As the owner of a law firm, you might have been depending upon conventional methods of marketing your services. What is the basic concept of law firm marketing? The successful strategy of law firm marketing should be able to get new clients and also excel in the race, amidst the competitors. Online marketing for attorneys has changed a lot now. The lawyers have understood that the target audience is spending a considerable amount of his time, staying online. Whenever they are in need of a lawyer, they prefer searching in Google rather than the traditional model of going through the Yellow pages.

A huge number of the population likes their queries to be solved online and learn about various law firms via online content. The mobile devices in their hands help them in this quest. Keeping all these things in mind, we can summarize certain ways of doing legal marketing for the firms.

1. Investing in SEO and other things to make the website friendlier

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the need of the hour for all kinds of businesses in the market. SEO involves the practice of dealing with the off-site as well as the on-site components of a website, in order to make the website rank well in the search engines. The keyword terms and the phrases have to be placed accordingly so that the content on the web has the sought-after keywords that the clients are looking for in the search engines. The keywords often depend on the specialties and the location of the law firms.

When a law firm decides to invest money in building websites and working on the SEO for it, it should also keep in mind that the website should be mobile-friendly. This means that it should be optimized for smartphones. Studies reveal that a huge percentage of searches now take place with the help of tablets or smartphones rather than desktops or laptops. The website should be offering the best user experience, i.e. the entire interaction the user has with the website. The content, the layout, and the colors play a huge role in making the users feel satisfied.

2. Providing relevant content

Content is always the king on a website. Whenever relevant and interest content is published in the platforms, the readers are always filled with interest. Posting good content on the website is an exclusive and important part of content marketing. Content marketing is one of the most popular strategies to engage, attract and convert the audience into customers. The relevant content plays a huge role in demonstrating the experience and the expertise, the lawyers hold. The content can be in the form of videos, blogs, articles and infographics and night be a great source of attraction for potential clients.

3. Having a social media presence

Social media is the latest fad nowadays. They can be channelized in the best ways to guarantee a solid online presence. Social media is on everybody’s timeline now and new leads can receive the maximum awareness from them. Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Glassdoor and Indeed have changed the ways, the businesses can stay ahead of their competitors. These platforms are essential for building an effective online presence and get new leads, A good social media strategy can act as the perfect legal marketing tool to keep the firm, better connected with the friends, colleagues, and clients. These media can also be used for interacting with the existing as well as the new clients.

4. Involving in the right amount of tracking, analytics, and reporting

Just any kind of advertising strategy is not good for the reputation of the lawyers. They should have access to the accurate measurement and tracking of every advertising campaign that they are employing. Some of the key performance indicators or KPIs are leads, revenue, lead-to-sale conversion rate, leads, booking rate, etc.

5. The strategies can receive a boost with the help of Pay per Click Advertising and Email marketing also

PPC or paid search ads for lawyers are the best for the lawyers. The PPCs play a huge role in a higher ranking in the search results. The paid advertisements fill up the entire search engine. PPC remarketing also helps in creating a much-needed impact. PPC remarketing helps in showing advertisements to people who have already paid a visit to the website or who has already provided the contact number. Email marketing for lawyers is one of the best ways of legal marketing for law firms, yielding around 4, 400% return on investment.

6. Joining an online legal services network

Joining the website of a lawyer network is a very popular legal marketing method, helping them to build a client bases. This method helps in building online outreach as well as channels of communication.

7. Integrating reviews on the website

Placing anonymous reviews on the website builds much credibility for the lawyers. Personal recommendations also work for the positive marketing of law firms.

It is very clear that law firm internet marketing is neither a tough or expensive job. The firm has to just take advantage of the tools and the technology available in the market.

Author's Bio: 

Hi, I am Sophia Dicosta, an online marketer at ConroyCreativeCounsel.