I was at the post office the other day, having struggled to get there on time – they close promptly at 5:15. The doors were shut but not locked. A man in full bicycle regalia opened the door and stepped into the post office lobby after 5:15. I wondered what they would say to him. At that moment a teller said, “I am sorry Sir, we are closed.”

The man, upset, took off his helmet, wiped his eyes saying, “Oh, great… just great… you really made my day!” in a loud, mocking tone. Disgusted, he groaned and turned around.
After everyone stopped and watched that small show we all went back to what we were doing. I finished my transaction and walked out the door. The man was still there, stomping around in his bicycle cleats. Finally he put his helmet back on, and said out loud, “Well, I guess I’ll just come back tomorrow!” Then he muttered a little lower, “Come back tomorrow… story of my life, come back tomorrow.”

I pictured a darkened theater… up on the screen a movie begins, the title screen popping up: Biography of Joe the Cyclist, “Come Back Tomorrow.”

What the story of your life? I sure hope it’s not “come back tomorrow” or some other sad, somewhat pathetic catch phrase. But think about, if you could make a movie of your life, what would you call it? We challenge you to come up with a few titles. What are the themes in your life? The good news is you don’t depend on some writer to pick your title – or your life; you make it all on your own!

We hope you make the title empowering; something with courage or persistence, love or peace… don’t let your story be one like, “Come back tomorrow.” Your life is too precious and too short to be walking around with that showing on your internal movie screen!

Author's Bio: 

Andrea grew up in Orange County California and had many dreams, including (but not limited to) writing screenplays, books, and pursuing her interest in becoming a forensic criminologist.
After deciding that crime fighting wasn’t in her future, Andrea quickly moved through the ranks at LensCrafters and at the age of 24, became the youngest manager to run a $3 million plus volume location in the 800-store chain. Her stay also included a stint in the training department where she “got the bug” to teach and develop others. Andrea also served two years as the Training Director for Centinela Pet Supplies based in Los Angeles.

In 1998 Andrea launched a speaking and training business with partner Richard Fenton; Andrea heading up sales and marketing, and assisting with program design and delivery. She has co-authored four books including "Go for No!" and has written hundreds of articles on sales, motiavtion, leadership and personal development. In 2007 Andrea co-founded Courage Crafters, Inc. a company dedicated to helping individuals and organizations achieve courageous breakthrough performance. She continues to create products that will teach and inspire people to use their personal courage to get what they want from life.