In the past week - I felt like I should've been walking around with 2 thick magnifying glasses duct-taped to my head (and noooooo - I don't need bi-focals!)

Examples of really lousy sales tactics and salespeople have been popping up everywhere. (always perfect fodder for a writer like moi!)

In fact, there are 3 Lousy Sales Tactics That Need To Change NOW!

Lousy Sales Tactic #1:

It appears that some companies feel if they print the truth in teeny, tiny, little, letters (hoping no one will see it) - they'll have "an out" with their customer. Or if they're really vague...then that allows them the opportunity to suck customers in with false pretenses.

I saw an ad today for a Mini-Cooper. Fantastic car by the way, I drove one all over San Francisco and Napa Valley a few years ago! So - of course, when I saw the ad - the car caught my eye (they are so darn cute). They were advertising a special promotion where you'd have monthly payments of $307 or something like that.

And then of course I saw it. The tactic that drives me nuts. I dragged out my super-duper magnifying glass...

At the bottom of the ad, in the tiniest printing, made by a tiny little leprechaun, with a tiny little ball point pen...truly - is there such a thing as .000000000000000005 font size? (I've added it here in 12 point by the way)

"Lease rates are those offered by BMW Financial Services Canada only on approved credit. For example the MSRP of a (07 cooper classic) is ($25,345), which includes freight and PDI. At (8%)APR for a (48 month lease and with a ($3,257) down payment, each monthly payment is ($299). First month's lease payment, a ($350) security deposit, PPSA registration of ($22) and a ($399) administration fee are extra and required at lease signing. ($.15)/km) will be charged for all kilometers over (80,000) at lease end. License, insurance, taxes, lease option fee set by the Retailer and vehicle registration are extra. (Limited time offer and subject to change)"

And by the way, it was a full page ad. They had "plenty-o-room" to have this in a larger, easier to read format vs "the mini" version.

We All Know Why They Make Jokes About The Fine Print!

Except I don't think it's so fine.

In fact, I think it's a bloody disgrace. (There's a Canadian term for you!) There's no reason for a company to treat their customers like sheep. Baaaa...Baaa... follow me down the yellow brick road of the not so easy-to-manage monthly fee.

And this is just one example - we're surrounded by it.

Do You Make Your Customer Read Fine Print, Jump Through Hoops, and Decipher Invisible Ink?

I sure hope not.

The days of the "Dum-Dum Customer" are over. Customers are tired of the B.S. and you have to make sure you're not part of "the old boys club" that thought it was OK to treat customers this way.

Because it has NEVER been the right way to treat a customer.

Lousy Sales Tactic #2:

Another tactic you may have experienced is "Oh - that was in the contract...didn't you see that? You signed it."

Remember - when you were signing your cell phone contract for 3 years so you could get that ultra fancy pink phone? Except you didn't realize you had to give up your first born child, your dog, your satin pillowcases and bake a chocolate layer cake for the company president for 3 years too?

Lousy Sales Tactic #3:

The vague cold caller. The one who is one step above a heavy breather.

I had a person cold call me this week, who tried to create "rapport" with me in 10 seconds, didn't mention the name of their business and then jumped into the old line "Are you someone who is open to options?"

Now let's take a step back from that phrase for a minute. Are you talking about stock options, whether I should stay in Paris for 2 weeks or 3 weeks or if I should paint my room verdant green or sass yellow?

Oh please. If they had been to my website and read ANYTHING about me - they'd have known COLD CALLING WAS THE WORST THING they could have done to me. Egad.


Here's Some Sales Diva Advice.

Don't do that.

Don't make your customer beg for mercy.
Don't try to "get them".
Don't be a false advertiser.

Remember - You Can Still Draw Boundaries

You can have a contract. Just make sure your customer is clear on what they receive and also what they don't.

If you can't deliver - then tell them. Don't keep them hanging.

When you raise your rates, change policies, change anything - let them know.

If you need to fire a customer - be upfront about it.

And if a customer is trying to knowingly break the rules, you know that they know the rules and when you know that you've given your best - then stick up for yourself. We've all had to do that!

I believe in you. I know you have a fabulous product or service, I know you have integrity and I know you're sincerely doing your best.

So don't be afraid to let the customer know the tough stuff. Otherwise, they weren't ever really your customer anyway.

So there.

Author's Bio: 

Kim Duke's extensive sales background was based in the media - 15 years working with two of Canada 's largest television networks, CTV and CBC Television in sales and management. She's sold millions and didn't even break a nail!

She is a national award winning salesperson - and was the second youngest sales manager in Canada for CBC Television, Canada's oldest television network.

From TV Executive to Entrepreneur!

Kim launched her own company The Sales Divas in 2001 and has never looked back.

Now as a successful entrepreneur - she provides sales training for companies of all sizes across Canada and internationally. She's worked with the WNBA and NBA!

Kim also writes sales articles and sales tips for newsletters and websites internationally.

Her warmth and her passion for taking the fear out of selling is what Kim has shared with thousands of people in her presentations, training and writing.