas. Maybe it was the one when you received that toy that you were dying to get. Maybe it was the one when your grandma and aunt showed up, you haven’t seen them in a very long time. Or, maybe it was the one you ... Views: 1458