Be a role model for your child. During stressful times, demonstrate calm controller emotions. Be honest about how you feel, but stay calm and become solution oriented.

Listen to your child. Try not to be judgmental, but reassuring.

Encourage your child to ask questions, problem-solve and share solutions for the stress.

Let your child know that stress, fear and the other feelings that he or she is going through are not unusual for many people.

Be positive. Do not overreact; especially when your child overreacts.

Become familiar with situations that becomes stressful for your child. Discuss these situations in advance. Try not to minimize the situation, but become proactive in helping you child by listening and develop solutions.

Use positive encouragement instead of punishment.

Allow your child to participate in physical activities, listen to upbeat music or become involved in clubs and organization JUST FOR FUN!

Allow your child to make choices that are confident builders. This may come after your child fails at something. As a parent, it’s your job to provide new options and choices. The options that you provide lead to a higher level of success. Be careful not to take away decision-making opportunities.

Above all, tell your child that you love him or her. Providing a safe, consistent home environment often reduces stress.


Author's Bio: 

Scott Wardell is the SelfGrowth Official Guide to Child Development. He’s the creator and author of Scott has twenty-eight years in education and counseling experience. Visit to review hundreds of free parenting articles and receive online counseling services.

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