Disempowering feelings. Do you have them?

If so, why not *scramble* them so they can't affect you anymore? Of course, if you find that you did want them at a later date, you can UNscramble them!

Here’s how to scramble them:

See the scenario of you reacting with those disempowering feelings, where you feel useless, stupid, ugly or whatever. See it as a movie.

TIP: Be sure to disassociate yourself and not feel any feelings. It’s just a movie, after all, and you are just watching it.

Run the movie, clear to the end. Watch as you say things you wished you hadn’t, do things you wished you hadn’t, feel things you wished you hadn’t.

When it is over, run the movie again. This time visualize everyone stretched tall, really tall and stretched like taffy, with ears flapping, tongue rolling down, and their eyes bugging out on springs. Be outrageous!

Now, every time they talk, their body stretches sideways, so they look like they are wider than they are tall. When they aren’t talking, make sure they look 10 feet tall until they open their mouth. Have different people alternately talking, so that at any given time, some are tall and some are bumping into others, they are so wide. This is making you laugh hysterically.

*** TIP: We are not laughing at them. We are laughing at the situation. If we laugh at people, that doesn’t help future experiences with them.

Now, run it again, this time when someone speaks they are tall and when there is silence they are all wide. Do whatever you can to make it funnier and funnier. Fast forward the sound track. Exaggerate everything you can exaggerate -- and enjoy yourself.

Now, run that movie in fast motion.

Now, run it in slow motion backwards.

Repeat all of the above fully 6 times.


OK, now, think of that situation that was bothering you. How do you feel now? It should be impossible to get back those disempowering feelings, because now when you think of the situation, you laugh. You are no longer disempowered, and you don’t have that bad memory.

Congratulations. You have taken control of your thoughts.

Why does this work? Because your brain reacts to what you see in your mind. If you *see* something differently, your brain will feel differently, react differently. If you don’t, your brain will keep bringing up the old picture -- and the old feelings. It will continue to do that until YOU take control and change it.

So why not go ahead and change it now? Good luck!

Thanks for reading! Jan

Here is another article you might like. *Are You Vulnerable?*

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Copyright 2002, Jan Tincher, All Rights Reserved Worldwide
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