Sciatica can be helped, it can at times be helped by you and other times you need help. There are 3 things you need to know so you can understand what you can do or whether you need help.

Sciatica is often confused. It can be a serious condition or it may be an irritation that is easily corrected. How do you know?

If know the answer to three questions, then you can decide whether you can correct your sciatica yourself or you need to seek help from a structural specialist.

The questions are as follows:

1. How far does your sciatica travel?

The sciatic nerve can be irritated in the lower back, pelvis and as a result of muscular tightness in the buttock. If you have lower back pain and pain travels out to the buttock, this can still be sciatica. It is just a lesser form and easily corrected with various lower back stretches, exercises and joint techniques.

If your lower back pain travels down the leg to your foot or ankle, then obviously the sciatic nerve is irritated at a greater level. The further your sciatica travels, generally speaking, the worse the condition. In these situations professional advice and treatment is indicated.

2. What type of sciatic pain to do you have?

Pain type is indicative of severity. Most people with sciatica will experience pain, it may be a gnawing, and toothache feeling or it may throb or shoot down the leg. Others will have a numb feeling and some may experience the muscles not holding their strength.

If you look at the type of pain, you can see how serious it is. Nerves, when irritated, exhibit definite pain patterns. The outer fibers of the nerve create what is called paraesthesia – which mean altered sensation. You may experience tingling, the gnawing feeling and a sensation of numbness. The numbness is a sensation not a reality. You can check this by pinching the area or using a pin prick. If you still feel pain with these then you have paraesthesia not true numbness.

The deeper layers of the nerve then cause the sharper, definite pain. The deepest levels will cause actual numbness and loss of muscle power, strength and endurance.
If you experience symptoms of the deeper layer disturbances, then professional help is essential. The lesser pain types can be usually corrected with many self help exercises.

3. How did your sciatica happen?

If you have had a fall or injury then sciatica needs attention. Sciatica at times is caused by disc injuries and spinal conditions that relate to joint instability. These need to be assessed and treated accordingly.

Although the majority of sciatic nerve irritation comes after situations that appear completely normal. Your normal daily activity should not cause sciatica, however a build up of tension can lead to sciatic nerve problems.

If you have not had trauma, if your general health is generally okay, your sciatica will most likely respond to some simple self help techniques you can use at home. It can ease and disappear quickly… but as the saying goes –.if pain persists see your doctor

Sciatica is common and easily corrected. If you fit the criteria of caution, then be cautious and seek professional intervention. Otherwise correct your sciatica yourself with some simple and easy sciatica techniques.

Author's Bio: 

Dr Graeme Teague is an expert in the structural field, and has been in practice since 1991. His newly launched web site The Back Pain Advisor - - strives to give you valuable and expert advice, tips and information on your back pain isues.

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