After trying so hard to quell your cravings, limiting your food intake and exercising your butt off, you naturally would like to see positive changes in your body and the weighing scale. It will definitely make you feel good knowing that your efforts and hardships are not wasted when you see ...After trying so hard to quell your cravings, limiting your food intake and exercising your butt off, you naturally would like to see positive changes in your body and the weighing scale. It will definitely make you feel good knowing that your efforts and hardships are not wasted when you see declining figures on the scale. However, a lot of dieters start to quit their regimen when the numbers on the scale don't seem to move down after a few weeks of dieting.

If you have encountered this problem, you should not worry. A lot of people experience this every once in a while during their weight loss program. Here are a few things that you can do to help you keep your body's weight loss momentum.

Don't Forget To Exercise

Although dieting alone could really make you lose a tremendous amount of fat and weight in a short period of time, it is actually not enough to keep the weight off. After a few days of starvation, which many undergo just to trim some fat, your body will be in a panic mode and your metabolism will begin to slow down to save on as many fat as possible. You see, fat is one of the body's most important energy sources. The changes and the risks linked to having a body in panic mode are particularly noticeable in women.

In order to make your weight loss program complete and long lasting, it would not hurt to add exercise in the equation. Brisk walking for 20 to 30 minutes a day will not only help you lose weight, but also make your heart healthier.

Up Your Level

It is important to note that your body also gets used to your exercise regimen. Thus, if you are doing the same things for a long period of time, your workout may no longer be appropriate for your fitness level. It is all right to start slow. But once your body has adjusted, you need to increase the intensity of your workout in order to reap the benefits. Some experts also believe that to optimize weight loss, you should reach your ideal exercise heart rate and maintain it for a few minutes while you are working out.

Pump Up The Iron

Boosting metabolism is crucial in any weight loss regimen because you want to burn calories more effectively and avoid excess storage of fat. One way to speed up a sluggish metabolism is having stronger and more toned muscles. Although exercise can help, lifting weights is still the best way to replace fat with muscles. However, you must remember that muscles weigh more than fat so while you are weight training, you might find yourself gaining instead of losing pounds.

Aside from the scales, a good way to know if you are indeed shedding pounds is by measuring your waist and dress size. If your waist has become smaller and your dress size has dropped, then you are losing the flab even if your weight level seems to be stuck.

Drink Up

In many cases, the last 10 pounds to reach your goal is really quite difficult to achieve. Sometimes, the culprit in your inability to lose weight even if you are watching your diet and exercising is fluid retention. So what do you have to do to lose that excess water?

If you said refrain from drinking fluids, then you are utterly wrong. Most of the time, healthy people are retaining water because they are dehydrated. Be sure to drink up at least 8 glasses of water or higher when you are working out. If you are retaining water because of hormonal fluctuations, it would be helpful to take supplements like Expelis to expel excess water from your body. However, if you are suffering from heart problems and other serious diseases, be sure to consult a doctor first. You can learn more about Expelis by visiting

Author's Bio: 

Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine