Many academic and professional geniuses also lack ability to handle various social situations in life. In this article we shall explore the need and advantages of learning various social skills like Effective Communication, Assertiveness, Presentation skills etc.

You have attended meetings, marriages or even prize distribution ceremonies. You have seen many people though sitting on the stage tremble when their turn comes to deliver their speech. Even you have seen people who lack confidence to meet others in social gatherings like marriage ceremonies or receptions.
You can very easily find a large number of individuals who are extremely successful in their professional lives but tend to shy away from meeting new people, attending social functions, and initiate or carry on interpersonal communication. Social skills training helps overcome such obstacles and develop social abilities.

Following are the needs and advantages of learning social skills:-

By learning social skills it is meant that one learns to communicate effectively, adapting to various social and professional situations, Reading and interpreting the body language of others and improving one's own body language, and learning to handle adversity and rejection in a positive and constructive manner.

Failure to develop adequate social skills can lead to negative feelings like self-doubt, and low self-esteem. If you are among the many who would like to improve your ability to communicate with others in a positive manner, social skills training can provide you with valuable information and equip you with techniques that will allow you to excel in social settings and professional life both.

For example nowadays people who want to improve their ability to communicate and increase their self confidence by undergoing social skills training can be found in growing numbers. Developing and expanding your social skills is perhaps the most important thing you can do for yourself, both professionally and personally.

It is not true that smart or pushing people are born. Such positive personality traits like establishing new relationships, Public speaking can be developed by getting trained in such social skills. The most important factors in improving your social skills are flexibility, the ability to communicate effectively and understanding. Developing better social skills can help you conquer your fears of social situations, teach you the correct ways to communicate with others, helps you understand how to resolve conflict and overcome adversity.

A lack of or underdeveloped social skills can lead to isolation, loneliness, and frustration. Have courage to take the first step in improving your life and relationships with others. You can learn to speak in front of large groups without feeling anxious, start new relationships or improve your existing relationships with family and co-workers, and exhibit a positive, confident attitude.

The 2Ds:
Improving your social skills requires dedication and the desire to change your own negative behaviors. For example by dedication it is meant no one can master social skills in an overnight. For this purpose you have to join some social skills training and practice sincerely. Let us take example of Public Speaking. If you are learning public speaking you have to practice public speaking initially in front of a mirror to conquer your fear and consciousness. Once you master this techniques you might to be asked to deliver a speech just in front of your classmates and gradually you will reach to higher levels.

You can dramatically increase your ability to communicate and influence others if you learn to change your own negative behaviors and build upon the positive mental attitude. For example if you think that looking to my age or designation I can not now join a training class or workshop this is a negative attitude on your part. You will have to strongly believe that no matter what is the age or designation I need this training for my own benefit and I can do it. This will be positive attitude from your side.
Understanding, good communication, interpreting body language , and conflict resolution skills can advance your career and personal life to surprisingly higher levels.

Depending upon your needs and availability of resources social skills training can be done in groups or individually. Improving your Social skills will helps you understand the impact of lack of social skills on your life, determine the personality traits that cause you to feel uncomfortable in social settings, and give you the tools you need to become confident and comfortable in any situation.

To summarize by learning the art of negotiation you can learn to resolve conflicts and to easily carry on a conversation either individually or in group settings. If you think that you can not say no even if you want, find yourself avoiding large social gatherings or you avoid meeting new people social skills training can be very beneficial to both your private and professional lives.

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