If you are looking for a natural and reliable weight loss supplement, Hoodia is the answer to your needs. The accurate name for this plant is Hoodia Gordonii and is thought to be the only natural plant that boasts p57 as its active ingredient. Take the pure extract as a supplement and it works like a diet pill. Although the West is just discovering hoodia, the Bushmen of the Kalahari have been eating it for a very long time.

The active molecule, named P57, has been identified and tested to prove its effectiveness. Unfortunately, you can only derive Hoodia’s appetite suppressing ability from active ingredient, found only in the fresh plant, not from powder. Currently, only hoodia gordonii is thought to contain p57. The small amount of P57 found in powdered versions of Hoodia purchased today does not produce the desired effect. Consumer Alert: Hoodia Gordonii weight loss pills scam exposed by independent investigation.

If Hoodia is going to accomplish what no other diet pill has ever done, help people to keep the weight off; dieters are going to need to look at this supplement in a different way than they have all the pills that have done before. To look at the state of obesity in America effectively you need to step aside from the examination of diet pills and weight loss supplements like Hoodia and observe the bigger picture. We need to look at why it is that we have so many supplements for dieters on the store shelves and yet just a small number of people in reality lose the weight.

Yo Yo dieting; we go from dieting to not dieting and from one diet program to another diet program. This is not a healthy way to live and unquestionably stops you from staying at your desired weight; studies have shown with "on again, off again dieting" that you gain more overall weight each time you start and stop your weight loss program.

Supplements are not a substitute for essential nutrients in foods. When considering the use of herbal supplements, consultation with a primary health care professional is advisable. Additionally, consultation with a practitioner trained in the uses of herbal/ health supplements may be beneficial, and coordination of treatment among all health care providers involved may be advantageous.

While we cannot promise that these results are typical, and while your results may vary, we believe the traditional use theory of hoodia is proving to be true as reports are coming in of success. To get more energy, change the way you look and improve your health, maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly. Only a proper diet, cardio workout and a sensible exercise/weight loss regimen are proven to burn fat, reduce weight and keep it off longer.

Author's Bio: 

NEW MEDICAL BREAKTHROUGH - No time for the gym? Don’t like the thought of surgery? Now you can LOSE WEIGHT FAST simply by chewing gum. Hoodia Gum is an advanced, cutting-edge appetite suppressant, metabolism booster, fat burner and energy enhancer all in one. Find out more about Hoodia Gum.

Paul Rodgers specializes in marketing natural health and beauty products.