5 Ways to Jump-Start Positive Thinking

You become what you believe, it really is that simple. What you believe is what exists for you but before the belief comes a thought. Your thoughts will direct your actions and determine paths of your journey.
It takes time to train your brain to filter and discard the negative and choose and accept the positive. Trust me, I’ve been practicing positive thinking for years and it’s still work in progress.

From the beginning of times, simplicity was the key. Stepping back, just being, slowing down your body, your mind and living with nature was a way of life.
Over the time, our society became more complex, with high expectations of ourselves as well as people around you. We get overwhelmed often and on a daily basis. We get attacked by negativity from many angles – from the daily news, bad day at work, argument with a loved one, poor customer service, traffic jam, being treated poorly by another, not feeling well and so on.
It is so easy to fall into a trap of feeling like you’re under an attack and that the whole world is working against you. This is the exact moment when your ego pokes its head out and starts asking for more of the same.
Human ego is a dangerous thing. It makes people criticize and judge another. It feeds on misery and negativity. It will make you feel superior one minute and make you start internal dialogue like: “Why her and not me?”, “Life isn’t fair”, the next.

Things that don’t satisfy you or make you happy and are out of your control are best to walk away from in peace. Move on, change what you can and look for what gives you satisfaction and happiness.
Simply be and let others be! It’s how it was intended in the first place.
It is important to step back when you feel life is getting little too much. The time out will give you time and space to start watching your thoughts, feelings and patterns. As you change on the inside, perception of your outside world changes too. Think about what’s the most important area of your life and focus on those thoughts for a while. Replace negative with a positive. What would the ideal scenario in that situation be? You might get surprised how, when the way you think about one thing improves, other things in your life starts to improve too.

Don’t be fearful; don’t be rushed but trust that you’re ready, have the power and intelligence to change the way you think. Everything else will follow in a much simpler way.


• Breath & Smile
• Watch your thoughts and replace negative with a positive
• Get rid of your ego – nothing that is happening around you and to you is a personal attack, it’s just the way it is
• Listen to your favourite music
• Help others

Author's Bio: 

Irina Morrison is a counsellor, yoga teacher and a writer with the focus on a life journey and emotional growth. She's travelled the world and speaks multiple languages. Her passion to create doesn't stop at writing, she enjoys cooking, interior design and reading.