How to Control Your Husband Without Him Knowing: How to Keep My Husband in My Control
Being married is a wonderful feeling but it comes with a lot of responsibility. Here are some ways to make sure that your man stays in control and never wavers to create any difficulties for you.
If you ... Views: 17733
My Husband Doesn't Want To Have Sex Because I'm Fat: Husband Makes Comments about My Weight
Answer the following questions below to help determine whether your marriage can be saved or if your husband is cheating on you. Remember, you clicked on this article and in order for this to work you ... Views: 927
My Husband Ignores Me: What To Do When Your Husband Ignores You
Are you being ignored by your husband? If you are, you're certainly not alone. This is one of the most common complaints of married women. Being married to a man who starts to neglect them and take them for granted. It's very ... Views: 1238
How To Stop Arguing With Your Spouse: How To Handle Arguments In A Marriage
Want to stop arguing with your spouse? If you and your spouse are always fighting, you'll want to read this article. It matters little what you fight about -- money, kids, household chores -- what matters most is the ... Views: 737
How To Attract Husband Attention: What To Do If Your Husband Is Not Attracted To You - How To Attract Husband Physically
This article should be a "mantra" for any woman with the strong desire to attract her husband, lover or friend and have him begging for her attention, and pleasing all her ... Views: 1084
My Wife Says She Regrets Marrying Me: What Shoud I Do If My Partner Regrets Marrying Me
Your marriage has seen better days. You feel that emotionally you and your wife are farther apart than you've ever been. It's worrisome and you're convinced that if you ignore what's happening within your ... Views: 3868
"My husband hurt my feelings." That statement is always said with some sadness. Our spouse is the person we're closest to. They are supposed to be our emotional safe spot in the world so when they say something hurtful, the pain runs deeply. One big problem in many marriages is the husband ... Views: 3875
How To Get Your Husband To Man Up: How To Get Your Husband To Act Like A Man
Could you use some marriage help to get your husband to man up and be the help mate you need and deserve? Well, I wish I could hypnotize your husband so he could be motivated to be all that he could be but that would ... Views: 706
How Do I Get My Wife To Come Back Home: How To Soften My Wife's Hardened Heart
When you're marriage falls apart, you can't help but feel like you're a failure. You have been with your wife for so long. To think that she's coped with you until now must seem like a miracle to you. If you know ... Views: 3970
How To Deal With In Laws You Don't Like And Keep Your Marriage: How To Deal With Horrible In Laws
Marriage does not only involve you and your spouse but it also involves dealing with in-laws. It is a fact of life and to keep your marriage you also have to know how to manage the people that ... Views: 727
How To Restore The Intimacy In Your Marriage: How To Build Emotional Intimacy In Marriage
When you are in a long-term relationship like marriage, things will not stay the same through the years. Life becomes a routine. The demands and responsibilities of married life can take away the ... Views: 1003
My Wife Doesn't Trust Me: What Do I Do If My Wife Doesn't Believe Any Word I Say
If you have a marriage in trouble because your wife doesn't trust you then you've got a long haul ahead of you, but not an impossible task.
Obviously trust in a marriage is vital for it to have any hope of ... Views: 4229
My Wife Blames Me For Everything: Things To Do If Your Partner Blames You For Everything
Problems in marriage can arise for a ton of different things.
A good friend of mine the other day was venting on the phone and said "my wife blames me for everything". Thinking he was just being ... Views: 2735
When Your Spouse Wants to End the Marriage But You Want to Continue: Steps to Take to Rebuild Your Marriage
Sometimes there is an impasse in a relationship where one person in the relationship wants it to go on, but the other person does not want it to go on. This can be a hard time for both ... Views: 713
Have Trouble Dealing With Your Wife's Sexual Past: How To Let Go Of Your Spouse's Past - Dealing With A Sexual Past In A Marriage
Are you having trouble dealing with your wife's sexual past, and now it's really starting to affect your marriage in a negative way?
Believe me, you're ... Views: 3138
How To Be A Better Wife: Pull Your Spouse Closer to You Again - 5 Steps To Improving Your Marriage
Have you been struggling to figure out how to be a better wife and improve your marriage? Well, marriage can sometimes be difficult but if it's not great for both of you then something needs to ... Views: 764
How To Be A Better Husband: How To Keep Passion In A Marriage - 5 Steps To A Better Marriage
Are you waiting for your wife to change before you figure out how to be a better husband? Have you been struggling with not being thought of as "The Man" if you start to give in and work at being a ... Views: 628
My Husband Is Annoying: How To Get Your Husband To Be Less Annoying - How To Deal With An Annoying Husband
If you're thinking "my husband is annoying" and you don't know what to do then you need help.
It's easily to side with someone in this situation. As a man I could easily side with ... Views: 1137
What To Do When The Feelings Of Love Are Gone In A Marriage: Is It Normal To Fall Out Of Love With Your Spouse
Are you in a marriage where that spark...those feelings of love are fading or worse...gone? If so then this marriage advice will help you get back on the road to a happy marriage. So ... Views: 659
My Husband Doesn't Spend Time With Me: What To Do When Your Husband Doesn't Want To Spend Time With You - What To Do When You Are Lonely In Marriage
Are you worried because your husband doesn't seem to want to spend time with you anymore like he once did?
You're certainly not alone. Wives ... Views: 5933
How To Understand Husband Behavior: How To Understand Husband Psychology - Understanding Your Husband
Whether you have been married for 2 days or 20 years, understanding your husband can be a challenge, to say the least. It's not that he is overly complicated it's probably that he doesn't ... Views: 2310
My Husband And I Argue All The Time: Why Does My Husband Pick Fights With Me - When Couples Argue Constantly
Constant fighting in marriages is very common - this is why there are a lot of wives complaining, "my husband and I argue all the time." The fact is, while fighting is common like I ... Views: 788
How To Make A Marriage Last A Lifetime: How To Make Your Marriage Work
When we get married, we always want to last it forever. No one signs the papers, thinking, "this is going to end one day, anyway." If you want it to end, then why would you get married in the first place? But, it's ... Views: 1026
How To Keep My Husband And I From Drifting Apart In Our Marriage: How To Check Back Into Your Marriage
I wonder how many wives struggle each day with the thought "how do I keep my husband and I from drifting apart in our marriage?" It's a very important question to be answered and can make ... Views: 693
How To Grow Your Marriage: Building the Marriage of Your Dreams Together
There was a connection between the two of you that grew into something special because you got married. You both worked hard to build your relationship but then with all too many, once they get married, they stop. I have ... Views: 697
How To Restore Your Marriage: Marriage Restoration After Divorce - How To Restore Your Marriage And Fall In Love Again
Has complacency settled in, do you both take your relationship for granted, is your marriage going nowhere fast? I guess that in this day and age it is all to easy to let the ... Views: 773
Can Your Marriage Ever Be The Same Again: Can A Marriage Go Back To Normal After Cheating - How To Have A Healthy Relationship After Cheating
You have reached a crisis point in your marriage, and you are struggling with the question, can your marriage ever be the same again?
If only you ... Views: 686
How To Improve Your Relationship With Your Husband: Tips For Good Relationship Between Husband And Wife
Are you married but feel as though you are strangers living under the same roof? You probably no longer have meaningful conversations, no more passionate kisses or hugs and dare I mention ... Views: 991
Is Your Bad Attitude Killing Your Marriage: Change Your Attitude... Transform Your Marriage
Is your marriage glass half full or half empty? Is it party sunny or partly cloudy in your marriage? Is your marriage not that bad or not that good? Is your attitude killing your marriage or is your ... Views: 636
My Wife Is Always Mad At Me: My Wife Gets Angry Over Little Things - Why Is My Wife Always Upset With Me
Are you in a marriage where you're always feeling like my wife is always mad at me?
Well you're certainly not alone.
I actually was in your exact situation but figured out how to ... Views: 5540
My Wife Complains About Everything: How To Stop My Wife From Always Complaining
Have you nearly had it with your marriage because you're saying my wife complains about everything?
If your wife is complaining about everything then I know how frustrating that can be.
It sounds like ... Views: 10589
My Wife Is Controlling: Living With A Controlling Wife - How To Deal With A Controlling Spouse
Are you in a marriage where you're saying my wife is controlling and it's ruining my marriage?
If this is the case then you have to know that you're now alone... Not by a long shot!
But the good ... Views: 3272
How Can You Fix A Marriage After An Emotional Affair: How To Deal With Emotional Cheating - Coping With Emotional Affairs And Inappropriate Talk
Couples often wonder how can you fix a marriage after an emotional affair especially if much damage has already been done to the marriage?
Can ... Views: 1778
My Wife Doesn't Initiate Sex: Why Does She Never Initiate Sex? Why Must I Beg For It?
Are you in a marriage where your wife doesn't initiate sex, but you really wish she would?
Well you're not alone in this at happened in my marriage, and many (if not most) other men's marriages ... Views: 7916
Staying Together When You No Longer Love Your Husband: Not In Love With My Husband Anymore What Do I Do
Do you find yourself struggling to find a reason for staying together and often think "what happened to us"? Perhaps the only thing that is keeping you from leaving is the kids or financial ... Views: 742
How To Revitalize Your Marriage: How to Revitalize Love and Passion With Your Partner
As you are probably aware, a lack of communication is one of the biggest killers of marriages. There are two vitally important elements to building a loving and healthy marriage, communication and spending ... Views: 663
Why Has Your Marriage Gone Stale: How to Prevent a Stagnant Marriage
Why has your marriage gone stale? At some point, however far back you first saw each other. Maybe it was love at first sight, or maybe you took a bit of time to get to know each other. You both must have liked what you saw ... Views: 810
How To Have A Happy Marriage: What Makes A Happy Marriage - How To Make Married Life Interesting
Having a happy marriage should be the norm and status quo, but half the battle is in picking your mate. If your mate isn't perfect, and you still want to stay with her, you should take some steps ... Views: 871
How can I get my husband to listen to me? You're frustrated and you're feeling alone within your marriage. You sense that your husband has just grown tired of you and he's showing that by ignoring you when you speak to him. It's exasperating and it leaves you feeling neglected and unappreciated. ... Views: 1037
How To Make The Bond Of Marriage Stronger: Building A Strong Marriage Foundation
Nobody marries to have a miserable time, we are all looking for our, and they lived happily ever after. I think that it doesn't matter how long you have been married, there is always something that you can do to ... Views: 1056
How To Improve Your Married Life: How To Improve Marriage Without Talking About It
Just because you've got married that does not mean that it is the end of the story, it's just the beginning. When you start out you don't know everything about your spouse, and what it takes to be a good ... Views: 832
How To Enhance The Excitement In Your Marriage: How To Keep A Marriage Spicy - How To Strengthen Your Marriage
You are not always going to be head over heels about your spouse, I agree, it would be nice, but it won't happen. Once your honeymoon period comes to an end and you return to earth, ... Views: 836
How To Know If He's Marriage Material: How To Know He's The One To Marry - How To Know If Your Man Is Marriage Material
You've been together for a good while now, long enough to get to know each other and all your little quirks. If you have a stable relationship and if you are comfortable ... Views: 1035
How To Help Build Up Your Spouse's Self Esteem: How To Support A Partner With Low Self Esteem
Low self-esteem is a debilitating condition. It causes the sufferer to endure great difficulty in getting close to people and opening up to them. Sufferers can drift through life in a sea of ... Views: 1211
How to Not Take Your Wife for Granted: How To Avoid Taking Your Partner For Granted
When you first got together I would imagine that you couldn't do enough for each other, you must have done enough to hold each others interests as you got married. Once you were married and the newness and ... Views: 1425
Now, as you are most likely aware, a marriage is a coming together of two equal partners, both have an equal say in what happens in the marriage, and both have an equal responsibility to make the marriage work. A marriage is a partnership where you have to leave behind you those heady days when ... Views: 2243
You could be married or in a relationship, you might think that all is well with the world, that is up until the point that your partner tells you that they no longer find you attractive. That's a very hurtful thing to say and can make you wonder how long have they thought like that, why are ... Views: 1042
How to Make a Woman Sexually Addicted to You: Make Her Love You More After Making Love
There are men out there who are amazing at pleasing a woman. They are able to give any and every woman all of the pleasure in the world. They are not womanizers as most of them have mastered their own ... Views: 4181
How to Give a Girl Pleasure She Will Never Forget: How to Give a Woman the Biggest Orgasm Ever
Giving a girl total and complete satisfaction is something that you can do as soon as tonight. You can learn some tips that will help you along your path to giving a girl pleasure she will never ... Views: 2924
How to Be the Best Lover She's Ever Had: Things You Must Do In Order To Satisfy A Woman In Bed
A woman has a specific kind of pleasure that she wants to have in the bedroom and it varies from what us men like. Women are usually able to adapt to the kind of pleasure that we like but sometimes ... Views: 1889