Diabetes treatment dilemma

With so many diabetes treatments on the market which one do you choose? The task might be a daunting one. I have found that to be fro me. So I have tried a few with some successes and some failures. I have used a remedy of over 250 Chinese herbs in a bottle that worked very well. I have taken herbs and I exercise. I have meditated. All these diabetes treatments made sense to me. And I guess by trying different things I have found out what works best for me.

What I would say, having tried a few different remedies makes the most sense is to handle your diet. Your diet got you here in the first place. Your diet can help to get you out of this problem. For me this has been the most significant change ion my diabetes disease.

Why do you think I started to get better?

I listened with new ears and I have taken her advice. In only one week of eating raw fruits and raw vegetables the tingling feeling in my feet has subsided greatly. My blood sugar has hit a new low of 91.

Changing my diet has worked for me. Here is my list of beneficial things to do to help you with your diabetes disease. In my order of preference here is my short list. These are my top three. Your situation is different than mine. By doing what works for you will keep yourself on the track to better health.

1 Start eating better - Watch your fat, carbohydrate and sugar intake.
2 Exercise on a regular basis
3 Take the stress out of your life as best you can

For some people it is important to be comfortable with what they are doing. I do not know if this is the best way to go. When I first got serious about addressing this problem I did what was very comfortable for me. I took some herbs. Fenugreek and Gymnema and a blood sugar reducer. And while it worked to some degree it did not lower my blood sugar enough for me to be safe. I needed something more.

Taking your diet to a new place will help you with your diabetes disease. If learning from some of the best by makes sense to you then go grab your free e course.

Be careful what you eat. Because you have the diabetes disease it is time to be sensitive about food. If you would like to discover some good eating tips then grab your free e course.

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If you would like to learn more about diabetes diets and get other tips about treating your diabetes naturally then go grab your free e course. Go here right now www.diabetesnaturalsolutions.com