Just knowing every little detail about your product is not going to be the thing to give you the success you really want with your sales. There are many skills involved with being a great sales person, and in order for any business to succeed and see a profit, sales must be made. You must be constantly honing your skills, and taking advantage of any education you can have (including on the job education) to be a great sales person, and it is something that you are always going to be working on. To get you started on the right track, here are five traits you need to have (or learn) to succeed in sales:

Be approachable, social, and likeable: If you are not someone who is a people person, chances are that you are not going to excel in sales. You have to be able to be friendly and likeable, and people need to feel like they can approach you about anything at any time. You need to get out there and make sure that your customers know that you are always going to be there for them, and let them see the human side of you, not just the sales person. This is something that will take you far in the world of sales.

Have a never-say-never attitude: You need to have a lot of tenacity to be a sales person. You are going to have a lot of rejection, and you just have to keep pushing forward until you are getting the sales you want. If you give up after the first few tries, you are never going to have the level of sales that you could have, and your business is not going to do nearly as well as you hoped. Never say never, and don't take no for an answer either. You can approach someone one day who is not interested, but who is to say they won't be interested another time? You just have to keep on trying.

Let your enthusiasm show: You need to love what you are doing, especially if you are in sales. If not, it is going to show, and if you do not have enthusiasm for what you are doing, how can you expect anyone else to? You need to be enthusiastic about every sale, no matter how large or small, and see what it is going to do for your business in the long run. When you have enthusiasm for what you are doing, it helps you to stay on track, and it is infectious, and others will pick up on it.

Show a little humility: Remember the song, “Hard to Be Humble”? These lyrics are sometimes so close to the truth, but it is important to remember to always have a little bit of humility, especially when you are in sales. There are few things that are more annoying than an arrogant sales person who is a pushy know-it-all, and this is something that is going to drive customers away very quickly. It is alright to be a little bit cocky, after all, you want people to know that you are sure about yourself and what you are selling. But don't be so cocky that you turn potential customers off.

Be honest and unbiased: Customers can see through dishonesty very quickly, and once you develop a reputation of being dishonest, it is not going to be easy to get new customers or sales. Never be biased either. If you don't have what your customers are looking for, don't be afraid to refer them elsewhere. This is only going to help you, because it will show that you are not just about the sale, but someone who is honest and who can be trusted. You may be losing a sale today, but this is going to gain you even more sales in the long run.

Author's Bio: 

Andrew McCombe is the owner of Activate Your Business where they teach new and existing business owners to Start, Grow and / or Automate their business(es) with EASE, so they can live a life of EASE. For more information visit http://www.activateyourbusiness.com.au