Life doesn’t have to be a struggle. Life doesn’t have to be a race down the fast lane.

I know, you’ve probably heard that before, but that doesn’t negate it. By cutting here, pasting there, snipping here, you can cobble together a life that uplifts you more.

Please take a moment to close you eyes, sit comfortably with feet flat on the floor. Now take a deep breath in through your nose to a count of 3. Hold that breath only as long as it’s comfortable. Then push as much air out your mouth as you can.

How do you feel now? I would hazard a guess that you’ve slowed down a bit, that you’re more present. You may even feel some stillness within and around yourself. Take 2 more breaths and let them out in the same way. Good!

Now, take a look at the list of tasks for one day this weekend or for next Monday when you’re back at work.

If you want to do more of what you love, ask yourself: “What on the list is absolutely necessary? What’s not?” Cut the bottom third of the unnecessary, ‘must do’s’ out.

Now ask yourself: “What do I really, really long to do on this particular day?”. Maybe it’s something already on your list, perhaps not. Possibly it’s something you didn’t think you had time for. Well you do! Paste this onto your list.

The toughest part of the above action could very well be giving yourself permission to cut, snip and paste the changes into your day! The logistics are really secondary. We can create more time to do what speaks to us - even just for a half-hour or an hour. (For example a single mom can trade child-care or hire a sitter for a short period of time.)

We all know what makes us feel good and what nourishes us as women…when we take the time to check in with ourselves that is! The small changes we make today will be habit forming after a short period of time. We are laying the foundation for an enriched life.

Author's Bio: 

Ellen Besso inspires Midlife Women as they navigate the midlife maze and find joy & fullness in their lives. During our time together we will renew body, mind and spirit and dissolve beliefs that keep you from your ideal life.

My calling is to support and mentor midlife women. I am uniquely qualified to do this with 25 years as a women’s coach and counsellor and as a fellow midlife maze navigator

I invite you to contact me if you have any questions or would like to book a session

To find out more and read my articles:
800 961 1364 – N.Am.