There is a growing concern in the world, a concern that people are losing faith in the process and feel that nothing is working. Many of the politicians don’t listen to the people, because many of them only listen to money… thus they are not doing what the people want. And many of the scientists and the people in control of the world are leading people astray… but all of that can be changed.

Here is what we can do:

Speak Truth - We know when we are not speaking the truth, we know when we are causing havoc because we just want our way, and don’t want to listen to other aspects. Our heart knows this… but in the end many are too afraid speak up because they might lose their jobs or income if they speak the truth. But if we lose everything because we don’t speak up… none of that will matter.

It’s important to remember that love is truth, and love is God, and love is the answer to everything. And every great avatar spoke truth… truth is powerful, because truth rings with a high vibration that cannot be quenched like a fire. The fire of truth burns bright no matter what happens. The fire of truth is eternal just like the eternal flame they use at the olympics… truth always burns bright. Fear is the opposite of truth, and fear creates more darkness. So it’s imperative that we speak up and bring light to the world.

Have Faith - If we look to those in power to make changes who are entrenched in their old ways… nothing is going to happen. The power resides in the God vibration that lives in the hearts and minds of every man. Man’s faith is everything! It’s important that we never give up… as Winston Churchill said: Never, Never, Never Give Up. And when the Nazi’s were bombing the UK it was a very dark time, and they got through it all, and came out the other side… and so will we.

Use Our Peaceful Power - It’s important to remember Gandhi during the dark days of India when they were trying to break free from England… those were times were terrible. But Gandhi had a plan, a plan to take the peaceful power of millions and put that power to work to change the course of mankind. It worked for Gandhi, it worked during the 60’s and the civil rights movement that was based on Gandhi’s ideas… and it will work today.

Gandhi’s ideas of peaceful loving power centered on God power is timeless, and will make a difference in the world no matter if it’s now… or a million years from now. The people have the power and always will have that power… because God, the Universe, and the One and Only is a power that is beyond imagination and lives in every heart. We have been brainwashed into thinking we don’t have power, but that’s not the truth… we are amazingly powerful.

Cooperate with One Another - If we’re stubborn and cemented into our position to the point that we are not willing to even listen to what others have to say… then nothing will change. It’s important that all people come together in a spirit of cooperation thus making everything change in a powerful way. Cooperation is the key to every aspect of life, including families, work, communities, nations, and the world. Cooperation is what God is all about about, life in all forms cooperates with one another.

The sun creates light, that light creates food in the form of plants, those plants become food for animals and mankind. A single cell in our bodies creates hormones that works in cooperation with all the rest of the hormone producing cells in the body, and thus the whole body works in cooperation with that one cell. Thus cooperation is also what God, the Universe, and the One and Only is all about… cooperation is our power. Because if we work together nothing can stop us, because we become ONE with the greatest power in the Universe.

Care About Everyone - It’s important that we care about what’s happening around the world. Whatever one person is going through in some other part of the world does impinge upon our reality. If one person is suffering, then all are suffering because we feel that suffering. In fact lately there is a feeling of anxiety in the world that everyone can feel… and anxiety comes from all the suffering that’s being ignored. Yet we have a powerful responsibility for our brothers and sisters around the world.

Our purpose in life is to go out and end suffering, and make life better for everyone. When we help another heart in which God resides we also help ourselves… thus caring about others is a God thing. And if everyone bands together with open hearts, the world see a powerful positive change happen in the wink of an eye.

Have Consideration for One Another - And when we make decisions it’s important that we consider everyone in the world. Right now most of the time nations only considers their own needs, and don’t take into account the needs of others. An open heart full of love always considers the needs of others. Thus a round table is created without sharp corners of delineation, and thus we see the good of the one, as the good of the many. And the good of the many as the good of the one. Thus all hearts are considered and taken into account… thus the world is healed.

With these six simple action principles, together with God in mind at all times, plus doing prayer and meditation… everything will change.

Many Blessings to Everyone!

Dr. Paul Haider

Author's Bio: 

Feel Free to Share this Article - Dr. Paul Haider - Spiritual Teacher and Master Herbalist for over 25 years, You can find Dr. Haider on FB under Dr. Paul Haider, Healing Herbs, Shambala Spiritual Transformation Institute, Wordpress Blog “Relax Into Success” and at feel free to contact him any time.

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