This past weekend I was exploring the Virginia Creeper Trail in Damascus, VA. Along the drive up the curvy road to our drop-off in Whitetop, VA, the driver for our shuttle made idle chitchat about the history of the area and different places to visit. We rounded a particularly sharp curve lined with a healthy abundance of trees. The grass was a lush carpet rolled out along the hills all around us. Few houses were to be seen, but each one was quiet and nestled into the mountains, seeming as natural to the scenery as the trees were.

Our driver pulled to a stop, pointed straight ahead and questioned, “Do you see that oak tree?” We certainly did and its shades of green were turning a lovely hue of autumn red. “It does that every year,” he stated.

I will remind you at this point that it was merely the end of July. Standing out amongst hundreds of its peers in the background, this tree was showing its brilliant color too early. Or was it? Every year he said. Then he pondered out loud, “I wonder if it knows something we don’t.”

I wonder…

What are your seasons of bold opportunity?
What dreams do you have hidden?
How often do you reveal your brilliant colors?

Nobody determines if it is too early, or too late to follow a dream except you. If your heart speaks to you, if your intuition is tugging at you, then let your natural talents show through. Stand out with a stunning preview of what the new season will hold for you.

Here are two examples of people who didn’t worry about the natural order of life. Instead, they tossed the seasonal calendar out the window and followed their dreams:

Bryan Sims is the CEO and founder of brassMEDIA, Inc. He runs a successful magazine packed full of financial and lifestyle advice that is distributed to over 300,000 young adults. BRASS magazine’s tagline is: “Young Today, Rich Tomorrow.” Bryan is 23. As for his personal tagline, it goes a little something like this: “I’m a college student with a dream. And this is it.” What a dream it is! What a successful endeavor he has created. For more information, or to take a look at this incredible resource, visit:

Next, meet Karen Geiger. She runs a consulting firm called Karen Geigier & Associates, Inc. and she’s a faculty member at Queens University. Interestingly, as Karen’s youngest son heads off to college, so does she. This time it’s to obtain her Ph.D. in Leadership and Change at Antioch University. Karen heard about the fully-accredited, low-residency program for working professionals six years ago and put the thought aside because of her obligations to her children. Four months ago, the thought resurfaced and with the support of her husband and two boys, she decided to take the leap. She has now completed all of the pre-residency work. Karen trusts that this chain of events fell into place for a reason, that the money will come and she is excited to see what happens next. This was not a whim, or the next logical step for her; it started with a dream and she is making it her reality.

Now, does this mean they are of the lucky few who found their purpose outside of the typical timeframe? Does this mean they are more motivated? Are they richer, more blessed or more educated than the next person? Not in my opinion.

I think their common bond is that they saw an opportunity and took a risk. They made the choice to live in the moment and set fear aside for a brief time. They didn’t care if they were a season early or a season late. This was an opportunity to shake off their fear, stretch beyond their logical side and grow into an experience that had occupied their dreams.

I like to think the tree on that hill did know something we didn’t. I will leave you with one of my favorite quotes. It was shared with me at a time in my life when I was ready to hear it and I feel obligated to pass it on. I hope you are ready to hear it as well:

"Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us: We ask ourselves ‘who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of god. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory that is within us. It is not in some of us, it is in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

- Marianne Williamson

Let your light shine and your true colors boldly display themselves. As Marianne Williamson says…your playing small does not serve the world.

Author's Bio: 

Katie Mattson is the owner and professional coach of Momentum Coaching. By creating awareness and motivation, Katie helps individuals and small groups to have the courage to stretch their personal boundaries, face their fears and take big leaps in life. For more information, to request a complimentary sample session, or to sign up for her FREE newsletter, visit Katie also hosts a coaching blog at: