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In a world that seems set on winding up our springs and forcing us to scurry about completing our appointed tasks, it would be nice to find an alternative therapy that could ease our daily angst without sending us into oblivion or making us feel as we weren’t really there.
Enter the ... Views: 2837
“We are all mature until somebody brings out some bubble wrap.”
How funny it is that some people go gaga over a bubble wrap? Whether at the office or at home, people fight over this piece of plastic just to get some relief. In 2014, students from University of Leicester, created “pop-up pub” ... Views: 1545
Coping with depression requires one’s partner and family to understand the difference between depression and sadness.
Sadness usually refers to a sense of loss, grief or upset in response to an event typically recent in one’s life. While sadness can be intense, it usually runs its course as ... Views: 1189
Dear Dr. Romance: I live in Scotland and I think we are quite backward when it comes to mental health issues. I have spoken to 2 therapists now about my obsessive thinking, both of whom seem strangely perplexed by what I perceive to be quite a common problem. I seem to ... Views: 1222
Stress and stress-related health issues are becoming something of an epidemic lately. People usually list money and work as the main causes of stress and anxiety. In the same time, therapy has become prevalent – patients don’t shy away from talking to a psychiatrist and psychiatrist don’t have a ... Views: 1291
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In the best digital life, your health is requiring to be perfect, for their well care and for your best guideline for your workout. We provide the best software of fitness studio and yoga software, that can you find advantage your best nearest fitness studio. If you want to make the business ... Views: 1857
In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we can often get dragged down by demands and stressors that leave us in bad moods and negative mindsets. Though these emotional states can seem small and temporary, they can often have lasting effects in whatever environment you happen to be in at the ... Views: 1644
By Sam Vaknin
Author of "Malignant Self-love: Narcissism Revisited"
All psychological theories can be classified by one or more of these dichotomies (pairs):
Dualism vs. Monism
The belief that the mind and the body are two separate entities (though in constant interaction via various ... Views: 1287
Motherhood can be a magical time. Like other life transitions, it can also be fraught with challenges. A 2006 Danish study discovered that new mothers are at an increased risk for mental disorders such as schizophrenia, depression, and bipolar disorder in the first 3 months following the birth ... Views: 1108
Nowadays, it could be said that someone is far more likely to see a therapist than in the past, and this is partly because it is seen as being more acceptable than it once was. This has meant that people are less likely to suffer in silence.
And as mental and emotional problems are just as ... Views: 1134
If you've decided that your spouse has obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and you’re trying to get help for the both of you, you’ve taken a step in the right direction. Recognizing that there's a problem with your partner’s behavior and that it needs to be addressed is the first step in finding ... Views: 2512
If you are having problems in your marriage, depression may be part of the reason. Recent studies have indicated that depression is associated with the quality of a relationship. Additionally, the quality of a relationship can affect a person’s level of depression.
Not surprisingly, someone ... Views: 1848
Sometimes codependents have associations with partners that are not addicts or alcoholics. Just how can this happen? Generally, the codependent is maturing in your house with some type of disorder or addiction. They develop and meet somebody that's not really a medication addict or alcoholic and ... Views: 1208
Almost all relationships experience a certain level of difficulties. However, when one of the partners has a psychiatric disorder, such as an anxiety disorder, the relationship will have new challenges, and their previous problems can be worsened.
Each has shown that people suffering from ... Views: 1573
You'll find four stages that couples in couples therapy impacted by alcoholism undergo consuming, transition, early recovery and ongoing recovery.
The stages originate from the responsibilities of vary from happens together with the size of abstinence. Reaching the transition stage involves ... Views: 1250
New FasterEFT Online Video Training Course
Online Video Training Course
Exciting News!
Robert Smith the founder of FasterEFT has set up an online video training Course.
This is especially for those of you that aren’t able to attend live seminars because of distance, cost or ... Views: 1357
By Sam Vaknin
Author of "Malignant Self-love: Narcissism Revisited"
The narcissist’s False Self is grandiose. The narcissist seeks to maintain his inflated fantasy of himself. He denies, slices and splits off, and “evacuates” or projects onto others emotions, cognitions (thoughts), traits, ... Views: 2897
When someone’s life is not going as they would like it to go, there are a number of things that they can do. And while some of these things will allow them to move forward, there are going to be others that won’t.
One could be drawn to things that will allow them to take their ... Views: 1331
Medical marijuana is growing in popularity so much that the states where the use is legalized have seen a decline in pain medication prescriptions. Researchers found that in cases where medical marijuana can address a particular ailment, medications that do the same are less prescribed.
On ... Views: 1261
I find that most couples do not have a vision of their future in place. They do not know where they are going in life. They deal with things as they come up, live pay-check-to-pay-check or floating their lives on credit cards, putting out fires, and mechanically going through their days. They ... Views: 884
Most couples can revitalize their relationship after they’ve lost desire for each other and/or after being in their non-sexual relationship (10 sexual encounters a year (less than one per month) for a while, even for decades! This is good news! These dissatisfied couples loose hope of ever ... Views: 1249
The bottom line of the romantic relationship is feeling connected, loved and acknowledged. This is what we strive for in our relationship. This is of course not the only thing we want out of our relationship, but it sure is one of the top ones! This explains the need to partner up in life. We ... Views: 932
I have noticed that when we have the foot to the pedal, we are moving so fast that we actually miss the beautiful scenery around us. We go about life trying to get things accomplished to such an extent that we burn ourselves out and end up actually accomplishing less… So, what’s the ... Views: 1086
Ever since the 1950’s when Albert Ellis, Ph.D., my teacher and mentor, developed Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy/Coaching, the mental health field has not been the same. Instead of spending months and years gazing inward and backward with no real behavior change, folks experiencing emotional ... Views: 1149
We all have times when we feel a bit down, lost or confused due to things like work pressure, relationship strains or money problems. Sometimes we can work through these on our own but sometimes we get overwhelmed and don’t know where to turn.
Prolonged periods of stress, anxiety, anger or ... Views: 1291
When one wants to work with a therapist, they can have a number of different questions, and one thing they can want to know is how long it will last. This could come down to the fact that they want to move on with their life, or it could be a sign that they just want to feel better.
... Views: 1639
When it comes to what music people like, there are styles that are more popular than others. And within each style, there are musicians that plenty of people know about and musicians that very few many people know about.
In the same way, certain approaches are more popular than others when ... Views: 1221
Clients come to my office for a number of reasons. For example, when they’re feeling depressed, when they’re feeling anxious, and when they are experiencing conflict in their relationships, but also when they’ve become bored with their lives.
For these people, meaning and engagement in life ... Views: 1374
When one is suffering from mental and emotional problems and/or has relationship problems, they can end up looking for a therapist to assist them. This could be because they have taken this approach in the past, or it may be due to other reasons.
If it relates to other reasons, it could be a ... Views: 1853
The new findings were published in Nature and they reveal that positive memory is linked with a boost in mood.
The research was conducted on male mice. When the male mice were with female mice neurons were activated in their brain because they were enjoying themselves. For 10 days after the ... Views: 725
Over the past few years I’ve become accustomed to utilizing and recommending applications to help clients get through tough times. While applications are not a replacement for my services, they can help when clients need some "on the spot" aid or reinforcement. ... Views: 1221
Talk therapy has been found to be an effective form of treatment for mental health as well as treating mental disorders such as schizophrenia. A recent study revealed that over two million people in America have a diagnosis of schizophrenia and primary treatment involves the use of medications. ... Views: 759
You can make significant strides in overcoming codependency by developing new attitudes, skills, and behavior. But deeper recovery may involve healing trauma, usually that began in childhood. Trauma can be emotional, physical, or environmental, and can range from experiencing a fire to emotional ... Views: 1680
What's possible with neurofeedback for anxiety?
Imagine you're driving through the countryside on a beautiful day, but your car isn't working. The gears keep getting stuck, and the gas pedal is jammed down.
It's pretty scary. When you can't shift gears, you can't respond well to the bumps ... Views: 1475
If you are a parent, you will concur that dealing with teens is a Herculean task. There are always behavioral issues to contend with but research now shows that some of these could be down to mental health disorders. A report in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) ... Views: 1678
Multiple sclerosis patients can improve brain connections using video game therapy. The researchers suggest video game therapy can help strengthen neural connections. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease that affects the central nervous system. Patients may experience brain fog, muscle weakness, ... Views: 873
This is a scam that was attempted on me. Of course, I did not fall for it. I contacted my web person, who told me it was a well-known scam, explained to me how it is done, and informed me how I can report it to the authorities, in order to help other therapists that may be targeted by this ... Views: 2266
For many women, their female friendships have been a source of comfort, support, laughter, and joy.
For others, they have been mired in betrayal, mean-spiritedness, and competition.
But for most of us, they’ve been a combination of these two extremes, and typically, even before we reach ... Views: 1166
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Growing Pains - by Kelly Martin, M.S., LPC, LCDC, Life Coach
Growing pains are just that… painful. I’m not talking about physical growth spurts when you were younger and your body ached for days. No… I’m talking about growing pains that stem from personal growth. These growing pains manifest when you make changes in your life and feel emotional discomfort ... Views: 1501
Stress can help…to a point
Stress management tools are part of your early warning system.
Feelings of tension alert you to things you need to take care of, so you can move on to more important things, like getting your work done and having fun with your kids.
When your early warning ... Views: 1362
are some more tips our
psychics provided in managing
Indulge in some stress-eating.
It turns out, not all stress-eating — turning to food to calm your nerves when
you’re feeling tense and tired — is bad. But going for empty calories like
candy, chips or ice cream ... Views: 1367
Last week, I had the great honor to talk on the tele-seminar “Abundance Reigns” where my topic was about our hungers and desires and how they relate to creating a more fulfilling life. This was a very fun talk and very interesting to prepare because the more I prepared the presentation, the more ... Views: 1631
“Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes
How do you measure-measure a year”
–Seasons of Love from Rent
As 2015 comes to a close I am hearing more and more about peoples Resolutions to lose weight, make more money, exercise more, eat healthier, etc. Although goals are very ... Views: 1233
Just the other day, I was involved in a situation that reminded me of the amount of courage it takes to give selflessly.
I was acutely aware that few of us know the kind of love that’s willing to offer this sort of giving, particularly if it means experiencing personal suffering in the ... Views: 1218
A personal injury is an incident that can cause major devastation in a person’s life. It’s an incident that is so much more than an unfortunate occurrence. Most people who experience personal injury have to get multilayered assistance to get their lives back on track. They need emotional, ... Views: 834
As a holistic life coach and spiritual counselor for both individuals and couples, as well as an avid student of my own personal growth for many, many years- I have come to the conclusion that one of the most important things we can do to increase satisfaction in our relationships with ourselves ... Views: 1326
When does playing video games, visiting Facebook, checking email or watching TV cross the line from stress buster to bad habit? How many working hours define a “workaholic”? Is an occasional glass of wine a bad habit? Where do you draw the line before activities involving electronics, hobbies, ... Views: 1558
Sometimes I see the saddest thing.
I speak to hundreds of women in the work I do….women who run businesses; women who are employed in business; women who have spent the last decades raising children; women who are happily married; women who are still searching for the love they deserve.
I ... Views: 816
This is the second in a series of articles looking at how our feelings affect our lives and bodies. It is powerful knowledge that can help eliminate pain in all areas of your life. If you are struggling with something, send me an email or call.
Healing happens when you forgive
This is a ... Views: 1221
I read an interesting few lines in an article by William E. Krill, Jr. L.P.C. The article is entitled, The Child Victim of a Narcissistic Personality Disordered Parent. Although he is writing about the experience of children and the non NPD parent, he also writes about counselors working with ... Views: 1241