Remote work and freelancing, in general, has proposed a lot of changes for the regular workforce. Many are embracing this newfound freedom, while learning to manage their life insurance, pay their taxes a little differently and a host of other subtle changes.

Okay, but by now, we have already come up with an idea or two on how to perfect our daily work routine. Remote work has already become a standard, with many people expressing their wish to keep working from home when the pandemic is over, or looking for exciting new business opportunities.

In terms of project management, remote work has brought it to the next level. With so many quality apps available, the only challenge that remains is - getting familiar with them. That, also, by now, many have done.

However, some project managers are better at working remotely than others. Why is that so and how can you improve?

1. Proper Time Management

Obviously, time management is the first critical skill. Some projects are more urgent than others and the dynamics may change at any time. Basically, proper time management relies on managers' ability to adapt and to use proper tools in an efficient way.

Another important aspect is - time optimization. Many repetitive actions can be successfully optimized with the help of templates, for example. The same can be applied to email responses and similar.

While we’re on this topic, it is also important to choose the right email client, as it saves tremendous amounts of time in the long run.

2. Boost Productivity

Let’s not mistake good time management skills with productivity. While it is true that some people need more time per task than others, it also holds true that productivity isn’t linked to the time allocated per task.

Productivity can be greatly boosted by proper project management and employee engagement, and it is considerably easier to do that while working remotely. For one thing, instant messengers remove the need to wait until the next scheduled meeting and looking for a colleague online is instantaneous, as opposed to looking for a colleague at the office or out on the frontline.

3. Perfect Your Soft Skills

Soft skills get a whole new meaning where remote work is engaged. Even if you are an expert communicator, you may find that online communication is somewhat different. For one thing, people unaccustomed to it may find it difficult at first.

For many people, the pings and notifications can be a real interruption. And not only that - they interrupt tasks and break people’s concentration. It is, therefore, crucial to establish communication rules and avoid unnecessary distractions.

4. Be Disciplined

It is important to understand that remote work can be somewhat clumsy in the beginning, especially if you’re managing large teams. The first reason for this is that people tend to waste time online just because they think no one is watching.

The same applies to both employers and managers. Be very careful in these matters and stick to your schedule. It is always a good idea to draft a daily schedule that includes all activities (breaks, too).

Secondly, for team members without a fixed schedule, it is necessary to check on their progress, but not in an intrusive way. Netiquette is somewhat of an art, especially in the beginning when team members are still learning the ropes.

Be tactical and communicate expectations clearly, but don’t stress people out.

5. Be Tech-Savvy

Last but not least, it is crucial to keep informed about the latest technological developments, even if you’re not using the latest tool. The online environment is changing rapidly and often there are multiple new ways to manage projects and keep up with communication.

The industry changes alongside the demand and a good manager should always lead by example. It is unrealistic to expect your team members to be tech-savvy while you yourself are struggling with the apps.

Take your time familiarizing yourself with the latest and greatest and keep learning. It’s the only way forward, really.


In contrast to manufacturing trends, remote work trends tend to change dramatically without warning. Today, Asana and Trello may be the most widely used tools, but tomorrow, who knows? What is crucial in terms of successfully managing projects from home is to stay on top of the developments, communicate with team members on a regular basis, and listen to employee feedback.

Nothing is set in stone. Small adjustments are to be expected. Apply best practices on a per case basis for best results.

Author's Bio: 

Angela Ash is an expert writer and editor, and she works with Flow SEO, a boutique agency founded by Viola Eva.