Most of us say we want to change our lives, and I think we all mean it, to varying degrees, but are we actually willing to do the work necessary to make significant, permanent change?

Everyone has hear of paradigm shifts. A paradigm shift is a complete change in thinking or belief system that allows something new to be created…something we previously thought impossible. It involves some sort of metamorphosis.

What’s necessary to really make a paradigm shift?

* We need to know what our preferred life would look like, (or at least what we no longer want).

* We need to understand that change takes time.

* We must be ready to do the work involved in change.

I’m often surprised at how vague people are sometimes when I talk to them about beginning change. Perhaps it’s because we’ve been trained to look at what’s not working, but not so much to dream about what we’d like our lives to be.

I believe that many people want a “quick fix” because we live in a culture that loves the “quick fix”. They’ve bought into the societal message that everything can happen on a timetable to order. For example, we’re supposed to move smoothly through the stages of grief when we lose someone, then get on with our lives as before. Counselling or coaching are often thought of as something that takes one or two sessions. Spirituality can even be purchased packaged as electronic meditation, the quick way to enlightenment.

We need to get really uncomfortable physically, emotionally and/or spiritually in the box we’ve been living in to embrace change passionately I believe.

Change is a process that takes time and commitment. When we working on our beliefs we are able to give up our old stories about ourselves, the ones that keep us unhappy. We shift old patterns and become a happier version of ourselves.

Are you ready to do what it takes to move forward in your life?

Author's Bio: 

As a Life Coach and Group Facilitator, Ellen Besso inspires and guides MidLife Women as they navigate the maze of midlife to find joy & fullness in their lives. Working with Ellen, renew body, mind and spirit and dissolve beliefs that keep you from your ideal life.

Ellen is uniquely qualified to fulfill her calling of helping midlife women, with 25 years as a women’s coach, counsellor, group facilitator and as a fellow midlife maze navigator.

If you yearn to:
· Clarify your midlife journey
· Move closer to your personal truth
· Connect with your body, mind & spirit
· Allow joy back into your life
· Realize your dreams

Contact Ellen with your questions, to book a session or to read her articles:
800 961 1364 – N.Am.