10 Methods to Help Your Child to Learn Better 

1. Provide your child with a special place to study and learn.  This place should include good lighting, a desk or table, comfortable seating, a place for books, computer, printer and writing utensils.

2. Help your child to establish a study routine.  Encourage your child to study at the same time and place with little or no interruptions from the phone, TV or people.

3. Instill responsibility by having your child become involved with chores around the house.  Include and teach your child how to accomplish household task.  This type of responsibility most often carries over to the responsibilities of completing school work.

4. Make sure that your child gets adequate nutrition and sleep.  Developing a daily routine for both these important areas is important for the child to grow physically and intellectually.

5. Spend time with your child.  Do things together.  As your child grows older, they will want to spend more time with their peers and less time with you.  Make it a point, no matter how old they are, to communicate daily.

6. Communicate with your child’s school. Attend conferences, parent nights and get involved by volunteering to help promote school activities.  Many teachers have e-mail, voicemail, parent access to classroom grades and assignments.  Many schools have a Web page that parent may utilize to help them and their child to communicate with the school better.  Use all the available communication means that the school provides.

7. Be a positive reinforcement for Education.  When your child sees that you value education, he or she will learn to value education as well.

8. Help your child to become in extra-curricular that the school provides.  Research indicates that children who become involved in school plays, sports, band, student council, clubs and other activities become more socially and emotionally well-adjusted. 

9. Encourage your child to set goals and discuss future dreams of what he or she would like to become as they mature.  Discuss the world of work, travel, friends and listen to their ideas and concerns.

10. Be a role model.  Study or read with your child.  Take your child to your work.  Allow your child to help you problem-solve.  Speak positively about your child’s school.  Remember, your child is watching you.    

Author's Bio: 

Scott Wardell is the creator author and editor of ScottCounseling.com
Scott holds a Masters Degree in school Counseling and is Past President of the Middle Level Educator's Association.