Leading in business with a "Spiritual Intent"

As this month draws to a close and the second half of this year kicks off during the heat of summer, I reflect, re-focus and re-energize myself. This has been a time of working harder, smarter and more creatively. The challenging and difficult economy has reared itself in so many ways and impacted so may levels of our personal and professional lives. Everywhere you look people are making changes, adapting, and trying to figure out ways to conserve and keep afloat. Businesses big and small are rethinking, retooling and reorganizing. In many ways, I see people gathering, bonding and relying more on each other for guidance and strength. New partnerships, collaborations and relationships are forming and springing up, where we are share ideas, resources and assets. These are surely times that will separate those who will be "survivors or casualties". We need to know we are not alone and that we are going through difficulty together. There is great strength now in that idea.

As I set my priorities and goals for the remainder of this year, I review, evaluate and take inventory. How do I keep growing and evolving? How do I keep "serving"? Those questions are answered by what others need and what the universe reveals to me daily. I work on being present and paying attention to all the opportunities and messages each day. Here are some principles I will focus on, as I continue to do business and live with a "spiritual intent".

Positive Energy
Support System

The answers are all in today, now. I am planning for the second half, by being in and living in each day with these principles. The path keeps meandering, but never to far from where I know it is supposed to continue.

I am trusting my guts and instincts. They have led me well so far. The universe is active and keeps presenting the answers and signs. Proceed forward to the second half, one day at a time, leading with a spiritual intent.

Author's Bio: 

About Deborah Shane:
The model for TWS comes from Deborah’s collective experience in entertainment, teaching, sales and mentoring. She was an entertainer, taught junior and senior high school, and spent 22 years in broadcast media (radio) sales and management in corporate America with Cox Radio and Clear Channel. In 1994, she began training and mentoring sales professionals both in the Continuing/Adult Education school system and in broadcast media. She has designed and developed several original sales and professional development curricula.