Why is it necessary that you know the warning signs of leukemia?

Here's why...Leukemia, just like any other type of cancer, is a complicated disease. It has many different types.

There is the acute type and the chronic type. Both have the same leukemia signs but the time frame they exhibit the signs varies.

The acute type starts and develops into a full-blown cancer very quickly. It is very common in children. It is deadly because it can overrun your body within a short period of time. This is why you must know what signs to look out for. You must not also disregard its signs.

The chronic type grows very slowly that it does not show any visible signs for years. But even if it's slow-growing, it must be treated because it can eventually lead to death. You must also be aware of the subtle signs it manifests.

So, what are the 9 warning signs of leukemia?

1) Anemic appearance which includes unusual tiredness, extreme weakness, paleness, and shortness of breath

2) Repeated bouts with flu-like symptoms that include chills, fevers and nightsweats

3) Excessive, constant and unusual bleeding such as nosebleeds, bleeding gums and minor wounds that continue to bleed

4) Swelling of the abdomen which explains the next important sign...

5) Poor appetite

6) Limping when walking which may be caused by pain in the bones or joints

7) Swelling in the lymph nodes located in your neck or youe armpits

8) Weight loss

9) High sensitivity to bruising

Remember that this is just a guideline. You cannot be certain that the signs listed are 100% leukemia signs but it's better to be safe than sorry. See a doctor and find out if these are warning signs of leukemia or another important disease.

Author's Bio: 

For more info, see Facts About Leukemia

Belen Tanghal is a health enthusiast and believes prevention is the key to winning the war against cancer. Her website at http://www.your-cancer-prevention-guide.com/ offers easy-to-comprehend information on why cancer starts and steps on prevention.

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