It’s two in the morning and you’ve just turned off the horror movie you’ve watched for the last two hours. It wasn’t great, but you just couldn’t seem to stop watching it. You’re exhausted and can hardly keep your eyes open as you head towards your bedroom. For some reason you feel tense as you walk up those stairs and you just can’t help thinking, what if there’s someone around the next corner, waiting to “get you”. As you continue to walk, it gets worse; now you hear a noise. You ask yourself, “did I really hear that or is it just because I’m tense over that stupid movie?” You keep walking along, and now you hear another noise that definitely sounds like it’s coming from the roof. You ask yourself, “Could I really be hearing this stuff? It’s got to be the movie, right?” Now you’re nervous and doubting yourself and you really don’t know what to do next.

Well, let me break something to you. If you heard noises—you heard them. When we’re tense we are more in tune to whatever is happening around us. It’s a physical reaction that nature instills in all of us--to help us survive. We become hyper-aware. We hear and see things much more clearly.

Regarding the example above though, you may have heard those same noises before, however, at that time, thought nothing of it, not perceiving it as a threat and unconsciously skipping right over it.

Below are some tips to help you to deal with noises at night

• Know this: At night there may be no television or radio noise, little or no automobile traffic sounds, no sounds from lawnmowers or children playing outside, just silence.
When there’s silence, every little sound can be heard, such as the natural creaky sounds of a house that may be settling or reacting to the weather, to the sounds of the wind, or animals that may be near to—or actually on your home. As a policeman, I answered more calls than I can remember of people hearing noises in or around their homes at night. By far, the vast majority of those calls were caused by easily explained non-threatening phenomenon such as the ones mentioned above.

• When you are hypersensitive because of a scary movie you’ve watched or a crime report you may have heard about (happening in another area) remember this tip: TELL yourself you will be CALM and you will assess the particulars of the sounds you hear. The key to handling any catastrophe, stress or danger is to keep calm. Yes, you too, can keep yourself calm; calm enough, no matter whom you are, to look at things as they really are, while they are occurring. AFFIRM that you will be calm and see things as they actually are. Do not sway from that affirmation.

• Always keep your doors and windows locked no matter where you live.• If you hear noises outside, turn outside lights on. Criminals and animals do not like light, and most likely, if there’s something out there, they will leave.

• If common sense or calm assessing of noises shows you there’s the possibility of danger, call the police.

Most nighttime noises simply are nothing to be concerned with. However, there are the very serious sounds that can be caused by criminals. That’s why it’s the best course of action to remind yourself that you can handle anything that comes your way--when utilizing calm judgment.

Author's Bio: 

Steve Kovacs is the author of Protect Yourself: The Simple Keys Women Need to be Safe and Secure. He is the host of the Internet radio talk show 'The Kovacs Perspective" which deals with how to avoid crime, natural and man-made disasters and how to achieve self-reliance and success in your life.
Steve's a former police supervisor and Police Regional Training Coordinator in the State of Ohio.
He has been involved in the Martial Arts since the age of eight and was inducted into the World Martial Arts Hall of Fame and The International Karate and Kickboxing Hall of Fame. Steve is a former General Manager for a National investigative and security company and has also taught women, men and children unarmed self-defense and police officers various forms of self-protection.
On a part-time basis Steve teaches Private Security, Investigation and Criminal Justice at the college level. He is a Certified Security Supervisor (CSS) and is certified in Homeland Security (CHS).
Steve is the President of All-Source Security Services L.L.C. a personal protection and specialty investigative agency in Ohio. Steve writes on topics of safety and security, does select seminars and has been featured on radio and magazines across the country. For more information or to contact Steve anytime visit: