When you're stuck, you are like a black hole. You feel like you have no energy. In fact, you're holding a lot of energy, but it stays trapped inside.

So how do you find within yourself the resources you need to unleash this energy, get unstuck, move on with your life, and grow? You notice, I’m saying: “within yourself”. Because you will only achieve deep, lasting change when you are personally involved in the process of change. A coach, counselor, or therapist cannot give you a deep, lasting change - what they can do is create the space in which you can make it happen.

So, back to feeling stuck.
If I asked you what “feeling stuck” is, you’d probably say it’s a psychological issue. Meaning: something that has to do with the mind. Meaning: the way to deal with it is to think very hard about it, until you find a solution.

Well, you could spin wheels for a long time doing that. You could actually feel more and more stuck. With no end in sight.

So I will suggest something. When we deal with psychological issues, it helps to bring our conscious attention to the whole mind-body system - not just our mind. Body, Mind and Spirit are convenient terms used to delineate different aspects of the human system. Whatever touches one aspect affects them all.

What happens at the body level influences the mind.
What happens with the mind helps mold the body.

Just think about it. We all carry in our body the emotional baggage of a lifetime.

From early childhood on, you have been dealing with emotions that were too difficult to express: Tremendous fears -- who is more powerless than a little child? Pain. Anger. Yearning to be loved… You couldn't express these feelings, but they didn't just go away. Your muscles functioned as shock absorbers, so to speak. Little by little, what you couldn't process with your mind sculpted your muscles, your posture, your body language. Over the course of your life, this has become a body armor that is so familiar, you can't conceive of a different way of being. And yet, you suffocate inside. This armor is preventing you from fully experiencing pleasure and fulfillment.

You’re feeling stuck. Isn't it time you reconnected with the true you?

The solution is to let your body speak your mind. Expressing your problems doesn’t mean yakking on and on. In fact, when you’re just yakking, you’re blocking yourself from feeling the deep emotions.

Expressing literally means letting out, releasing. This happens when let your body move, your voice scream, your tears flow… Instead of just talking about your problems, you have a direct experience of them, an empowering experience. This helps you tap into your emotional intelligence - the deeper inner resources that go beyond words.

Try it on your own. Try it in the privacy of your bedroom: beat up on pillows and scream your frustrations out. Or try screaming in your car, on the highway, with your windows closed… Experiment with other ways to let your body speak your mind. And start to feel unstuck.

Author's Bio: 

Serge Prengel is a life coach in New York City. He has a proactive approach to personal, work and relationships issues. See website: Proactive-Coach.