We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Work Life Balance". If you have expertise in Work Life Balance and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
S.E.L.F. or “Self-Explore and Learn through Feedback” is a complete system for awareness-raising, transformation, self-healing and for raising human potential. Its operation is based on a new “Science of Consciousness” paradigm that utilizes theories and practices that regard the subjective, ... Views: 1575
Keeping our homes and feeding our families are innate human habits. And, thanks to today’s mod cons, this domestic stuff has never been easier. Why, then, do we still struggle to find the time for it?
One answer lies in the position of housework on our to-do lists, (ie not very high.) But ... Views: 2494
As a race, we humans have always had self-maintenance work to do. It’s part of survival. If you’re alive, it goes with the territory. So why, with all the modern advancements at our disposal, do we struggle to find the time for this primitive and basic care-work - looking after our homes and ... Views: 1186
The art of finding enjoyment in the present, feeling fine and having that special kind of glow that comes along with smiling eyes, a happy heart and true love and passion for the moment. Does it come automatically? Absolutely not. Can it increase your daily awareness and reap more positive ... Views: 953
Last week, my big desktop PC crashed, my laptop got the "blue screen: of death". The refrigerator croaked, and the toaster oven went the heaven. My I-phone decided to stop receiving e-mail and the dashboard in my car kept erroneously sending warning messages.
It wasn't even a full ... Views: 1367
At this time of year I often find myself thinking that I didn't spend as much time with my family and friends as I would have liked. It's just so easy to get caught up in the day to day hustle of things that need to be done. You may be feeling the same way: you were so busy with meetings, email, ... Views: 1153
If you own your own business, you may often put off taking any real time off to just relax and unwind and rejuvenate. You imagine ‘someday’ being able to take a vacation, but the thought of doing it now only creates more stress. How can you go away when there is so much to do? If you take time ... Views: 1058
It was a cold sunny day in New Jersey and the first thin layers of ice were forming on our pond. We were scheduled to go to Pilates that day, our private exercise class with a trainer, but we liked doing some cardio workout first. Usually, weather permitting, we would take a walk through town ... Views: 2174
For people who struggle with time management, clutter reduction is often the first step to having more time in your life. When you simplify your environment and organize your life, it makes tasks go more smoothly, and helps you make the most of your limited time.
For me a lack of clutter is ... Views: 2097
There are precious few of us humans — and most likely none — who are all good or all bad. Mostly we bumble around doing good things sometimes and naughty things other times, feeling just about as human as we are.
According to researchers at Northwestern University, there's a good reason for ... Views: 812
Today many of us are facing a lot of physical and emotional stress. When we don’t have good ways to deal with all this stress, it can end up hurting us in many ways, physical and mental. If we live with too much stress for too long, it can start to overwhelm us mentally and too much stress can ... Views: 1293
September 25th, 2009’
“Networking to create money or working for Net?”
Simply put, our schools and their curriculums will no longer be viable for this mega information era we are in with the internet, social media and network marketing taking over as our medium of exchange.
In the ... Views: 1491
To reduce the effects of stress in the workplace, take an emotional and spiritual, as well as a physical break, at least every two hours, preferably every hour.
Here are five de-stressors you can do in thirty seconds each...
1. Stretch your hands, arms, and shoulders. In addition to ... Views: 2075
A recent New York Times article wrote that psychics and astrologers are seeing a boom in their business as people flock to them to answer questions about their finances.
But, there is a better way to attract money and it begins in your home and office. There are definite steps to take to ... Views: 1445
A few years ago, I participated in a retreat that up until that time was one of the most soul fulfilling journeys that I could consciously remember experiencing.
The center itself was nestled in the warmth of nature, miles away from the busyness of life. And although, it was located in North ... Views: 1206
One of the complaints of modern day living is that life is just so dang busy! And while some people thrive on this kind of lifestyle, others find themselves drained, overwhelmed and frustrated by it all.
So what can you do about it? Manifesting with the Law of Attraction gives you a way to ... Views: 1166
In these challenging times, we all need to stay flexible around a stable core. What does that mean? That you may have to enter a whole new field, develop new skills, or live in a different way. But there is a core that doesn’t change, a “youness” that will remain no matter how much and how well ... Views: 868
It's amazing to see so many people who are prepared to sacrifice their lives for the sake of their business. I'm sure you know of someone like that. They get up at the crack of dawn, drag their weary bodies out of the house and head off for another rollercoaster ride at work. Ten or twelve hours ... Views: 1234
For many the word journey conjures up unrestrained emotions and grand visions. It stirs up images of exotic locations, faraway places, or tropical locations. The idea of climbing the Himalayas or sailing down the Amazon River brings a sense of excitement anticipation, and adventure. Yet you can ... Views: 3333
Times are tough. Businesses are faltering, families are struggling, employees are paranoid.
All this stress lays the groundwork for a real problem with balance—life balance.
As business leaders work 18 to 20 hours a day to save their businesses and workers address their fears of possible ... Views: 938
"You can't fix it if you don't know what's broken." That expression is particularly fitting if you're trying to get or stay organized. Looking for a remedy for your clutter before you know its cause is a prescription for failure.
In order to overcome clutter and create a system and solutions ... Views: 2085
Getting organized isn't just about cleaning up the clutter or managing your time better. It's about creating the life you want. This is an important concept to understand because many people don't understand what being organized is truly about.
And because they don't truly understand they ... Views: 1095
elizabeth: As a life coach, I do ask my clients if they are open minded enough to ask the universe questions before they go to sleep at night. I tell them at night their brains are quieter and the grey matter can regroup and consider their requests. Throw in a little intuitive dance and with ... Views: 1252
You've finally decided that you can't stand the clutter and chaos any more. So, what do you do now? If you're like most people in this situation, you probably just dive in hoping to get control of the problem without giving any real thought to what you're doing. You start off optimistically and ... Views: 1467
Whether you're mildly or wildly disorganized, if you want to get organized one thing is probably true: you don't want it to take you the rest of your life. And that's the way it should be because getting organized is, after all, just a means to an end. The end or goal is having more time to ... Views: 1210
“The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire not things we fear.” ~ Brian Tracy
I tend to pay attention when things show up in patterns or repeating themes. Last Friday, my friend, social media marketing maven, George Kao made a comment on one of my posts by ... Views: 776
Getting organized is one of the most popular New Year's resolutions made by people every year. But what does it actually mean to get or be "organized"? Here's my definition: Being organized is about being able to get everything done when it is due and finding everything you need when you need ... Views: 3819
Imagine being able to conduct your life in order to reach potentials beyond any expectations you may ever have had. But where do you start? How do you do this? The truth is that you need to learn how important your own thinking is in order to achieve your true potential and beyond.
I know ... Views: 919
“Banks will close, currency will change, what happened last fall was a shadow of what’s coming,” says Dr. Richard Ruhling, author on current events and Bible prophecy, noting that when the U.S. Senate met to approve a $760 billion bailout, the new moon on October 1 signaled the Feast of ... Views: 2095
Life gets crazy, doesn’t it?
It’s so easy to be overwhelmed by your goals – wanting to reach a state of perfection – that things start spinning in circles around your head. This happens to me sometimes (even though I know it’s crazy to expect so much) and momentum can be a hard thing to ... Views: 968
The amazing journey of your self discovery An explosive growth 'the information age' of the new era.
Are you looking for freedom, your inner freedom - escaping the cage of your mundane lifestyle.
Do you have a sense of not belonging, not knowing who you really are, unfulfilling ... Views: 766
I must confess that I was teaching what I'm about to share before I practiced it myself. As they say, "teach what you need to learn"; that was certainly true for me. I'm pleased now to share this with you from a place of real, bonafide experience. What I'm about to tell you has changed my life ... Views: 1255
Last weeks post honoring the memory of the amazing Jamie Dyer Dordek had many unexpected consequences. On the vibrant bright side, it was a comfort to her mother, brother, family members and friends.
Here's what Jamie's Mom had to say.
Hi Eli, This is Jamie's mom and your column today ... Views: 1044
In the continuing computer saga that has made up my last week or so, the piece-de-resistance came at the end of the week. It turns out there is no way to sync a computer to an iPod without downloading a special extracting program. My IT wizard did that and then, somehow, picked the wrong button ... Views: 941
There are three areas of your life that tend to have the strongest demand for your attention—personal, professional, and financial. Picture a pie chart featuring each of these categories. Ideally you would like to achieve a balance in these three areas; however, this type of life balance is rare ... Views: 2254
Many of the biggest workplace challenges facing women today still revolve around gender. Why do women still earn less than men holding the same job? Will the glass ceiling ever be reached or for that matter shattered? Is a balance between family and career attainable? What will it take to ... Views: 11516
With Labor Day passed and September into full swing, many of us are once again busier than ever! When time is so precious, one of the biggest culprits and thieves seems always to be email.
Do you remember when you first started using email….roughly. Or more to the point, do you remember a ... Views: 1269
Today I had a chance to read one of Rick Smyre’s articles, “Transforming the 20th Century Mind.”(http://www.communitiesofthefuture.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=130:transforming-the-20th-century-mind&catid=37:articles&Itemid=91) Just before reading this I watched President ... Views: 910
Over the last month or so, I've received questions submitted by readers and friends asking how I personally manage to find balance in my hectic schedule. The short answer: I'm not sure I ever have. In all honesty, I feel like true balance is much like true perfection: Never quite ... Views: 958
Business as Usual… or Breaking Point?
By Karel Murray
I had no idea how long two straight weeks on the road really was. It seemed like a great idea when I booked the five engagements in four different states. The travel itinerary flowed logically and I certainly did not want to disappoint ... Views: 1213
Ayurveda - ‘Ayu’ means life, and ‘veda’ means science or knowledge
Ayurveda is a science of life thousands of years old. Its purpose is maintaining and enhancing heatlh and treating illness comprehensively. Ayurveda defines the body constitution according to the three doshas: vata, pitta and ... Views: 1139
It is very common to hear today, especially from spiritual and esoteric/metaphysical individuals, that THERE ARE NO ACCIDENTS!
Well, if this is true, how come people loosely use the word ("accident") all the time? Is it because they are unaware, unconscious? Well of course they are! ... Views: 2205
Isn’t it funny, when you’re watching a movie that’s only slightly dated, to see a character use a mobile phone? Depending upon how old the movie is, the phone being used often looks only slightly smaller than a shoebox. The result is that a character who’s supposed to look rich and suave ... Views: 783
Creating your Vision; being able to look into your future through a selection of pictures, words, symbols and shapes creates a visualization of where you would like to see yourself, the direction you think you might be going in and the means in which to make it happen. Generating a map of your ... Views: 980
It's a new era in American giving. The White House will be launching a groundbreaking service initiative in the coming weeks and you're all invited to participate. It's called the Summer of Service and it's Barack Obama's "ask what you can do for your country." The initiative aims to make public ... Views: 541
So often, we get caught up in the day to day dramas of being a mom that we have trouble finding the time to work on our dreams. Life just always seems to get in the way. But shouldn’t your dreams be your life? What are we, if we don’t have dreams, and goals that help us to reach our dreams? ... Views: 983
“Don’t listen to your boss, listen to that voice inside your head”
When we hit that all annoying alarm clock, suck down a few cups of caffeinated coffee, put some sugared cereal into our kids bowls and take that early morning shower, where is our mindset really? Most likely it’s not on today ... Views: 1693
Do you find competing work and non-work life responsibilities to be a major cause of stress in your life?
In our current business world, professionals have the tendency to work harder and longer hours with the hope that they will miss the next layoff sweep. Considering the speed and scope of ... Views: 1607
Motivation, Reinforcement, Support and Accountability
Behavior change is not merely a matter of knowledge or skill. If that were true, then all the information campaigns on how to improve your health would have made behavior-related illnesses a thing of the past. And birth control information ... Views: 2173
Are you Macho? Not sure? Take the Macho Factor Quiz!
One of the most irritating aspects of day-to-day communication is trying to convince someone who takes a Macho attitude. Close colleagues are often dismayed to find that while amongst ourselves we can build on and critique each other's ... Views: 1569