Emotional Freedom Technique is non-invasive and is based on ancient Chinese Acupunture and Meridian points. By tapping on certain points on our upper body, we release the negative emotions & blocks we hold in our body. This modality is growing in popularity as it is an effective way of dealing with unpleasant situations by directly dealing with the emotion.

EFT can be used on anyone no matter what age. My youngest client was 6 and my oldest was 73. It can also be used on babies and sick people by adjusting the pressure we use while tapping.

When I have a new client I get a brief history and then concentrate mainly on the sitation that has brought them to me. Unlike other 'talk' therapy sessions, we start tapping almost immediately. I always tap along with my client to make sure they are doing it correctly. A session could take between 60 - 80 minutes.

At the end of a session most clients say they feel 'lighter' and that is because they have dealt with some major situations that they may have been carrying for many years.

It depends how long clients have had a problem as to how many times I need to see them. For phobias, only one session is necessary. Sometimes the situation may take a client back to their childhood to find the core issue. Once that has been identified it makes the whole process easier to find any possible patterns or learnt behaviour to be permanently tapped away.

I give written instructions on how to tap and what to say to each client. I also encourage them to get into the routine of daily tapping. I beleive that if we all tap at night we can clear away any negative situation or emotion that may have developed during the day. That leaves us clear minded, relaxed and fresh for the next day. Also with daily tapping a client can remember to go into the sequence when confronted by something or someone who causes them distress instead of holding onto it as they may have done before learning EFT. It then becomes an automatic response.

What I love about EFT is the fact that it is empowering for my clients. It is a modality that is not dependant on seeing a therapist or counsellor.

Author's Bio: 

In my search for greater enlightenmet and improved health I discovered several disciplines that are effective, empowering and life-lasting. This led me to study and appreciate: Metaphysics, Energy Balancing, Psychic Healing, Thought Field Therapy, Emotional Freedom Technique and the use of Lasers with both emotions and allergies as well as many other assiciated healing methods. I have been self employed for over 5 years now and love working with people who have issues around anxiety, stress, grief, to people who have weight issues.

My journey is only complete when shared. I love sharing and helping people to reach their full potential.