We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Work Life Balance". If you have expertise in Work Life Balance and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Why is it your web site is only seeing a couple of hundred visits if that? One of the big challenges of internet marketing is how to get relevant traffic and how to get enough of it to make your There’s well over 20 billion searches made on the major search engines each month. online business ... Views: 1379
We live in a world where bigger is better and more is all the rage. When we are trying to get the life we want, it often involves adding something new: a new routine to lose weight, exercising more, taking a class or starting a new activity. Also, we are always looking for more time–most of us ... Views: 1023
People who are overweight are not overweight for the same reasons. These reasons include metabolic process problems, voracious appetites or a few people eat incessantly when they get bored. Whatever the reasons, there will be varying needs for herbal weight loss pills.
Evaluating your eating ... Views: 713
Part 2 – All Engines “GO”
In our previous article (http://begintoshift.com/wp/?p=600) we discussed the first four steps in our two-part series on “8 Steps to SUCCESS by Taking Charge of Your Life.” In the following segment, we’ll go through the final four steps that will help you “take off” ... Views: 1170
"When I am traveling in a carriage, or walking after a good meal, or during the night when I cannot sleep;
it is on such occasions that ideas flow best and most abundantly."
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)
Prolific Classical composer.
Like the circles or round-abouts in France, ... Views: 986
Do you get up from bed each morning with dread and anxiety about what faces you at work?
• Do you feel like you have to make “through” each day?
• Are you completely exhausted by the time you get home each night?
• Do you see life as a merry go round over which you have no control? ... Views: 19014
How often do you find yourself feeling rushed, pressed for time, hurried, stressed, or overwhelmed? For many of us, myself included, these feelings are all too common, especially these days. While feeling as though we don't have enough time or that our lives are overwhelming is not a new ... Views: 2444
What does it feel like to be completely free? Free from fear, free from worry and stress? Are you in the flow of your life, enjoying the natural unfolding of events or is your time and energy tied up in dealing with challenge? If an opportunity were to present itself right now that would enable ... Views: 1284
Are you at Risk of Career Burnout?
Career burnout or job burnout syndrome is a state of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion caused by long-term exposure to demanding, stressful, and pressure filled work situations. Burnout is the cumulative result of persistent stress at work.
What ... Views: 2485
You gain many benefits from having a healthy work life balance. It enables you to experience personal satisfaction and professional fulfillment. It also makes you more confident and effective at work.
Let’s explore all the benefits you can gain from having a healthy work life balance. ... Views: 11035
Feng Shui is a great tool to use for decorating ideas. Not only can you learn what colors work together, but you can also learn how their energies will help your life. With Feng Shui, you can easily color in your living room in a positive way. Whether you want to add luck to your life or you ... Views: 1707
So much of our day is spent thinking about what we want to do, be or have. When was the last time you actually thought about what was going right and how well you were doing something? Maybe it's time you start..
Today I woke up exhausted. I have been going, going, going, with work for months ... Views: 1437
Life Coaching! Who needs it!
By Carol Page – Personal Life Coach
Some time ago I was talking to a friend at a party about what I do.
“I’m a Personal Life Coach” I said.
“Life Coach!” she echoed in disbelief. ... Views: 1464
If you find that you are on your way to burnout or already suffering from burnout symptoms, there are things you can do to work against it. One of the most effective things you can do to fight burnout is to create fulfillment at work. This has a very large effect on you because we spend many ... Views: 6494
The Law of Attraction
By Carol Page – Personal Life Coach
In the world of self-development, The Law of Attraction or The Secret as it is often called is causing huge waves. This is in part because, if it delivers on ... Views: 1504
Do you have real work life balance in your life? Do you wake up each day filled with energy and excited to face a new day? Do you feel you have enough time and physical energy to give to your career, your spouse, your children, your friends, and yourself?
If you are like most people, you are ... Views: 1507
What does work life balance mean to you? Is there such a thing? I believe the balance lies in truly engaging in whatever is in front of you. Whether it is work related or you are connecting with yourself, family or friends. I am not here to tell you, x hours for work and x hours for family. ... Views: 881
Significance and Importance. The words resonate with meaning. Yet each one has a very different connotation when it comes to human relationships. Significance is defined as representing someone or the expression of what one is. For example, on the day you were born you had NOTHING but a ... Views: 1734
Self improvement isn't simply eating healthier, starting an exercise program, or starting a budget. Self Improvement is about being truthful and up-front with yourself. Self improvement will start opening doors for you in your life as you become more confident and pleased with yourself as you ... Views: 1005
When was the last time you checked the air in the tyres on your car? You may have found one to be lacking or perhaps even a little flat. What prompted you to check them? Many accidents are caused due to underinflated tyres, unfortunately my son can vouch for that.
So what has tyres got to do ... Views: 1119
Do you have true Time Freedom? I constantly come across people — a lot of people — who want more and more free time.
Is it really freedom if you have to work five days a week, eight to 10 hours a day, 50 weeks out of the year? Of course not! It’s only freedom if you can choose whether to ... Views: 790
Is hunched over a computer in a cubicle for 40 hours a week really where you want to be working, when you could be living and making money anywhere in the world, including from home?
Where would you live and work if you could choose anywhere in the world?
We all have passions, hobbies, ... Views: 1026
For many years, Eastern medicine – acupuncture, Vedic medicine – was termed “alternative” by a Western society whose medical traditions could only be described as youthful or adolescent by comparison. As an Ayurvedic surgeon from Cambridge said to me last Autumn, “If I’d studied conventional ... Views: 1462
Have you ever noticed how some "adults" do not say "Please" and "Thank You?" Isn't it amazing that when all of us were children, we were taught to say "Please," and usually we were asked by an adult, at that time, "What's the magic word?"
We were also taught to always say "Thank You," yet ... Views: 7182
I was recently asked to introduce a group of teenagers to what Life Coaching is about and after my first session was given feedback from some straight talking young people that my talk and chalk approach was boring. So I went away and revised my presentation. I eventually came up with the theme ... Views: 2461
Domestic Small Wind Energy.
The idea of having a solar panel situated on your property that will provide your domestic energy supply has become common coin for most householders. However, to compliment this, growing numbers are also looking at small wind energy projects that will not only ... Views: 1727
More important than work, money, careers, success, or anything...is KINDNESS!
Being kind to others; your family, your friends, even total strangers, is the most important thing in this life!
What do YOU think of a person who makes tons of money, and is successful by the world's standards, ... Views: 6918
Conscious consciousness ....is key!
Every second of our day is about making choices. The choices we make are integrally related to our decision making. How aware are we, when we say yes, to the consequences of that decision?
I have a client who told me that she believed that she only had ... Views: 3300
I am so angry today I could scream. I just don’t understand why I keep finding myself doing jobs that are simply boring or unchallenging.
On top of this, the money is poor and my boss gets my back up. I don’t seem to be able to enjoy the tasks or the people at work and, for that matter, the ... Views: 1661
If you’re just getting started in Internet marketing, you’re probably familiar with the term “info-products” or information products. Info-products include any tangible or intangible form in which you deliver information. That means info-products could be books, e-books, reports, manuals, ... Views: 1548
« I am the actor of my life.
However, I know the script but I've forgotten my vibrator! »
(copyright Jenni Parker-Brown
Leaning towards our dreams is a balancing act. Similar to a dancer spinning towards a victorious arabesque, if we dance too fast and without direction, when we lift ... Views: 1433
Let's Talk
As I was sitting here quiet in meditation this morning there were so many things running through my mind. It is virtually impossible to focus that way. Today I am determined to de-clog my mind that I may hear and know clearly the directions I must take for my life, family, home, ... Views: 2074
If you are obsessing, worrying and feeling overworked, you may feel stuck on the hamster wheel and not know how to change. You long for fun and relaxation but you can’t see any change in sight. If you relate to the song, “I can’t get no satisfaction,” it’s time to make a couple of needed ... Views: 1912
Feng Shui, very flexible art that brings out the best in your design choices by improving the flow of energy, allows you ample room to express your own personality and flair. Although implementing the ancient principles of Feng Shui to create balance and harmony in your environment, you still ... Views: 966
The Game of Life – Chutes and Ladders
by Joe Gandolfo
My youngest son Duncan, now 8 and age 3 at the time, came to me one morning and asked if I wanted to play. Being a part-time stay-at-home Dad in those days mixed with the responsibility of growing a company, I was torn like an old faded ... Views: 2306
Balancing your life is not an easy task, is it?
We are super busy with growing and managing our business. We have our personal lives to attend to, as well. If you have growing kids, like I do, you know it takes creative time management to fit in all the extracurricular activities on top of ... Views: 844
Having your own business requires consistent review. Ideas are continuously flowing and ways to improve are being flushed through your mind. Taking it up to the next level is the main goal - not wanting to miss out on being able to provide the services that your competitors are able to deliver. ... Views: 1071
Most US government buildings and public schools display a portrait of the current president as a sign of respect and citizenship awareness. Often there are also portraits of past presidents, especially George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Such portraits are as common a sight as the American ... Views: 659
What is Mindfulness?
The concept of mindfulness has actually been around for thousands of years. Its origins can be found in the earliest Buddhist teachings (2500 years ago). It has been used over the centuries in traditional eastern contemplative practices like Hatha Yoga and other ... Views: 6372
In our excitement to stick to our resolutions and reach the goals we set for the year, we can sometimes become overwhelmed with trying to fulfill them all at once. This can lead to postponing our dreams and not being able to help to create positive change in the lives of those we love and ... Views: 1254
New to this blog series? Be sure to read the first three installments here:
* Part One: What is a 4HWW? http://bit.ly/bYZphK
* Part Two: How My Fairy Tale Became Reality - http://bit.ly/bEWDjN
* Part Three: Not Working is Really Not Working - http://bit.ly/avENjn
The ... Views: 2255
Sometimes I think there should be a halfway house for ex-corporate employees to help you adjust to life “on the outside”.
When I started my first business after a 20-year career working for other people, the hardest change I had to make was in my own mind.
I remember alternating from ... Views: 1215
Each of us has our own way of life, "indifferences" as they call it. But the reality is that even how different we are and the way we live, there are universal truths, values and principles that are governing our world. These truths are both simple and general that if you try to learn and apply ... Views: 1250
What would work be without stress? Pretty unsuccessful! Stress at work lets you know that you are challenging your own limits, when you are pushing beyond your own limits, like when you push yourself to finish a project before the deadline. Stress also wears down your physical and emotional ... Views: 1730
Do you find yourself exhausted at the end of your day? Feeling overwhelmed and stressed often? Does your mind seem to race from what you are doing now, to worrying about what you need to do later and then perhaps rehashing what happened yesterday? Well, if so, you are not alone. According to the ... Views: 2906
When talking about financial freedom, different people can mean entirely different things. For some it means getting to do what they want because they have enough money. For others it means having enough income from investments that they are free of any financial concerns.
Of course, few ... Views: 1054
I used to work for Disney and I remember in 1995 when Toy Story first came out, all the parents at Christmas time were desperate to get their hands on a Buzz Lightyear toy. It was THE toy to have and the scenes in the stores were completely crazy! (You might have been one of those parents!)
... Views: 757
One thing I have learned on my journey of transformation is that Awakening to our own Divinity, or to what I call our Diamond Consciousness (conscious partnership with the Divine) is a process – not just a one-time event. In these accelerated times, moving through the vibrational shifts and ... Views: 3844
There is no denying 2009’ was the most tumultuous year in terms of financial, emotional and regrettable decisions we may have made. But as we have learned drudging through the muddy waters in our society together we have also become much wiser to make prudent decisions in 2010’ and many years ... Views: 1587
Over the next few weeks, anything can change in your business. You’ll find that people often make decisions about what they will and won’t be doing in the new year. You will want to make sure that your business not only survives but thrives next year.
It’s imperative that you put time aside ... Views: 1161