If you have not already done so, this is a perfect day to begin preparing for the winter season and the new year ahead. The December Solstice occurs on either December 20, 21, 22 or 23. It is called Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, where it is the shortest day of the year. In the ... Views: 2549
It was a Saturday morning as we began our seven hour drive from Burlington, VT to home after dropping off our daughter for her freshman year of college and because of the weekend event I was thinking that it was extremely important to be able to create harmony within myself and my ... Views: 2545
It is nearing the end of a week long journey to the beautiful Caribbean island of Trinidad. It was a journey to support a friend and colleague in the martial arts with his work with children and martial arts in the Trinidad primary and secondary schools.
I am sitting, just beginning to take ... Views: 5547
Happiness, health and well-being are the “Ultimate Three Aspects of Life” that you need to manifest so that you can experience an awesome life, reality and world.
I would like to share with you 10 WAYS, 10 AFFIRMATIONS and 10 MIND POWER QIGONG breathing exercises that I have done and continue ... Views: 3465
I was wondering if people actually knew or understood why there are so many rituals and specific practices of etiquette in the martial arts. So, I thought today I might present my viewpoint on this topic.
Martial arts to me means building respect into your daily life. It is achieved by ... Views: 1864
Xin Huxi Qigong has as its central concept that of "Center Breathing." Center Breathing is breathing in a fashion such that the Dan Tian - Elixir Field - is balanced, abundant and flowing with Qi. As with any system of exercise whether it be Qigong, Tai Chi or Kung Fu it is always recommended ... Views: 2392
Traditional Chinese Medicine has been developed over a period of 3000 plus years. It is based on the BALANCE, ABUNDANCE, and FLOW of Qi through the meridians and organs of the body. To maintain a smooth flow of Qi and thus vibrant health and abundant energy it is necessary to balance your Qi and ... Views: 6618
Xin Huxi Chang Bao Qi and Other Types of Breathing
There are three main goals in the practice of Qigong those of Balance, Abundance and Flow. It is through the regulation of the breath that you Balance your Qi, increase the Abundance of your Qi and create a smooth Flow of Qi through your ... Views: 3177
Martial Arts is for Everyone!
I was thinking about someone beginning the martial arts - karate, kungfu, jujitsu, taichi, qigong, etc. and asked myself where to start? I realized that there is only one place to start and that is in you own mind. That there is only one place to start and that ... Views: 1596
It will help in your practice of Xin Huxi Qigong or any style of qigong if you have a basic understanding of the underlying Yin and Yang philosophy that is being applied.
Xin Huxi Qigong
Xin Huxi Qigong (Center Breathing Qigong) focuses on the chang bao qi (long, thin breath). In Xin Huxi ... Views: 2480
Why do you breathe?
Do you breathe to live? Or do you live to breathe? The masses would say that you must breathe so that you can live. But this is little more than just survival. As you breathe in an unconscious fashion you do nothing more than take in enough air so that the minimum amount ... Views: 2833
Spheres, Circles and Spirals are all shapes that appear naturally in nature. They appear because the laws that govern energy and its physical manifestation take these forms. The first basic shape of the sphere can be used in qigong practice to manifest an abundant quantity of Qi within ... Views: 6160
IT IS A BEAUTIFUL SUNNY AND SNOWY DAY HERE! As I look outside I once again realize that my reality manifests from the future infinite field of possibilities through my words, my deeds, and my beliefs. I find increasingly that it only takes a simple positive adjustment of what I believe, what I ... Views: 3086
You can make the quantum leap to health, wealth and success using an easily learned qigong exercise that will turn you into a positive qi magnet for attracting and creating your awesome reality. You can cultivate your qi and thus increase and maintain yourself in a very positive level of ... Views: 4336
Stress, anxiety and depression can ruin your holiday if you let them get the better of you! But, you already have the tools need to cope. Your mind, your breath and your spirit are all you need along with a few awesome Qigong Exercises to alleviate the stress of the holidays.
I am sure that ... Views: 3285
Do you know how things happen, how they come about? Do you know how your mind works? Do you realize that you think in pictures? Everything you do starts out in your mind as an idea. As you are reading this you are putting the picture of letters together to form words that you hear and see in ... Views: 3669
I spent the past weekend in New Hampshire with friends and students organizing, outlining, and planning a joint venture involving training one's mind, body and spirit using Shaolin Kenpo Karate empty hand techniques. These techniques use the mind and the body to develop a strong mental focus and ... Views: 1673
Today I want to share with you a quote from Joe Vitale who is a self-help author, speaker and entrepreneur. Joe said, "You want to become aware of your thoughts, you want to choose your thoughts carefully, and you want to have fun with this, because you are the masterpiece of your own ... Views: 2784
Do you ever say to yourself, “I just don't want to!,” “I'm just too tired!,” or “I can do that tomorrow!.” Does PROCRASTINATION creep into your life and you just don't seem to get things accomplished?
There was a German philosopher, Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, that said “Seize this very ... Views: 2824
What a wonderful weekend and what a beautiful day it is today. Sun, leaves and 60 degrees, an awesome autumn day in the North East of the USA. Stepping outside this morning on my front porch I took a deep breath of the leaf scented fall air and said to myself “This is what feeling better and ... Views: 3145
It was an interesting evening last night. A friend dropped in for a chat about life and things going on and after that my mind kicked into what I call my “pondering mode.” You know that mental mode where you think about something and then you keep having recurring thoughts about whatever it was ... Views: 1469
Qi is the Chinese word for the “Bio-Electric Energy” that flows to and through you, the Heavens, and the Earth. It is the “Energy of Life.” Knowing how maintain your Qi balance, create an abundance of qi, and maintain a smooth flow of qi are crucial to preventing or recovering quickly from a ... Views: 7389
Knowing how to balance, create an abundance and maintain a smooth flow of qi are crucial to feeling good and maintaining your health. In “Traditional Chinese Medicine” you, as a human being, hold a special place in the grand scheme of things. You are an individual and unique manifestation of the ... Views: 2718
Qi is the Chinese word for the “Bio-Electric Energy” that flows to and through you, the Heavens, and the Earth. It is the “Energy of Life.” Qigong is the practice of breathing, movement, visualization and Affirmation that you can use to reduce your stress everyday. You can balance your qi, ... Views: 2552
Qi is the Chinese word for the “Bio-Electric Energy” that flows to and through you, the Heavens, and the Earth. It is the “Energy of Life.” Every day you can feel and sense the energy of the Universe, the Earth and yourself. Knowing how balance your qi, create an abundance of qi, and maintain a ... Views: 2120