Recently I lunched with a friend who had just made a major career change from the corporate world to residential real estate. We chatted about what the change meant to him. He gave me the logical explanation and story for his decision. I knew he had made the right decision when he said, “I knew I was going to be okay in this business when I saw myself being successful. Once I was able to do that I knew this business was for me.”

What do you see yourself doing?
I am famous for saying to sales people: Careful what you ask for; you just might get it! I truly believe that whatever you focus on and truly believe you can do will happen. It takes courage, passion and patience. But it will happen.

It is your belief and your desire. The problem and challenge—hence, why it takes courage—is that we are constantly inundated with media and advertising messages about what we should want. That is why you need a laser-like focus on what you want.

Your passion will fuel your success. Dr. Wayne Dyer and other great motivational speakers talk about “doing what you love and loving what you do!” I have a great passion for my work and I love what I am doing. When you see people who are passionate about their life you become inspired by their energy and drive. You enjoy talking with them and doing business with them.

The last part of your vision needs to be patience. You must allow time for your dreams to come true. No matter how long it takes. Many of us have been conditioned to expect instant gratification. If it doesn’t happen now then we’re not interested. The reality is that great ideas and successes don’t happen right away. They take time. You have planted a seed and it needs time, water, and nourishment to take root and grow. The water and nourishment is your passion and commitment, which allows your goal to become a reality.

What are your beliefs?
In Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill writes about what you focus on is what you become.
• What is your focus?
• What are your goals?
• Are you passionate and do you have the courage, patience and conviction to make it a reality?

Write down three things you want to happen in 2008 (or longer term goals you can start working on this year) and decide what you need to do to make them happen. Then have the courage, passion and patience to stay with it. And, as my friend says “see yourself being successful.”

I watched “What the Bleep Do We Know?” two years ago. It has become a regular part of my programming and I encourage you to rent it and really watch it. The first time you see the DVD you will say, “Yeah right!” I did. Then, go back and watch it again and see what happens. This DVD will make you think and talk about visions and what to focus on. You will push back and argue with its message and that is good, because it challenges how you see life.

What are you doing to challenge yourself this year? What old habits are you going to change?

What is your passion?

Sayers Says: What is your passion? What gives you passion? Spend some time with those two questions. Take the time to write down what you love to do. Ask the question: If I had $50 million deposited in my bank account tonight, what would I do tomorrow morning? (Clue: It has nothing to do with the money). Watch “What the Bleep Do We Know?” and allow yourself to be uncomfortable and then do something about it!

Author's Bio: 

Bill Sayers speaks, coaches, leads education sessions and provides management consulting services to a variety of companies. For the past five years Bill has run his own sales consulting practice. He has recently completed the writing of his new book – “Funnels and Forecasts – The Great Game of Sales”. He has been a professor at George Brown College teaching Personal Selling Skills to the Sports and Event Marketing Graduate Program, and is on the faculty of Canadian Professional Sales Association and Canadian Management Centre.
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