As we age, we do so many things to attempt to get and stay healthy or try to maintain feeling well. We spend thousands of dollars on vitamins, herbal supplements and exercise equipment to be sure we live a long and healthy life, right? Well, what about another type of preventative medicine… to work on your body, mind and spirit as a whole… Reiki.

The human body is one of the most fascinating mechanisms there is. The body actually knows exactly what it needs to heal itself. We unfortunately do not give ourselves the time and space we need, the appropriate down time, which our bodies require to recoup from simple day to day stresses. We see a lot of people having heart attacks, suffering from anxiety, feeling depressed etc. If we took the time to honor ourselves, our bodies would then, in turn, thrive.

With Reiki, instead of looking for that quick fix in today's fast paced society, we give the body the space it needs to heal. We start by bringing the body back into balance. There are so many factors today, which throw the system off balance: stress, fatigue, depression, the list goes on and on – you know what they are and of course some are more stressful to you than others, it depends on your personality. Some of us have an easier time with emotional stresses, others - work stresses are easier, others - financial stresses. We are all different.

Reiki works from the inside out, trying to get at the root of the issues, working with the body's own natural rhythm, to bring you back into balance to promote optimum health. You wouldn't build a house on a shaky foundation, right? Well, neither should you build yourself on a less than perfect foundation. Granted, each body is different, but each body also knows where it should be for optimum health. We look at the body having small imbalances on a day to day basis… the body not being “at-ease”. If the body stays in this state for any length of time then the risk of actual “dis-ease” could set in. But, if we could catch the imbalance before it really settles in and makes itself at home, we can hold disease at bay, and who doesn't think that is a good idea?

A Reiki session will give you health benefits naturally… assisting your own natural healing ability within your own body, for optimum health and wellness. It truly restores balance to your body, mind and spirit.

Article written by Mary-Anne DiBlasio – Reiki Master/Teacher – Western Mass Wellness, llc.
West Springfield, MA 01089 – – 413.250.0455

Author's Bio: 

CEO, Reiki Master/Teacher, Chakra Balancing Instructor, Crystal Healing Therapy Instructor, Custom Healing Jewelry Designer, Reality Coach, EFT Practitioner, Authorized Natures Inventory Distributor, Authorized Northern Edge Distributor, Member Western Mass Eldercare Professionals Association, Mentor - ACCGS - Women's Partnership.

Mary-Anne has retired from the regular 9-5 to dedicate her full time efforts towards her passion,
her Wellness Center started back in 1999. A Sales & Marketing Professional by trade, she has
served many communities, from manufacturing to the medical field. She started her spiritual
journey in her late 20’s and it has truly blossomed from there. She was diagnosed with severe
endometriosis, explored alternative options for healing, and the rest, as they say, is history. She
knew at that time her life would be dedicated to helping others. Showing others what she had
been shown. Letting them know, there are more natural options for healing.