We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Men's Psychology". If you have expertise in Men's Psychology and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
If a man is straight, it could be said that it will be normal for him to have the need to be seen as desirable to the opposite sex. And while this could apply to women in general, it could have far more to do with the type of women that he finds attractive.
Through being seen as desirable, a ... Views: 1122
Step 1: Understand the user's goal and get acquainted with the reasons for buying people
What is the purpose of the target market?
First, it's better to have a detailed explanation of the target market. The target market is a small part of the market available to people who ... Views: 1110
If a man is single, he may find that there is no one is his life that he can share certain things with. This can relate to how he feels, the challenges that he is going through and the things that he has done that he is not too happy about, for instance.
He can then have a big family and ... Views: 983
What a man may find, that’s if he was to take a step back and to reflect on his life, is that it is a challenge for him to assert himself. As a result of this, it can be normal for other people to walk over him.
It is then not that other people will physically walk over him; it is that they ... Views: 918
My difficult father by Beth Shepherd psychic. A case study. Names etc changed.
I realised that my dad was a controlling and selfish, demanding fault finding man when I reached the age of twelve. I could never do anything right. One day when I was standing in the kitchen stirring the ... Views: 960
Dear Dr. Romance:
I am so happy I could find someone like you to talk to. I am a regular guy and I use your articles for my relationship and it has really helped me. But I am sending you this mail because I need your assistance and i need it fast.
The problem is I have a very hot temper and it ... Views: 1204
Dear Dr. Romance:
I was dating this guy for about 2 years. During the time that we were together we had some good times and bad. For one he was cheating on me with another girl then we got back together. During that time we worked hard to make the relationship work then I found out that ... Views: 1431
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is experienced by millions of men worldwide. This being said, it is important to note that experiencing ED once in a while does not necessarily warrant concern. This article will provide you with insight into some of the most common causes of this problem, thus helping ... Views: 1320
Today’s blog is about pain and the prescription for it, all rolled into one! First, let’s talk about the pain.
I hear all kinds of complaints about men from women. I hear frustration, genuine concern and fears that mostly centre around the fact that they don’t feel they’re getting what they ... Views: 1702
For some men, casual sex is something that they will engage in from time to time, while there are others who only have casual sex. When it comes to the former, this could be something that takes place after a man has just been in a relationship.
Going with another woman, more or less ... Views: 1556
Before a man has even got to the point where he is in a relationship with a woman, there is a strong chance that they will already be having sex. If this is not the case, it could show that he is religious.
Conversely, it could be a sign that he is more traditional and wants to take his ... Views: 1603
If a man was to end up in an intimate relationship, he may find that he feels fairly comfortable. Perhaps he is with someone who he has a good connection with and is physically attracted to.
There is then going to be no reason for him to keep this area of his life to himself, with him being ... Views: 1467
In my work as a Relationship Architect, I hear so many questions come up – and some more than others. One of the most common questions I get from couples in short-term and long-term partnerships is around relationship expectations.
What do you expect of me? What do you need me to do? What ... Views: 1487
Today I’m Asking You: What Do We Do?
Rather than giving you my relationship advice like I do in most of my blogs, I’m going to do something a little differently today!
Rather than “teach” anything, I am simply sharing some questions around how men and women relate to each other. When men ... Views: 1775
Sadly, along all the political back and forth that is polarizing men and women and in many of the relationships I see, I fear humanity is getting thrown in the rubbish.
Relationships haven’t been about connecting and community. It’s been about men vs. women. It’s been about truth vs. lies. ... Views: 1456
It is sometimes difficult for women to find the right men and especially for BBW. This is because men tend to be more superficial when it comes to qualities referring to physical appearance of women. This means that there are a lot of women who start as losers in the dating game even from the ... Views: 1517
Locating the ideal electronics gifts for your man or men in your life is not always as simple a task as it looks. On the flip side, you can not fail with technology and electronic equipment. From clever TVs to smart house accessories, speakers, earbuds, gaming gadgets, and everything in between, ... Views: 1588
Being a cougar might sound like something out of a movie? Cougars exist and they actually found some young men who they can date. What women need to understand is that this role can actually apply to everyone who is looking for a way to have a good time with men who want to take you on the ... Views: 1319
During an exchange of pleasantries in a friendly chat with some of my friends, we unintentionally ventured into the abstract concept of happiness.
One of our friends was feeling down. In an attempt to cheer him up, we tried to convince him that his state of unhappiness was temporary and it ... Views: 1369
When a man and a woman are together, and they are both in touch with their power, there will be no need for one of them to try to rescue the other. They will both have boundaries and they won’t be carrying too much baggage.
So, instead of seeing each other as competitors; they will be able ... Views: 1427
A BBW is just like any women, she is expecting to be kept on her toes when it comes to bedroom action. A man needs to understand that it does not matter how much weights a woman for her to be satisfied in the bedroom. Making a woman feel good is the best gift that you can offer her.
Where ... Views: 2254
How To Be Good In Bed: How To Fulfill A Woman In Bed - How Much Time Is Required To Satisfy A Woman
The important thing about sex is the consideration one has for one's partner's preferences. One should also respect one's partner's wishes.
Sex is not about doing what you alone desire but ... Views: 1990
How To Delay Sperm During Intercourse: How To Make Sperm Come Out Late
If you've arrived at this article, the chances are that one or more of the following are true in your sex life;
- You are sick to the back teeth of coming too early during sex
- You're unable to control your climax ... Views: 6466
How To Avoid Quick Sperm Release And Stay Long In Bed: How To Control Fast Sperm Release - How To Control Sperm Coming Soon
Premature ejaculation is definitely a common problem and around 1 in 3 men will experience it at some time in their lives. If you're in this situation then what you need ... Views: 8736
In Pakistani culture, many sayings/ concepts have taken the place of cultural things, and people consciously/unconsciously accepts them and adopt them in their life. One of those concepts is, “ to be overly obedient to your wife” ( beewi key neechey lag jana). It means that if someone is taking ... Views: 2424
Covert Emotional Manipulation can be crazy-making. It is often subtle, intermittent and doesn't come with any warning signs early on.
It is often after many months or years, you may begin to "catch on" that you are being covertly emotionally manipulated! You may begin to doubt your ... Views: 2317
(An excerpt from the Vissell’s new book, To Really Love a Man)
TO REALLY LOVE A MAN IS TO CHOOSE HIM OVER AND OVER AGAIN. It’s not enough to say marriage vows one time, though that is certainly important. The relationship is deepened if you let him know often that you would choose him all ... Views: 2002
If a man was to find out that a woman is unable to handle life and needs other people to prop her up, he could soon come to the conclusion that it would be better for him to move on. It will be only too clear that being with a woman like this is going to be more trouble than it’s worth.
Two ... Views: 2137
If someone was to go into a certain environment, such as a university, they may come across a number of men who describe themselves as ‘feminists’. Yet, one won’t have to go somewhere like this is if they want to find men like this, as they can just use social media instead.
A Number of ... Views: 2030
If a man behaves in a negative or destructive manner, it is often put down to ‘toxic masculinity’. This is something that a feminist on TV can come out with, as well as someone who isn’t a feminist.
Now, it could be said that this is because feminists have a good understanding of what is ... Views: 2195
While the short-term problems created by anger are bad enough, consider some of the long-term effects…
Negative Effects of Anger
The negative effects of chronic anger are far-reaching. People who lack the ability to manage their anger have a higher chance of the following…
Low ... Views: 7455
While there are some men who offer their assistance when it is needed, there are others who have a different approach. Here, it is not going to be enough for a man to offer their hand from time to time, they will need to take things further.
An Identity
A man can believe that it is not ... Views: 2413
*****If you believe you are dealing with a toxic relationship in your life (manipulator, narcissistic, low empathy) our empowerment & support group may be of help.
We meet in Midtown Manhattan. Limited Seating. For more information contact me on Psychology ... Views: 2201
It could be said that in order for one person to have a relationship with another person, they will need to be able to relate to them as another human being. If they see them as being above or below them, it is going to make it harder for them to truly connect to them.
When it comes to the ... Views: 2296
Men are expected to put themselves at risk. It's part of performing masculinity — the stuff everybody does every day to act like their gender "should."
For guys, this means leaping into danger. Because that's considered "manly," and being manly is what you dad taught you to be. It means ... Views: 2455
Dear Dr. Romance: I was very attracted to a lady and I did things for her with out asking for any thing in return. She was single and I fixed her jeep, I put down new linoleum in her kitchen for her, we did go out together for drinks, dinner, dancing, movies as ... Views: 2242
Dear Dr. Romance: Hi, I read a few of your articles. I always find your info helpful and interesting I have been divorced now going on 6 years, I am man in my early 40s, and have been internet dating consistently. Yikes! I never have trouble getting the ... Views: 2331
As a writer, I became interested in understanding the plight of men back in the nineties when Robert Bly, Sam Keen and other men who pioneered the Men’s Movement began to write and speak up. I was curious and it fascinated me to read books like Fire in the Belly and Iron John. It also helped ... Views: 2594
Imagine that you are already in your college days
and still you can’t find a date.
Or even asking someone for a date
is a misery for you.
In short, you find it hard
to approach women and lack confidence
in yourself
Seduction techniques in this new millennium are on the rise. ... Views: 2157
Check out my newest article on THE HUFF POST Everyday Heroes and How to Make an Extraordinary Difference
During this Chriѕtmаѕ season, we have two main things on our mind. The first one is decorating our house for Christmas and finding the best Christmas decorations and ornaments which will bring the holiday spirit into our home. The second important task is finding the best gifts for our loved ... Views: 2177
When it comes to how men behave around women, there are two types of behaviour that are often spoken about. On one side, there is the man who acts as though he doesn’t care and, on the other, there is the man who cares too much.
Two Sides
There is then a spectrum, and a man can be on ... Views: 2224
How a guy’s life changes, after getting married
As it is rightly said-“A Perfect Marriage is just two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other”.
Marriage is not a bed of roses.
It is not only about sending modern invitations through trendy sites like www.that1card.com and making ... Views: 1892
Your wife can be dying in silence why still performing her wifely duties, you will need to know her to know when she needs to be fixed.
When a woman is always moody, cries a lot, yell on Children, can easily sleep or sleep a lot, she may be with battling something you are not careful enough to ... Views: 2632
I was out with one of my mates Sam. Just a usual night of fun and banter with the ladies of Copenhagen. After the night was over Sam commented on something he noticed about my interactions with women.
He said: "yeah, you seemed to be holding sets really well, like no wandering eyes from the ... Views: 2156
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The Nice Guy Problem - by http://instituteofselfmastery.com.au/about-us/meet-the-founder-felicity-muscat/
Relationships are an integral part of most people’s lives. If you are like the majority of people in the world, you want a good, healthy relationship with someone else. The problem is that there are so many different approaches to relationships, and it often feels like the nicest, healthiest ... Views: 1822
Hi Friends,
Relationship Coaching is empowering! It will help you transform your relationships (including the one with yourself!).
Relationship Coaching is all the craze these days and you don't need to spend countless months or years in therapy.
Here are 3 Reasons why it can ... Views: 2095
Face-to-Face conversation with a Delhi-based astrologer – how?
A cakewalk? Obviously not. It is always tough to talk to a stranger, be it an Astrologer in Delhi. It is not like you blurt out your problems and they answer with a solution. A one-way, yes, but not exactly like this. There is ... Views: 1772
If one is into self-development or if they simply stay up to date with what its taking place in the mainstream media, they may have heard people talk about how men need to embrace their feminine side/nature. This is because they are out of touch with this side of themselves, and unless this ... Views: 1984
If a man has the desire to in a relationship with a woman, he could end up taking action. This could then be a time when he will go out to different bars and clubs, and he could even join a few dating sites.
What this could show is that he has recently broken up with someone, and he now ... Views: 1942