In this article, I will be giving you 4 factors to consider if you still want to get your ex back or not.

Before you go on and read them, I need to make it very clear that I cannot guarantee if your partner will react how you want him or her to react. But at least you should know if you have the chance to meet your ex again.

1. Your Ex Gets Jeolous Or Suspicious Easily

If your ex sees you with your current date or opposite sex partner and gets jeolous or suspicious easily, you probably should not get him or her back however tempting it may be to think that your ex still has feelings for you.

This is also a clear sign that your ex does not trust you and will always be keeping an eye on you even to the extent of controlling your life completely.

If that is the case, it is better to break up now rather than divorce later with all the complicated legal proceedings and how to go about dividing your assets, property etc.

Though it hurts your feelings, it does not hurt your income and you always get another partner.

2. Lack Of Communication

Before hoping to get back with your ex successfully, both of you need to communicate to understand each other better.

But it is never easy to take the first step. Because the truth is nobody likes to communicate with those whom he have had conflicts with. But somebody has to take the first step.

Until both of you communicate, nothing is going to happen and your break up stays permanent.

3. No Or Wrong Idea Why You Want Your Ex Back

If you have no idea or unable to explain properly why you want your ex back, then any chance of getting him or her back will be lost.

Please do not use loneliness as your reason as that is what most people already did out there.

The same outcome will occur if you have the wrong idea. Such as wanting her for sexual motives. Awkward as I may sound, this is what most guys will think since I am writing as a guy myself and based on my experience.

When giving reasons why you want your ex back, you need to consider her feelings as much as you want her to do the same.

4. Stop Contacting Your Ex If Your Ex Tells You To

If your ex wants you to stop contacting him or her as he or she is in relationship with someone else, it is time to move on.

Any further action from you will result in you becoming a villain and third party wrecker in your ex’s perspective. So stop contacting since it does not make any sense and your ex has already made his or her stand clear.

Hopefully after reading this, I hope these 4 reasons are sufficient for you to make a choice whether to get your ex back or begin a new life with someone else.

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