Are you one of the many people who sabotage your ability to create more financial prosperity in your life?
Our thoughts, (negative or positive) become automatic over time and create our reality. It is important to become aware of the messages we give ourselves that either attract or detract what we want more of in our lives.
Be aware of these four big money mistakes that prevent you from attracting & allowing abundance into your life:
1. Worry
2. Limiting Beliefs
3. Limiting Self-talk
4. Being Stingy
Learn to be aware of the details of your finances; don’t be kept in the dark by anyone.Money Management: How to get out of debt Maintain a healthy relationship with your money Make choices based on hope instead of fear! Lack of confidence can lead to self-destructive behavior: You might work at a job you hate; You might allow yourself to get deeply into debt; Perhaps you find yourself moving from one bad relationship to another. Without confidence, you don’t allow yourself to pursue your dreams. We get what we think about; If you want more money, give up your old beliefs and adopt new ones: “I’m a money magnet!”
Count your blessings, Count your blessings, and Count your blessings!
If you have had trouble with finances in the past, know it can be different. Expect it, and allow for a new experience. A positive outlook on your finances will attract better opportunities your way and will help you make better financial decisions along the way.

Author's Bio: 

Janie Behr MSSW, CLC is a Certified Life Coach, Author and Motivational Speaker specializing in helping people find their purpose, achieve their goals, and explore all the possibilities that life has to offer. She is available for private individual coaching, group coaching and public speaking engagements. She runs frequent teleseminars dedicated to helping people find and live their most positive lives! For more information please visit