This is a quick introduction to EFT, an emotional freedom technique based upon the concept of using specific acupressure points to work on emotional issues.

Today we will focus on anxiety and stress and use 3 points that effect it, as you tap the points 7-10 times each then you will do as many rounds as you feel you need. You should feel the negative emotion melt away within a few rounds.

Before we start, think of an issue you want to work on, and on a scale of 1-10 give it an intensity (10 being highest stress).

See the chart below and locate the UE-CB-UA points to be tapped. And also read through the article before starting.

Now that you have your intensity level in your mind, what emotions do you feel related to your problem? If your working on going for an interview or to be interviewed you may feel anxious,and scared so we will use that in the example. pick one emotion per tap instead of bunching them, again, these are just suggestions, the closer you can get to the real issues the better.take it slow and tap as many times as you want.

Begin tapping on the UE point (7-? taps under the pupil on the eye socket bone) repeat this phrase:

Even though I am _________________ (scared, anxious, have an ache in my gut) about going to this Interview and I am afraid I will screw it up I know I am a good person and deserve success.

Move to the CB point (7-? taps where the clavicle bone meets the breast bone) repeat the phrase:

Even though I am _________________ (worried, anxious, have a fear I will say something stupid or forget my lines or persons name) during this Interview and I am afraid I will screw it up, I know I am a good person and deserve success.

Move to the UA point (7-? taps and the point under your arm, on your side where the bra on a woman is) and repeat the phrase:

Even though I am _________________ (full of butterflies in my gut, feeling like I am going to throw up, anxious,I can't screw this up it's too important ) this Interview is big but I am afraid I will screw it up, yet I know I am a good person and deserve success.

OK now check your intensity level on the issue, has it lowered? If not tap through a few more rounds and recheck yourself again.

This is just a quick glimpse of EFT, its not a complicated modality and it is great to use with children.

Happy Tapping!

Author's Bio: 

I am a Licensed Massage Therapist of 20+ years and I am Cerified in many Holistic Modalities but Specialise in EFT and Animal Communication.