You know how it goes. Each spring we dive into the task of tackling our deep spring cleaning chores. Why do we do this? To renew and refresh our personal living environments. We clean up our homes, yards, garages, sheds, you name it. We take down our curtains to wash or replace them. We sort through the "stuff" that has been accumulating and dispose of those things we feel are no longer of use to us. We put away our winter things that we will not have use for, and bring out our summer items, or perhaps even acquire new items to take their place. We turn and fertilize the soil in our gardens, to encourage and enable new growth. We rid our homes of the stale air, allowing the freshness of the new season to take its place. It's all about renewal, Ahhhh, how satisfying and revitalizing this is!

This year, why not take this concept deeper? Take it to a new level. A level that will enable you to experience the renewal internally and personally. The experience of revitalizing ones heart, soul, spirit, mind and health, is an experience that is both empowering and deeply fulfilling.

Just as with our personal external environments, our internal environments can suffer immensely, from a lack of personal renewal. We accumulate internal "stuff" that can be counterproductive, damaging, self defeating and is of no use to us. We will all truly benefit and begin to thrive, once we take the initiative to sort through all of this 'stuff', and dispose of what is not of any benefit to us. We owe it to ourselves to take the time to turn our 'internal soils' and allow the new growth within us to take place.

This all sounds great, you may be thinking. But where do I start? How do I accomplish this? It all begins within you! First and foremost, you must have a true desire to make it happen. Without this, there isn't a thing in the world that will be effective, in helping you to accomplish this feat. So, begin by asking yourself these questions, carefully & truthfully considering them:

*Am I sincerely happy with my life, where I am in my life, and who I am?
*Do I have goals and dreams that are unfulfilled and which I am not progress toward?
*Do I harvest self defeating thoughts that prevent me from attaining what I really want in my life?
*Do I take care of my personal needs, or do I always take care of others, neglecting myself?
*Do I feel a strong sense of purpose in my life?

Once you have asked yourself these questions, if you find that you are not completely happy with the answers they provoked, you need to go on to carefully and honestly consider the following, and how true these statements are for you:

*I am ready to consider new ways of enhancing myself and my life.
*I am ready to sort out and dispose of the old and non useful internal "stuff" that holds me back.
*I am ready to start tending to some of my own needs.
*I am ready to start turning my "internal soils", so that I can experience new self growth.
*I believe I am worth putting forth the effort of taking positive steps to improve myself on a personal level.

How true did you find these statements to be for you? If you found them to accurately reflect how you view these considerations, you do indeed have the desire and motivation, that is necessary to begin your internal 'spring cleaning" project!

If you weren't able to affirm that you do agree with these statements, perhaps you are perfectly content with your life and who you are. Or, maybe you are not yet ready to take this step, or perhaps your internal naysayer has taken over and is doing its part to once again defeat you. If this is the case, start fighting that "i can't do this" or "I don't deserve this" voice. Allow yourself to know beyond a doubt, and no matter what that naysayer tells you, that you are indeed deserving and able to accomplish anything you choose to!

To begin your 'internal spring cleaning' process, examine some areas of your life, thoughts, feelings, dreams, goals, sense of purpose, etc...that you would like to see change in. Don't try to tackle it all at once, just identify these areas and make a list of what they are, and what changes or improvements you'd like to see in these areas.

Now, review each of these areas, and prioritize them according to importance to you. Once you have done this, address priority #1. Try to create a plan that will assist you in making the necessary adjustments in this area of your life. Star will small but positive steps, then build upon those, as you have taken each step and are comfortable with it. As you progress, you will know when it is time to challenge yourself further in this goal, or if it is time to move on to priority #2.

You may find that as you grow and progress through your first priority, the others may progress along with it, or your priorities may change altogether. This is okay! This is personal growth! You are turning those soils and cleaning out the unneeded "stuff' that has been a barrier to you for far too long.

If you find you are struggling with any aspect of this, know that you are not alone. It can be a very enriching and empowering experience to seek out guidance and support as you begin this personal transformation process. No, not therapy! But a coach or mentor. One that is genuine in their compassion and caring for others. One who's only goal is to guide and assist you in reaching your goals in a supportive, encouraging and powerful way.

However you decide to take on this process, always remember that you ARE deserving and capable of receiving and accomplishing all that you truly want to! Know that my heart is with you and that I believe in you!

Author's Bio: 

Patrece is a certified health and wellness coach, a licensed practical nurse, certified support group leader and certified "Back on Track" facilitator for bariatric patients. Her coaching website is