Therapion Consulting are The Official Guides to "Therapy and Counseling". You can find complete information on Therapion Consulting and their products by visiting Therapion.
Stress in our lives has a big impact on our physical and emotional health. Some of its examples are divorce, chronic illness or injury, high-risk jobs, depression, anxiety, etc. In all these situations, our loved ones have to suffer a lot as we can't give full attention on them. According to a ... Views: 586
According to a study by Kronos Inc. And Future Workplace, employee burnout has reached epidemic proportions. Not only is employee burnout bad for business, but it’s also bad for your own personal health and wellbeing. While you may not get a lot of relaxation time, here are 3 reasons to make the ... Views: 1174
Aya-Whatta? Was probably what you’d have said a few years ago when reading this, but this previously mysterious Amazonian plant medicine known as Ayahuasca has, in the past few years, hit the mainstream hard. Until pretty recently, this off-beat beverage seemed appealing only to a few brave ... Views: 1379
How do people come to do the things they do? How are habits formed and maintained? How do we create behavioral change on demand? These are important questions if one is in the business of selling change, as I am.
I give a lot of thought to helping people change. I’m always looking for ... Views: 1566
The market is now flooded with many sexual problem-related products. And among the sea of sexual problem-related products, finding the right one is really difficult. Especially without using the product, it is quite impossible to understand which one is good and which one is bad. Zhewitra is one ... Views: 670
When an individual takes the first important step towards recovery, the informed decision to obtain treatment for drug or alcohol addiction - there are a few things to consider when deciding on the type of rehab is best suited for the individuals unique situation.
Each individual struggling ... Views: 1222
"To mentor or not to mentor" - On building self-knowledge in coaching and mentoring
In many cultures coaching or to be a coach or mentor means that self-knowledge is the is the fount of wisdom. In Sanskrit there is a term rasa, which means ‘the delight of tasting one’s own consciousness’ ... Views: 892
People-pleasers are at risk in the domains of finance, love, sex, family, and friendship.
How is it that we can manage a successful business but still have a failed personal life? Extending a hand to others after taking care of yourself is how we make the world a better place for our children ... Views: 1124
People-pleasers are at risk in the domains of finance, love, sex, family, and friendship.
How is it that we can manage a successful business but still have a failed personal life? Extending a hand to others after taking care of yourself is how we make the world a better place for our children ... Views: 1048
Dear Dr. Romance:
is it normal to like the feeling of glass cutting your skin?I like the feeling of getting cut.......this isnt good is it?... Dear Reader:
You're right --it's not good. What it means is that you are emotionally numb, and looking for sensation to feel alive. The ... Views: 826
Equine Therapy is mainly a powerful, evidence-based experiential modality. The horse-human connection can make a wide range of benefits for teen mental health.
Through equine therapy activities, teens basically gain confidence, build trust, and form healthier boundaries. Moreover, the basic ... Views: 822
Struggling to deal with the external environment, children affected by the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) also find it uneasy to interact, use language and communicate. And if you’re a parent of one, you might be saddened to see your child in this situation.
For help, check out this guide ... Views: 705
We live in a world of energy that nourishes and maintains all living things. When this energy flows uninterrupted there is balance and harmony within and around us, and we experience a sense of well being. There are many variations of Reiki, but in essence Reiki treatments can help the body ... Views: 675
Health Psychology is a somewhat isolated branch of the field of psychology. It is the study of psychological and behavioral processes in health, illness, and healthcare. Health Psychologists strive to understand how psychological and even cultural factors contribute to physical health and ... Views: 810
The purpose of this article is to dismantle persistent and popular misconceptions and purposely engineered myths about psychology, psychologists, counselors, and self-help industry current activities performed by its most loud and often well known institutions and representatives.
Since no ... Views: 994
If worrying is your second job, then the unfortunate part is that this all-consuming your energy doesn’t pay you anything rather it pays stress, sadness, depression and inner chaos. Instead of replaying the same old worries day after day, why don’t we look at how to stop worrying and start ... Views: 782
Chemistry is a subject that is built on basics. If your child has not understood the foundation of subject, building on the concept is most likely to get very difficult. As a parent, it is important that you talk to him/her and get them to set some time aside every day for this subject. Here are ... Views: 727
Candles signify unity, growth, and peace. It is a universal signifier of coming together of people for a common cause. We use candles in the home for aromatherapy, to use with evening prayers, and for lighting up dark corners of the house. Here we see the different types of candles and their ... Views: 933
Home decorating decisions are often heavily influenced by the homeowner’s personal style and preferences. A home should make a statement about the homeowner, but there is plenty of room to creatively accomplish this. Your decorative choices play a major role on mood and mental health, so home ... Views: 1211
Has your marriage changed? Do you feel like there is something missing? Perhaps you find yourself sometimes longing for the days when you were both happy and in love.
We often think of marriage counseling as a last resort?-?when things are so bad that divorce is the next best solution. Many ... Views: 945
You are worthy of kindness, love, and respect and deserve to be treated as such!
Many times we are abused, mistreated, and disrespected. So much that we begin to feel we deserve it. We don’t. No one deserves mistreatment. We are all worthy. We are all special. We deserve to be treated ... Views: 973
A Guide For Your
Inner Child
By: Brittany
What is an inner child? Do you remember who you were at a young age? Can you picture the little child you once were? Think about how that little child looked and how that little child felt. Were you scared? Were you ... Views: 914
From its humble beginnings in California back in the 1970s, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) has grown to become one of the most impactful tools for mental and psychological development. As many more have come to receive training, a wide collection of and NLP trainers in Chennai have come up. ... Views: 1038
A coaching client recently said to me, “You talk a lot about doing “the work”, and I wondered for so long what “the work” was. I thought that if I understood anxiety intellectually I would feel better. And the first time I went through the course I did feel better for a while, which I know is ... Views: 954
Shame is often a placeholder for powerlessness and a protector against grief. Instead of feeling the rawness of grief, the mind latches onto a shame story that says, “I’m broken.” Instead of surrendering to the powerlessness of painful situations that had nothing to do with you, like your ... Views: 812
Projection is one of the most important concepts to understand when you’re stuck in relationship anxiety or any manifestation of anxiety. It’s a psychological term that essentially means we’re stuck in a story about someone or something else with the belief that it’s true, and that if the person ... Views: 881
The Shape of our body gives more confident to us.But the young people also affected by over weight. Obesity is the major reason why lots of people affecting by the cancer. Now a days the young people also suffer by the obesity, the major reason is taking of unconditional food,junk and fried fast ... Views: 655
Art relaxes the mind and is so called to be “food for the Soul”. Art has been a big part of human history since the beginning of our society. Dating back to the times we lived in caves, the earliest works of art can found on the cave walls. It is a skill deeply engrave us that we ... Views: 3228
Gardening can improve your mood, foster healing and even help overcome anxiety. Studies have revealed that gardening has a positive effect on human health. Gardens and the process of gardening can improve your health and general well-being. A garden can stimulate and relax your ... Views: 680
When you break a bone or become ill, most people wouldn’t think twice about going to see a doctor. When it comes to trauma or other mental health issues, however, there seems to still be a great deal of shame that surrounds the idea of seeking out the help of a counselor, therapist or other ... Views: 820
Developed nations around the world are facing an unprecedented mental health crisis. Policymakers are facing a struggle to tackle a problem with complex origins and many continue to suffer in the meantime.
A burdensome regulatory process prevents effective treatments from going mainstream in ... Views: 636
People pleasing occurs when a person puts his or her wants and needs aside to please another person. An example of people pleasing includes saying, “I don’t care, whatever you want” when someone asks what restaurant you’d like to have lunch at, even though you really do have a preference about ... Views: 1034
Anxiety can hang its hat on almost any hook. It can focus on relationships, fertility, parenting, health, the world, money, career, death. Within each of these topics, there are endless sub-topics that lure anxiety into its lair. If we’re talking about relationship anxiety, for example, the hook ... Views: 935
These are words I find myself saying multiple times a day: to my clients, to my sons, to myself. Breathe it in.
We see a prairie dog hit by a car lying on the side of the road. I turn to look at my son’s face to see if he sees it. As we live in a rural area, he’s learned over the years of ... Views: 758
Dear Dr. Romance:
I have been reading your advice at your website. I like what you have to say, and it really makes sense to me. I would like to tell you that you have helped me without even meeting. I have been thinking about meeting with a therapist for a while, and have tried in the past, ... Views: 914
Even though it is interesting to note that recent reports state female workplace bullying is on the increase, causing more people to say they would rather work for a man, we are going to stay focused on the female family serial bully.
I believe bullies know they are bullying. I believe you ... Views: 1545
Books are hoards of knowledge, fun, stories, and literacy and who would want to get rid of such a treasure? But once you have read all the books available at home, they seem to be of diminishing utility. My family and I are book lovers and we usually pick up 2-3 books every time we visit a ... Views: 1606
If someone was abused at the beginning of their life, it is likely to mean that they experienced a lot of pain during this time. In addition to this, most, if not all, of their development needs might not have been met.
As a result of this, even though a number of years will have passed ... Views: 2183
In last week’s post, I wrote about the essential task of attending to our four realms of Self in order to find wellness and equanimity, and that in order to do this we need to have a loving, competent and clear inner parent at the helm of psyche. Just as kids feel safe when there’s an attuned ... Views: 785
Written by Melissa Howard
No one wants to experience suicide or suicidal ideation. Often, suicide is a last resort to end suffering. Unfortunately, there is a painful relationship between suicide and substance abuse. If someone in your life suffers from addiction, here is what you need to ... Views: 1031
When someone is carrying pain that needs to be faced and acknowledged, and this pain is avoided, it can lead to a whole host of problems. There can be the effect it has on their mind, emotional body, and their physical body.
As a result of this, this pain is naturally going to play a big ... Views: 812
Dear Dr. Romance:
What is wrong with me? Angry, sad, blah? It's 5 am and i'm still awake. i'm 29, single (i don't mind), i go to school, an ok job, pets. i'm not starving, as long at there's a roof over my head i'm good to go. so many things i really want to do. i get into it then i don't ... Views: 1079
Two Questions Your Teen May Not Be Asking You (Even Though They Want To)
Teens of every generation have the same questions--but not always the same language and phrasing. The children of 1950s, 60s, and 70s America weren’t asking how to “advocate for themselves” with that specific ... Views: 1129
“MY CBT therapist told me those were ‘irrational thinking,’ which made it worse- now I just blame myself.”
“ I have gone through my childhood trauma many times, but when I argue with my partner, I still behave like a five-year-old!”
It is not as though we didn’t try- Many of us ... Views: 1480
Earlier on, whilst I was out running, I was reflecting on how important presence is when it comes to healing. It is important in all areas, of course, but this was the area that I primarily thought about.
For example, when a healer has been able to let in a certain amount of presence (I say ... Views: 940
Merriam-Webster dictionary defines perfectionism as “the setting of unrealistically demanding goals accompanied by a disposition to regard failure to achieve them as unacceptable and a sign of personal worthlessness.
You may want to ask yourself if your goals are so unreachable as to cause ... Views: 1001