We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Qigong". If you have expertise in Qigong and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Grief is a universal experience that touches us all at some point in our lives. The process of mourning a loss, whether it be the passing of a loved one, the end of a relationship, or a significant life change, can be overwhelming and challenging. In times of grief, finding solace and healing ... Views: 235
Chinese President
Xi Jinping on Tuesday issued a new mobilisation order for the training of fortified forces with a focus on developing an elite force able of fighting and winning wars.
Xi, 68, heading the ruling Communist Party of China (CPC) since 2012 followed by the Presidency and ... Views: 868
To view in your browser and see ALL the visuals and activate all links: http://joanpancoe.com/page-newsletter-details.php?nl=139
The world has changed too fast for our genetic makeup”
Nassim Nicolas Taleb, Philosopher and Author of The Black Swan
Dear One,
As many of you ... Views: 1422
Qigong is a 5000-year-old martial art that also doubles as a mind-body-spirit regime, targeting both mental and physical well-being. It encompasses the use of slow movements geared at improving focus and posture among other facets of human functioning. Here is how you stand to benefit from ... Views: 1417
For many reasons, you may have stopped using some opioids that were prescribed to you. Probably because you didn’t have symptoms of the ailment anymore. These unused opioids remain in our drug cabinet for a very long time, and they can be dangerous to your family.
What are opioids? ... Views: 1295
Do you ever have those days when you wake up tired, and no matter what you do, you seem to drag all day? Or perhaps it is already afternoon, and you feel like it is too late to have another cup of coffee, but your energy is dragging. You need an energy boost, but you’re not sure how you can ... Views: 2218
Dear One,
This is the hardest newsletter I’ve ever felt called upon to write. Why? Because I wish I could share more unequivocally positive coming attractions for 2017 and beyond. So, I apologize in advance for not pulling my punches.
But, those of you who know me well personally ... Views: 2338
SUN entered Gemini this morning. FULL MOON tomorrow in Sag at 5:14PM EDT conjunct MARS RX. MERCURY stationing DIRECT Sunday Morning. What does it all mean?
If you feel like you're being shot out of a cannon, or conversely, simultaneously or in an alternating current, as if you're being ... Views: 2222
If you have not already done so, this is a perfect day to begin preparing for the winter season and the new year ahead. The December Solstice occurs on either December 20, 21, 22 or 23. It is called Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, where it is the shortest day of the year. In the ... Views: 2552
It was a Saturday morning as we began our seven hour drive from Burlington, VT to home after dropping off our daughter for her freshman year of college and because of the weekend event I was thinking that it was extremely important to be able to create harmony within myself and my ... Views: 2549
By Shoshanna Katzman
Acupuncture and Qigong are two methods of relieving stress, improving mood and enhancing overall health – minor differences.
Acupucture is a technique that an individual receives from an acupuncturist, whereas Qigong is an exercise that is done by the person ... Views: 2734
By Shoshanna Katzman
Acupuncture and Qigong are two methods of relieving stress, improving mood and enhancing overall health – minor differences.
Acupucture is a technique that an individual receives from an acupuncturist, whereas Qigong is an exercise that is done by the person ... Views: 2458
Getting pregnant is not always easy and there are couples who have to deal with fertility problems. But difficulty conceiving does not always mean you cannot get pregnant at all. There are couples who also took years to conceive. Here are some tips to increase your chances to get ... Views: 2507
I was quite surprised when I began searching for research on Tai Chi’s benefits for diabetes . . . it was very difficult to come by. Because on its face, Tai Chi seems to possibly offer many benefits to someone with diabetes. Tai Chi is known to stimulate microcirculation in practitioners, and ... Views: 2939
Tai Chi-Qigong is practiced around the world by a wide variety of people and ages. Originating as one of the martial arts, Tai Chi and Qigong originated in China centuries ago. Its values include tranquility, harmony and reflection.
The practice of Tai Chi and Qigong helps relax the mind ... Views: 3530
Living in an urban city such as London, we are constantly bombarded with external stimulus, such as work, traffic, sirens, financial concerns, and advertisement. Over time the accumulation of these daily hassles and can cause chronic stress, which is linked to diseases and major health ... Views: 2990
Due to the advantages of Qigong meditation to our health and wellbeing, many are practicing this healing procedure. It is an old Chinese that calms the mind and spirit and improves a person’s health and lifestyle. This exercise is also a body activity that combines relaxation through meditating ... Views: 3001
Qigong is considered as a precious Chinese heritage and today, it still remains an inseparable part of alternative medicine which is becoming popular all over the world. It is a specific mental and/or physical exercise which aims to train, develop and condition the mind and body for the purpose ... Views: 3133
Stress is a normal part of our lives. Whether we react to our environment, a particular situation, or a particular person, we are all designed to feel and experience stress. It is our body's natural response to the internal and external surroundings. However, too much of stress can result to a ... Views: 2922
Let's face it. Stress is an inevitable part of our life. In fact, stress is not all that bad at all. It is your body's way of responding to any kind of demand. When you feel stressed, your body reacts by releasing chemicals into the blood, giving you more energy and strength. This can be a good ... Views: 2762
In this day and age, lots of distractions and a busy schedule lead us to a stressful life. It is always a challenge for us to cope up with these things. That’s why several people nowadays are becoming mindful of trying to lead a healthy lifestyle. In this fast-paced world, understanding which ... Views: 2495
Every day, we typically encounter things that stress us out. Either it is an issue at work, family problems, or just a simple traffic, we might regard this as a challenge or threat to our well-being. Such things are expected as we go on with our daily routines. However, if we don't take care of ... Views: 2979
Yoga and Tai Chi have become popular worldwide. They appear in commercials and are taught in many fitness and community centers. Seniors and the sedentary are persuaded that Yoga and Tai Chi are ideal for their health. In addition, Tai Chi is described as being very easy to learn and ... Views: 6772
Tai Chi has increased in popularity in the western world. It often appears in the background of advertisements of unrelated products. It is recommended for seniors and by the American Arthritis Society, which has its own simplified version. Many health clubs and martial arts studios offer Tai ... Views: 2727
You can learn to reduce the effects of stress and achieve relaxation by first learning the basic technique of diaphragmatic or "belly" breathing. This can be done sitting in a chair or lying down. Your breathing pattern is most noticeable when you are lying down. Place one hand on your upper ... Views: 2349
Heat comes in many forms, not just the weather. It can represent struggle, inflammation and illness (particularly cancer).
Visualize a large ice cube at the top of your head melting downward and washing away all tension, stress, pain and struggle as the coolness flows to your toes.
Use ... Views: 2783
(c) Jacob Newell (Gu Shen Yu Daoshi)
Taiji is a Chinese fitness system based on relaxed body alignment and smooth flow of energy. It is also a moving meditation based on the philosophy of Laozi, a legendary ancient sage who taught about the virtues of remaining calm, yielding, and returning ... Views: 2595
Today Qigong is most often referred to as any set of breathing and Qi circulation techniques that are capable of improving health, preventing illness, and strengthening the body. Qigong is slow meditative exercise for the body, the breath, and the mind.
'Qi' is the vital force behind ... Views: 2288
Xin Huxi Qigong has as its central concept that of "Center Breathing." Center Breathing is breathing in a fashion such that the Dan Tian - Elixir Field - is balanced, abundant and flowing with Qi. As with any system of exercise whether it be Qigong, Tai Chi or Kung Fu it is always recommended ... Views: 2395
Traditional Chinese Medicine has been developed over a period of 3000 plus years. It is based on the BALANCE, ABUNDANCE, and FLOW of Qi through the meridians and organs of the body. To maintain a smooth flow of Qi and thus vibrant health and abundant energy it is necessary to balance your Qi and ... Views: 6621
Xin Huxi Chang Bao Qi and Other Types of Breathing
There are three main goals in the practice of Qigong those of Balance, Abundance and Flow. It is through the regulation of the breath that you Balance your Qi, increase the Abundance of your Qi and create a smooth Flow of Qi through your ... Views: 3180
There are always two sides to a story. It is like a coin with two sides which analogous to the yin and the yang as a unit. LaoTze always suggested to look at the yin side of the story to understand the yang side. In the case with the interpretation of chi, one must look at it from the other ... Views: 2384
One of the ways is through the CT or connective tissue. The Connective Tissue in the Body is pervasive.This subtle extremely strong tissue which resembles silk sometimes in sheets sometimes like cables and also surrounding the muscles is called the myo-fascial layer and is everywhere in the ... Views: 2158
A Taoist has a will to preserve his body by maintaining a state of homeostasis. A normal body can handle the daily chores with no difficulty. Unless, there is an event which requires a quick response in all the sudden. Hence, the body must be prepared to handle any unexpected adverse ... Views: 3107
It will help in your practice of Xin Huxi Qigong or any style of qigong if you have a basic understanding of the underlying Yin and Yang philosophy that is being applied.
Xin Huxi Qigong
Xin Huxi Qigong (Center Breathing Qigong) focuses on the chang bao qi (long, thin breath). In Xin Huxi ... Views: 2482
There are many ways of meditation for different purposes. Meditation includes concentration, feeling, sensitivity, imagination, thoughts, and insinuation. In the west, meditation is not necessarily part of Chi Kung. However, to a Taoist, meditation is a requirement for Chi Kung in order to bring ... Views: 2737
Why do you breathe?
Do you breathe to live? Or do you live to breathe? The masses would say that you must breathe so that you can live. But this is little more than just survival. As you breathe in an unconscious fashion you do nothing more than take in enough air so that the minimum amount ... Views: 2836
氣(chi) , in the west, was only known or translated as energy. Unfortunately, the character was abide by the sole definition restricting to move forward for other explanations. If the character was traced back to its root, then, its multi-definition may be more versatile to be used in other ... Views: 3132
What causes the heart beat and the flow of blood through the veins and arteries? William Einthoven a dutch physician in and around 1906 discovered that an electrical charge builds up in the heart and discharges - causing heart beat and blood flow one small portion of a very complex internal ... Views: 2277
Hypertension of a normal person may be caused by the abnormality of the arteries. The cause of essential hypertension is multifactorial. Secondary hypertension was caused mainly by hypoxia or a disorder of blood vessel or the kidney. If one understand the function of the kidney and what cause ... Views: 3050
That which is looked upon by one generation
as the apex of human knowledge
is often considered an absurdity in the next,
and what is regarded as a superstition in one century,
may form the basis of science for the following one!
Paracelsus, sixteenth-century European Alchemist
I have ... Views: 2266
The star of the TV show “The Doctor OZ Show”, Dr. Mehmet Oz stated, “If you want to be healthy and live to 100, do Qigong.” What is Qigong? The answer can be found in (1).
Qigong has been shown to be effective in more than 200 diseases, including cancer. Many forms of require long periods of ... Views: 7103
The character "Qi" is a very mysterious term. Everybody uses it, most of the time, it just come out very loosely without clarity. Even philosophers use it with ambiguity. Its interpretation was up to the readers to define and it was often misinterpreted. Especially, it would be more ambiguous ... Views: 2543
Spheres, Circles and Spirals are all shapes that appear naturally in nature. They appear because the laws that govern energy and its physical manifestation take these forms. The first basic shape of the sphere can be used in qigong practice to manifest an abundant quantity of Qi within ... Views: 6163
During the spring time, the organ of the liver can manifest imbalances more profoundly. The liver is associated with the wood element and spring time on an energy level. Imbalances of the liver include:
Challenges with the eyes including foggy vision, high pressure, tumors or other eye ... Views: 6623
In Part 1 of this series, the universal concept of Qi was introduced. Then, the various types of bodily Qi, used in traditional Chinese medicine to explain health and disease, were defined. Here the functions of Qi and its relation with the Chinese Organs and various substances in the body will ... Views: 3456
IT IS A BEAUTIFUL SUNNY AND SNOWY DAY HERE! As I look outside I once again realize that my reality manifests from the future infinite field of possibilities through my words, my deeds, and my beliefs. I find increasingly that it only takes a simple positive adjustment of what I believe, what I ... Views: 3089
You can make the quantum leap to health, wealth and success using an easily learned qigong exercise that will turn you into a positive qi magnet for attracting and creating your awesome reality. You can cultivate your qi and thus increase and maintain yourself in a very positive level of ... Views: 4337
Chi Kung encourages to perform the abdominal breathing with slow movements to bring out its effectiveness in two folds. The abdominal breathing is to increase the volume of air intake; the slow movement is to increase the rate of cell respiration.
Under normal breathing, one inhalation of ... Views: 4963
Stress, anxiety and depression can ruin your holiday if you let them get the better of you! But, you already have the tools need to cope. Your mind, your breath and your spirit are all you need along with a few awesome Qigong Exercises to alleviate the stress of the holidays.
I am sure that ... Views: 3287