What is it that you believe about your life, really? The easiest way to discover your deepest beliefs is to survey the way you are living. What does your life tell you about your belief system? See, everything we think, feel and believe manifests in our actions, ways and behaviors.

If you believe that you deserve to be treated well, then poor treatment by others will be rapidly intolerable. If you believe that you deserve to be loved just as you are, then you will not feel the need to prove your worth to anyone. But if you believe yourself to be unworthy of love, success or joy….then you will find your life in a cyclic pattern of self-sabotage, abusive relationships or general unhappiness.

Right about now is when some people start thinking that this spiritual tenet just can’t be true. These nay-sayers are thinking…”but we can’t control what happens in life”. I say…that is only partly true. However we have been reeducated by countless spiritual teachers and metaphysicians that our thoughts are energy. Thus, like attracts like. It is really simple physics…the Law of Attraction applied to the spiritual realm.

The beliefs we hold deep in our minds (unconscious and subconscious) are drawing experiences to us to confirm what we believe. The Universe doesn’t judge us with right or wrong dogma. It simply seeks balance and likeness. To that end judgment is a very human experience. Dr. Wayne Dyer has a wonderful book that expands this point, entitled, “You’ll See It When You Believe It”. I highly recommend it for thought transformation on this subject.

So now that we know our deepest beliefs are compelling our life experiences, is change possible? Absolutely…if you so desire. It is possible to shift and transform your beliefs through self-discovery and oneness. I’d like to humbly offer a couple of tips to get you started:

1. Grab your journal and take an honest survey of the experiences you are having. Pay particular attention to those that seem to be recurring and/or inconsistent with what you say you want from life. Start writing whatever comes up.

2. Create an affirmation as a psychological and spiritual treatment for the areas of your life that you want to change. This affirmation should be simple, stated in the positive and, most importantly, in the now. (Examples: “I am a loving person who deserves to be loved unconditionally”; “I love and honor my body as it is”).

3. Once your affirmation is complete…say it to yourself 20 times before rising in the morning and 20 times before sleeping at night. Do this for the next 30 days straight. (Note: My suggestion is that you chose one area at a time on which to focus). Then sit back and watch the miracle of your mind unfold!

I wish you great emotional health!

Author's Bio: 

Imani Evans is Founder & President of a non-profit organization for women survivors of sexual & domestic violence, Women Healing Women, Inc. She has spent many years inspiring others to live with passion and advocating for those without a voice.

She holds a Bachelors degree in Psychology and a Masters in Counseling Psychology. Imani has been a social change agent for more than 20 years, working with several non-profit agencies throughout Atlanta, New Jersey and New York. She has successfully served a wide range of populations, including survivors of sexual violence, mentally ill clients,breast cancer survivors, seniors, people living with HIV/AIDS and families
experiencing homelessness. Her areas of organizational expertise are creative program development, staff training, and coalition building.

Evans received Special Congressional Recognition as director of a national breast and cervical cancer awareness program. he is the recipient of several community activist awards in Atlanta, GA. She has facilitated workshops and presentations across the country for such organizations as: Georgia Homes and Services for the Aging (GAHSA),Newark Day Center, Miss Teen Plus Scholarship, YWCA-National, TEDCO Lincoln House, Blue Cross & Blue Shield, National Black Women’s Health Project, MELD Program for Girls, and Dance to a Different Drum.

Imani is author of “Today is the Miracle: A 30-day guide to overcoming challenges and creating miracles” and creator of an anthology entitled,“My Heart – My History, a collection of stories from the heart”. She has been featured in Atlanta’s Creative Loafing newspaper; New Jersey Star Ledger newspaper; Clickque magazine; Atlanta’s KISS 104.1 & WRFG radio shows. Her inspirational articles have been featured online at SpiritualAtlanta.com and Preach2me.com.

Imani Evans is a dynamic speaker and performance poet who captivates audiences with passion, inspiration, and humor.