Putting together a teleclass is a great way to share content with your audience, and to pick up new subscribers for your list. The key is to provide great content, so that they will want to build a relationship with you, that will lead to eventually working together.

Preparing the content is the key to making sure your class runs smoothly, and accomplishes what you want and what your audience wants.

Establish a catchy title. Make it as specific as you can. There are so many classes on the Internet these days that your title can actually make or break your registration goal. For instance instead of "Internet Marketing 101" you might select something like "7 Ways to Grow Your List Using Email Marketing" or "Choosing Blog Keywords that Get Results". These titles are more attention grabbing than the first one, and will attract the attention of those who are looking specifically for that information that you are going to present.

Research your topic. It doesn't matter if you are an expert at what you are presenting - do some research for new and trending information that will support what you are talking about. If you keep a swipe file, incorporate some of your new ideas into your presentation. Keeping things fresh is key - whether you are presenting your topic for the first time or whether it's a signature speech you offer. If you can quote some statistics or provide resources for your audience, that will establish your credibility more quickly than just citing your opinion.

Break down your presentation into key points. No matter what your subject matter is for your class, be sure to break it down into chunks so that your audience can easily digest it and follow it on your call. It is a common practice to speak in odd numbers in marketing, like 3, 5 or 7. The brain processes these number easily and makes it appear that your system is simple. Determine whether your audience prefers 'tips, secrets, answers, or questions' - what will the respond best to? - and develop the flow of your class from that.

Provide detail for each point. You will want to break down each point into its own points as well. Be cautious here not to give away the farm. You want to give them good, valuable information, but you don't want to effectively give people the full answer, otherwise they may not feel the need to work with you. You want to establish yourself as the expert, you want to prove that you understand their problem, and then you want to move on to the next point. Try to make sure you have the same amount of information for each point, so your presentation flows evenly.

Call to Action. Never forget to include a call to action in your teleclass. It doesn't matter what you are promoting, but with a captive audience, you should always be sure to point them to a way to work with you. You want to place your call to action directly before your last point of your presentation. So if you have 3 Secrets, for instance, go through your first 2 and then before you get to the final one, set up your call to action. Then finish with your third (strong) point. It's an effective method of gaining momentum and engaging your audience so they will want to hear more from you.

By planning the content for your teleclass carefully you will have a polished presentation that your audience appreciates. The idea is to share your information and expertise with them as you build your Know, Like, Trust relationship. Put it all together, practice it, edit where necessary, and present it with confidence!

Author's Bio: 

Tracey D’Aviero is a successful Virtual Assistant as well as a VA coach and mentor. She helps new and aspiring Virtual Assistants build solid foundations for their businesses by teaching them how to put procedures and plans in place for success and growth. Pick up a copy of Tracey’s free ebook “3 Way To Get The Clients You Want!” at www.yourvamentor.com