We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Work Life Balance". If you have expertise in Work Life Balance and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Ok - I admit - I am a workaholic. At least I am sure busy all the time. Not sure if it is always productive but I never really stop until I hit the proverbial wall!
Don't get me wrong - I love the things I do and who I connect with face-to-face and on line. But where is the ME in all of ... Views: 542
Do you really want to stay middle class or be rich? All you need do is decide to be rich.
For starters, let’s get some definitions clear. ‘How to’ means a method, a way of doing things. ‘Rich’ means you do not spend your time to earn money. And ‘Middle class’ means you do not abuse your body ... Views: 1178
Some people must really like stress. I mean, they must like it even if they say they don’t, because they talk about it all of the time and they wear their stress like badges of honor. Just eavesdrop on a conversation between two or more people in an airport or a restaurant during lunch hour. ... Views: 1397
Does this picture fit you?
• sleeplessness
• being angry a little too often
• frequent frustration
• increased absenteeism from work
• presenteeism (going to work when you were so sick you should have stayed home)
• reduced concern for customers/ clients
• emotional exhaustion
• a ... Views: 1097
Every fall, I began to feel the constricted pressure of having too much to do and no time to get it all done. One year, I had an epiphany about why this happened and what to do about it.
It was a crisp, beautiful fall morning. For me, it was the kind of weather that makes me want to get up ... Views: 2451
Are you stuck in the rut most Americans are in these days? You don’t have to be! Read on...
So it’s your choice whether or not you see and react to the current economic climate, or what the media and government calls “the recession,” in a negative way, or a positive way. I have learned to ... Views: 1539
The bottom line is that to be successful in business and in life you’ll need to cultivate a sense of balance in your life. Entrepreneurs choose to do work they love and delegate the rest. Find time each day to sit quietly with yourself and enjoy the tranquility of not having to think about ... Views: 1008
Working from home has several benefits and can be one of the most rewarding experiences for not only yourself, but for your family. However, if you are thinking about establishing a home office, it is important to understand what this would ultimately mean to you. Taking your personality and ... Views: 1295
Sensible Planning; fall is just around the corner and possibly your schedule is about to begin to rock and roll with the sights and sounds of school buses, falling leaves and the back to school hustle and bustle. Taking the time to create your cooler weather schedule, thinking about what’s ... Views: 830
Webster’s Dictionary defines the word NO as “nay, not so, the opposite of YES, used to deny, refuse, or disagree.” With a definition like that, it is not surprising that many people in today’s society have difficulty thinking the word NO, much less saying it. However, NO can be a powerful ... Views: 719
Tom Heuerman is an organizational consultant who recently wrote about the qualities of sustainable organizations: they “continually adapt to the external environment…. [and] have a core identity of purpose (why they exist) and values (guiding principles) that provide stability and continuity as ... Views: 1269
Here are some tips to keep yourself on target without
beating yourself up while still finding time to enjoy, sleep, eat . . .
In my blog (www.theawarenessinitiative.com/blog) on 7/30/09 I discuss the expression: “Don’t push the river.” Below is a recap of that blog with some time ... Views: 962
Stress, when seen from the perspective of health, productivity, cost commitment and safety, is a real challenge for all. Almost everyone, whether in business or personal life, is under workplace stress to give results, put up with rules and to be available compatibly with others on the ... Views: 1511
Those who spend more time with their works tend to suffer from stress more than the other. The mental and emotional burden that is often attributed to the demands of work can affect our productivity and efficiency with our task that would often lead us to troubles than not. This is one reason ... Views: 1080
Of all the skills and knowledge required to succeed in today’s workforce, managing upward – the ability to manage one’s supervisors, managers, and leadership team – is perhaps the least taught or practiced, yet it is one of the most valuable skills a knowledge worker can have. When done ... Views: 4333
Fall is just around the corner and possibly your schedule is about to begin to rock and roll with the sights and sounds of school buses, falling leaves and the back to school hustle and bustle. Taking the time to create your cooler weather schedule, thinking about what’s important and how it ... Views: 960
"If you don’t have any Fun in your Life, then all you have is a bunch of Thursdays?" (Movie, Rumor Has It)
Starting with the end of childhood, moving into being a working adult and, finally, into the fifty plus stage with retirement on the horizon, our amount of Fun typically decreases. ... Views: 3484
Just in the past week, I’ve had four clients show up at my door with the bad news: they are out of a job. It is becoming rather common these days for jobs–and whole companies–to up and simply disappear. On top of that, it seems that every time I turn on CNN or any news show for that matter, some ... Views: 771
Balance has always been important to me in my life. For most people, the balance between work time and personal time is, unfortunately, weighted too heavily in the direction of work.
It is more common than ever before to have a two-income household with both parents working just to make ends ... Views: 1286
A question I am often asked by people who would like to telecommute is, "How do I approach my manager or boss about this subject?" Many people fear that if they suggest telecommuting, or even working from home occasionally, that they will be viewed as "less than serious" about their job. Of ... Views: 1180
One of the best pieces of advice that a coach ever gave me was "Never begin your day before it's finished on paper." Over the years, this has served me extremely well. Whenever my day is not flowing smoothly, or I'm generally unproductive or "feeling a little lost" chances are it is due to poor ... Views: 1354
Balance; creating a state of harmony among the elements of your day, your week and your life is such a precious state to inhabit. Creating an environment of equilibrium provides you with the ability to feel poised, carry on your days with feelings of stability and provide you with a clear sense ... Views: 1102
1. Know What You Want
The first step towards getting what you want, is knowing what you want. I decided very early on that my business was going to support my time with my daughter and not suck away these valuable years with me at work while she was with carers.
Even in my salaried job ... Views: 687
Do you need ‘The Lunch Break Challenge’? Do you often feel tired and lethargic in the afternoons? Do you feel resentful towards your employer or your organization, or your clients? If you answered yes to any of these questions, the lunch break challenge is for you….
Firstly, you must commit ... Views: 1558
In today’s economic climate, many of us must balance many things in our lives to survive, be happy, healthy and successful. You may be juggling a job or career, or maybe you own or have several jobs or businesses like I do, a relationship, and some of you may even have children and then there’s ... Views: 1621
We all know at least one of these people, in our circle of friends or where we work: in their professional lives, they are decisive, self confident, self disciplined, even tempered, energetic, productive, balanced and positive. In their private lives they are supportive, encouraging, patient ... Views: 1083
Today, I am going to share with you 6 simple strategies. These strategies may sound too simple to make a difference in your life, however these simple tasks are the ones which changed my life and that of many other very successful people.
Some of these strategies you may feel a resistance ... Views: 1619
We know that living in the 21st century can be similar to sitting on a rollercoaster zooming along at an incredibly frantic pace. It can be a challenging task to pull on the brakes and slow the rollercoaster down, refuel it, and attend to its maintenance, so it can run at its optimum level. Work ... Views: 1384
Like pieces of a puzzle, the many different aspects of your being come together to form the person that you are. You work and play, rest and expend energy, commune with your body and soul, exalt in joy, and feel sorrow. Balance is the state that you achieve when all of the aspects of your life ... Views: 550
Recession is a money term. But recessions have a way of affecting not just our finances, but our entire lives. They cause us to think deeply about our careers, our children and our future.
Our lives should be prosperous, joyful and consistent no matter what the economy does. But it usually ... Views: 1106
Recent studies have shown that ‘work life balance’ is the number one want of workers – even higher in priority than salary. And it’s not just younger people. It applies also to ageing workers, especially those who are starting to look to a second adulthood, one in which passion takes over from ... Views: 963
It would be nice to think that the companies on the leading edge of work/life balance programs are simply being good citizens and doing the right thing! But, the fact is that these programs make good business sense.
In addition to increased productivity and employee satisfaction, companies ... Views: 1458
It's so easy to get caught up in the busyness of life and
forget to live it to the fullest. Here are 101 Ways To Say YES! To Life.
Modify them to fit your budget and safety needs (say YES! to life by being smart
about your safety, too!), use them to spark your own ideas, ... Views: 1760
Today is dedicated to what I hear the most; How do I get the Peace & Joy that is promised in the Bible? First we must know that we are talking about the ONLY book where every promise has come true and is still coming true. We’ll take the odds of one out of a million for the lottory and “hope” ... Views: 1460
Mary is a typical small business owner, she keeps herself busy doing the 'hands on' work. In her case it is doing beauty treatments and she told me she keeps doing this because she really enjoys it.
Her clients constantly told her how great she was, which made her feel appreciated. However ... Views: 1101
Have you ever heard the saying 'work always expands to fill the time available? So what does that mean? It means that the longer you have to get something done, the longer you will take to do it.save time
One of my clients recently committed to taking every Friday off. He blocked out the ... Views: 1094
Living a Healthier Life
By Dr. Amicitia Maloon-Gibson
Author-Speaker- Executive Coach
One day during a coaching session, a client asked after thirty years of service to the nation, what keeps you glowing, smiling and looking youthful. I replied, good genetic composition from my parents. ... Views: 1319
Professionally, we often hear people say that they are busy. Some people repeat it so much that they sound like broken records. But are they really that busy? Or do they suffer from faulty time management skills? In the vast majority of cases, it's the latter reason.
There are 24 hours in a ... Views: 1279
Inherent within the human spirit is the desire for fulfillment, a longing to carry out our creative aspirations by reaching new heights of accomplishment. Yet, often the yearning can be suppressed by fear. Perhaps we aren’t feeling good enough, smart enough or able enough to pursue and fulfill ... Views: 1229
Having problems and challenges in life is something we all face at one time or another. For most people, problems drag them way down emotionally and almost completely drain the life energy out of them.
But it doesn't have to be that way. By making a few simple adjustments in the way you view ... Views: 1484
1. Not everyone is going to like you…..get over it
2. Stuff is going to happen….deal with it
3. Faith is not what you hold onto but what you are prepared to let go off
4. Ignorance is thinking you know, arrogance is believing you know and enlightenment is admitting you don’t know
5. Man who ... Views: 1763
The old saying if we want to marry a devout Christian girl, we must first convince or negotiate with the father, hence social leverage at work. In the business and financial world leverage is the utilization of restricted or restrained resources that are linked to a much broader resource base ... Views: 1302
A few short years ago we used to start our day by walking the dog or getting our coffee fix, now it is logging onto our networking magnet, the internet and checking our emails or waiting for the responses we put on to Craigslist or Facebook the past evening. This epidemic phenomenon has changed ... Views: 1192
A New York Times story (the most emailed article for much of today and yesterday) reports on the positive impact school recess has on academic performance. Here's how it begins: "The best way to improve children's performance in the classroom may be to take them out of it."
The paradoxical ... Views: 668
A Well Balanced Life
The first step is to take stock. Ask yourself which areas of your life are already in balance and which areas need balance. Below is a balanced life wheel showing the different areas of an individual’s life. Look at the wheel and see where you are at the moment.
... Views: 2497
The world moves at a tremendously fast pace. It’s virtually impossible to disconnect from work, social networks, media, news, even friends and family. Life is often an overload of emails, voice mails, instant messages, profiles, shows, kids activities, schedules, and the endless desire to know ... Views: 755
When people ask what I do for a living and I tell the I'm a specialist in Stress Management, the universal reaction is 'Boy! You must be busy!' or 'Goodness! Do I need you, but what exactly do you do?'.
Then often what happens afterwards is...nothing. Sometimes it's because people ... Views: 1276
The days of selling are over. We can no longer afford it, neither financially nor personally.
It is time to take a trip to the Land of In-Between. The old times of spiritual escapism - leaving the family, leaving the "world" - no longer serve. The newer times of immersing oneself so ... Views: 1107
The recession may not only be changing household budgets and habits, but also challenging longstanding gender roles.
The New York Times reported that 82 percent of the job losses in the recent months have befallen men. For many households this means that women who once were full-time ... Views: 815