The secret revealed,
“A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts.” James Allen said in As A Man Thinketh.
And that is the essence of the “secret of life”.
How does it works? What makes it work?
This substance, force, or power is very likely a part, a very small part, of a larger enigma, inscrutable as it ever was.
Why is this business of Law of Attraction so popular now? Many of my friends ask me.
For millennia the greatest and the most ordinary minds have been looking for the "secret of life."
And specially now, that our planet is going through a great upheaval people are frantically trying to interpret this “secret”. Negative forces have been building up from every corner of earth and it is spreading like a wild fire. But the Creator has given men the ability to fight passively and change that force into a positive energy, which we often ignore. Weather you like it or not, we are all involved in that process and our actions and reactions are very much a part of that development.
That is the Law of Attraction at work. And you can start on that positive journey by simply wishing to be happy.
That simple.
Your thoughts are like a prayer. And since your mind never stops thinking, you are constantly sending messages in a form of magnetic energy into the world.
When you are sleeping your subconscious takes over and the process never stops.
The power of your mind and that energy creates your life.
My goal is not to convert you into any religious concept, but to show you a different path and way to connect with this force.
It is not just being alive that makes life worth living, but the depth and sense you bring to your life.
Your thoughts and dreams will provide for you a rich, meaningful and abundant life.
You alone can make these changes, but it must be your own choice, made by your own free will.
You ask yourself where do you fit in with all of these quotations that are thrown at you from left and right?
Simply because you are a gold mine.
And only you can harvest that gold.
Do you know that?
How do you break out of this virtual prison?
Almost all of the self-improvement authors have the same subject in common: success.
And you are the core of the eternal problem, but you are also the solution.
How can you get the same benefits all these people have had in their lives?
In all their incredible wisdom, their views, examples and quotations seem so single-minded and unilateral to a plain, average human being like most of us.
But for each and every human being, the approach, expectations, motivations and beliefs are very different from those who have already acquired the success, wealth, and acclaim they dreamed of.
There are several hundreds, if not thousands, of books on the market now which teach you how to get rich in a few quick steps.
Is it possible? Of course it is.
There is no limit to what a willing, strong, determined, focused and well-centered mind can do.
But before you start on the road to quick riches, I suggest you assert your goals and motivation.
Napoleon Hill hit the nail right on the head when he said, “a goal is a dream with a deadline.”
You should make an intimate analysis and sincerely answer to yourself:
-do you have the focus,
-the motivation,
-the beliefs,
-the inner convictions to positively direct your thoughts?

If you are under medical supervision or taking anti-depressant medication, consult your doctor and ask his opinion about doing more relaxation exercises and limiting your medications.
It is important that you consider your state of health at the moment, which will influence your behavior, moods and beliefs.
“You deserve to be happy, you deserve to receive all the love you can get.”
Does this affirmation stir something inside your head?
In accepting and understanding this affirmation, you start to establish a strong and loving relationship with yourself.
You can only love someone if you know how to love yourself first.
Your self-esteem will soar and you will be able to rise above any personal difficulties you may have been encountering in the past.
It seems like nothing, but this positive approach to your personal relationship with yourself will improve not only your chances of happiness and success but also your health. You have conditioned yourself to think that what you believed is the only and proper way of being.
Well, think outside the box, by looking inside yourself.
My intention here is only to open your mind and heighten your consciousness, allowing you to understand and accept this power.
If you don’t see it, understand or accept it, there is no book or manual that can help you.
When this concept finally makes sense and stirs you, then you will know that your mind is ready for a spiritual leap.
Again I will quote my favorite author, James Allen from As A Man Thinketh.
“Man do not attract that which they want, but that which they are.”
And he continues, “His wishes and prayers are only gratified and answered when they harmonize with his thoughts and actions.”
Creating a positive energy field will automatically de-center you from rigid everyday beliefs, and will propel you towards a richer and more meaningful identity.
What you show outwardly is what you are inside. And you want to be happy, you want to be successful, you want to be wealthy!
There is nothing religious about it, and no religion that is good for you should tell you that you cannot have it all.
A good start is my little exercise from Dream Your Life Positively. Repeat these as a prayer every day, every hour, for thirty days; but I hope you will do it for the rest of your life:
- I deserve to be happy and successful.
- I am now ready to receive more love, support and wealth from the vast supply of the universe.
As you say these statements, feel them; imagine yourself vibrant, energetic, healthy. See yourself with a big smile on your face, being admired by your coworkers, friends. Revel in this experience, and when you repeat this prayer, bring in all these emotions with it. You will immediately see the difference in your outlook on life and yourself.
You are sending out positive magnetic energy that will circulate, gather around other positive energies of happiness, health and success that are looking for a vehicle to attach themselves to, and they will come straight back to you multiplied multifold. This simple positive affirmations exercise will open the gates to unimaginable roads. The direction to take is entirely up to you.
And that is only the beginning.
Have a great journey.

Ton Pascal

Author's Bio: 

Ton Pascal is a self thought , self help advocate and author. His Dream Your Life Positively is a beautiful guide to visualization and meditation. He believes that the times we are facing in our world require a more spiritual approach to our everyday lives.