Caring for yourself is important for a long, healthy life. This includes proper health care and medical screenings. Use these guidelines as a basis to ensure you receive proper health care.
Monthly, you need to check your body for changes that could be caused by skin cancer. You should look for any changes in moles or other marks on your skin. Especially notice if it is Asymmetric, if the Border is blurred, the Color varies, or if the Diameter is more than ¼ inch (this is the ABCD rule). If you notice any changes, you should show your doctor immediately.
You should have a colonoscopy done no later than at the age of 50. Every 5 to 10 years following the first colonoscopy, you should have another one done. However, if you have a family history of colon cancer, you should have a colonoscopy done 10 years earlier than the age when your family member was diagnosed.
Women need to self-check their breasts every month for lumps and/or changes. The best time is the week following a woman’s period. At age 35, women need to have a mammogram to establish a baseline for future mammograms. Beginning at the age of 40, women need to have mammograms yearly to screen for breast cancer.
Cervical cancer tests, Pap smears, are another important part of a woman’s health. These tests should begin either 3 years after beginning intercourse or by the age of 21, whichever comes first. Tests should be done annually to screen for cervical cancer.
For men’s health, prostate exams need to be done beginning at the age of 40. (The age was previously changed from 50.) Men need to be checked annually for prostate cancer.
It’s important to take care of yourself. In addition to exercise and a healthy diet, regular medical screenings are essential. If you have a family history, the age and frequency of screenings will be considerably different from the guidelines here. These ages and recommendations are a general guide, and should be discussed with your doctors.

Author's Bio: 

Gina Clark writes on nutrition and fitness. Visit her blog for healthy tips to improve the quality of your life.