How dare you ever say such things as:

"With my luck . . ."

"If it wasn't for bad luck I wouldn't have any luck at all."

"I never win anything."

You are lucky! You are a winner! You've already hit the jackpot in the greatest lottery of all.

What's more, I can prove it.

Before I do that, however, let's get something clear. If you did get lucky and win the lottery, don't you agree that your life would still have problems? Of course. Don't misunderstand -- the problems of wealth are much better than the problems of poverty.

So you would have problems and you could handle them, right? I mean, choosing the proper tax accountant is a problem you'd have to put some effort into. Yet it beats the problem of looking for a job when you're close to bankruptcy.

If you are experiencing a lot of financial problems, I know you know you could handle the problems of wealth.

So, just why do I claim I can prove that each and every person reading this article is luckier than even the one man who has won TWO lotto jackpots?


Almost all women produce a fertile ovum about once every four weeks for about 30 or so years of their lives, except for pregnancies and major illnesses etc.

Let's say 30 years to keep the numbers simple and rounded. 30 X 12 equals approximately 360 ovum per woman in her lifetime.

Men produce millions of sperm. Nobody really knows what a "normal" sperm count is. It's currently a subject of controversy, because some studies suggest it is going down. However, a low figure is 20 million per milliliter (and don't ask me how many milliliters are in one ejaculation).

All of these numbers of course vary from person to person and from time to time.

Let's say men produce on average 20 million spermazoa a day from teens to sixties, 50 years.

50 X 365 X 20 million = 3,650 million sperm in a lifetime.

My point so far is, in their lifetime, every fertile adult produces 1/2 of LOTS of potential people.

Every separate combination of sperm and ovum is a genetically separate person, or else all sisters and brothers would be twins.

When you consider twins, triplets etc, you get many more potential people, but let's keep this simple.

There are currently about 6 billion people alive on this planet. Let's say that 2 billion are children and elderly. There're approximately 4 billion adults producing sperm and ovum.

Every fertile woman could have sex with every fertile man and conceive a baby.

Multiply the about 2 billion men by the about 2 billion women by the 3650 million sperm by the 360 ovum.

That means that the total POSSIBLE genetic human beings that people alive today could produce if they wanted to, are a number so high it's mind-boggling.

The one out of 75 million odds of winning the PowerBall are a sure thing in comparison.

And that's just the people alive today. Many billions of people are now dead or the elderly we took out of the equation.

If we had a time machine, we could take any fertile man who ever lived to have sex with any fertile woman who ever lived and produce children.

OK, we could never compute these odds exactly because we'll never know the exact number of people who have ever lived or the exact number of ovum or sperm they produced in their lifetimes or the exact number of children they could have in total together.

Yet the total is obviously staggering. The numbers of potential human beings who could have lived is more than astronomical.

Yes, billions of human beings have lived and died and 6 billion are alive now and that's a lot of people, yet compared to the number of POSSIBLE people, it's a TINY drop in the ocean.

You are one of those lucky people.

So am I.

Let's be thankful. The moment your father's sperm fertilized your mother's ovum, you won a jackpot against odds too huge to grasp.

What would the trillion trillions of potential people who never made it even that far give to know even a few short hours of life?

If those gazillion billions of potential people who will never know even a second of existence could talk, do you think they would tell you that they'd gladly take on the problems of living life?

Just as you'd gladly take on the problems of being a millionaire?

I think they'd all agree that the problems of life are a fair trade for the pleasures we are allowed to experience.

Just as I think you'd agree that the problems of owning wealth are a fair trade for freedom and luxuries you could buy with it.

You now appreciate that you are a lot luckier than you used to feel, don't you?

Author's Bio: 

Richard Stooker recently launched the ezine and web site for The Millionaire Within You. You're invited to visit:

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