Back pain affects over 80% of the adult population. It is the cause of numerous days of work and time away from activity you enjoy. Back pain is rife in th community yet the biggest cause of your back pain is the most misunderstood issue.

Most of you would list muscle spasm as the biggest cause – but you would be wrong.

Others may believe it is joint stiffness, inflammation, or muscle weakness that is the biggest causes of back pain.

All of these are the mechanisms that create your back pain, they are not the cause of it. Causes may include injuries, falls, over use and over exertion. However these are also not the biggest causes of back pain.

So by now you may be wondering… what is the biggest cause of back pain?

The answer is all around you, it is gravity.

Yes, gravity is the biggest cause of back pain. It puts your muscles under pressure. It allows your discs to compress with time. It is also the biggest cause of spinal degeneration and joint degeneration.

So why is gravity the biggest cause of back pain?

From the moment you wake up, you either sit or stand during the day – unless you are a child or teenager. Children are actually smarter than adults – they don’t try to fight gravity. They lie down more.

As you are upright, gravity stresses your body. You need to use muscles to hold your self erect. These muscles tire and then joints fail to move freely. This then allows the muscles to tighten further until muscle spasms etc occur.

Your posture at work, the time you spend at your desk, the bending and twisting you do – are all fighting against gravity. And gravity wins!

Gravity allows you to continually hold onto tension in your body. Your structural system tires out. At it tires then the normal day to day activity becomes more stressful. This in turn allows the minor falls, irritations, bumps and scrapes to cause back pain.

Gravity is the biggest cause of back pain. You can also help to fight it.

The solutions to gravity back pain are simple!

You need to lie down more, take a load off your spine and rest. Change your posture at work regularly. Get and get moving to remove strain from one position. But most of all you need to lie down more.

This may be hard to do at work. Bt you can fit it into your lunch breaks. Have a few minutes or more lying down. IT helps to stop the tension building up, it also helps to build up energy stores, freshens the mind and relaxes you.

When you get home live by the motto – if you don’t have to sit or stand… don’t!

Lie down on the couch, floor or bed to listen to music, read a book or watch TV. On the weekend spend time outside lying down on the grass or wherever. Each minute you spend lying down is time not fighting gravity. You start to balance out the time fighting versus not fighting gravity.

If you can achieve a balance where you spend less time fighting gravity than fighting it – you are winning. Gravity will not cause your joints to degenerate, muscles will not tire out, your discs will not compress.

All from lying down more.

Back pain is common today. Gravity is the biggest cause of back pain and is something you need to address. It can be done simply by creating more and lying down. Then your back pain should ease and be less of a problem.

Author's Bio: 

Dr Graeme Teague is an expert in the structural field, and has been in practice since 1991. His newly launched web

site The Back Pain Advisor - - strives to give you valuable and expert advice, tips

and information on your back pain isues.

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